posted by SportsAndLadyWhy is everyone in Ohio so anti-mask?
Just the type of people..but I believe it’s most everywhere.
Just here in my parts Athens is the mask wearing claimed champs....but I was in their Lowe’s last week and I’m guessing 40% of customers were wearing. I was also in Chillicothe Lowe’s the next day and I’d guess 20-25% of customers were masked. I go to the store here in Jackson and it’s 50-60% I’d guess, church about 75% at mine.....go I a mini mart I’d guess under 50%.
My FB has 10 screamers that only post about them and 5-8 that scream about their rights blah blah blah.
People that I’ve in rural parts tend to be from those rural parts and are set in their ways....also not around many people compared to a city. I think some are shit full of the people not in the know telling them what to do and they haven’t seen the virus have much activity in there parts....out of sight out of mind maybe.