
On Jul 26, 2024:

QuakerOats replied to "Political memes only II" at 05:07 pm

democrats lifelong stooge outlived usefulness biden car

On Jul 25, 2024:

QuakerOats repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 05:38 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I've said for 3+ years Biden is too old to be President. My disagreement has been a technical one. 

It is one thing to say he is too old. I mean as in his body and or mind start to fail.  It is another to say for a FACT he has dementia. That is where I pointed out unless you are a doctor, you do not know for a fact that he has dementia. 

You are equating that decline to dementia and I am not. That is our difference. 

I thought Biden was old in 2020, but he went really downhill in his speaking abilities and movement the last year. 

I do think Biden is too old and too frail to be President beyond 2025. I do not think he has dementia as I do not have any scientific or medical evidence. Neither does anyone else on this board. 

I do think now it is a good actual question to debate or ask if the President can make it to January. 

I'd be in favor of him stepping down as President currently. 

I consider the matter closed now, and let's move on. 

Has his cognitive decline been the problem, or just his "age". You keep trying to just use age when no one gives a crap about his age. They just want someone physically and mentally capable of doing the job. I've met 90 year olds that could handle it, I've met 40 year olds that can't.

No one cares about age.

Is he mentally capable, yes or no. You keep trying to use age to not admit to totally screwing up the mental faculty discussion over the last 3 years. 

Just admit you were wrong, not that difficult.

QuakerOats repped a post in "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 05:37 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Oh, I took a screenie while watching the footage during today's hearing. It's not the vid itself. I will see if I can find a shortened version (instead of a vid of the whole hearing).

Edit to add:

So I didn't see a specific clip, but this is the full vid. Skip to 1hr53min


Thanks, the more information that comes out just keeps leaving two options, absolute gross negligence that people need to go to jail for, or an inside job somehow that people need to go to jail for. 

On Jul 23, 2024:

QuakerOats repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:23 pm
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

This is pretty much the exact thing I hear from every right winger AND every left winger in my life.  Both think the other is evil incarnate with many, many examples.  Alone, I disagree.  Together, I couldn’t agree more.

Putting aside for a moment all the social media influencers and focussing on politicians - the people who have political power - hands down, the Dems own the violent rhetoric. From people In Congress telling their constituents to hunt down, confront and fight any opposition, to Hillary Clinton calling half the country deplorable, to Joe Biden calling Trump voters "MAGAts" , to almost every Dem in Congress and Senate calling Trump a fascist and/or Hitler, to vice president Harris parroting all of the above, to the same people saying that Trump was a threat to democracy. This has been going on for 8 years. All of it is verifiable.

You are a fraud.

QuakerOats replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 10:14 am
posted by Heretic

So, you went from "IT'S ELDER ABUSE!!!" to demanding he stay in because it's cheating if he doesn't. Good to know.

It has been elder abuse, and I'm not demanding he stay in the race whatsoever.  His family and handlers should have said he is no longer up for the job at least a year ago and the DeMoCraTic process could have then played out.  Instead they covered up his deficiencies to try to drag him over the line again, and that finally blew up in their faces after the debate.  Soon after they saw the horrible poll numbers, and immediately turned on him and forced him out so they could hand pick the candidate, discarding millions of votes, circumventing the will of their voters, and trampling democracy. 

The irony and the hypocrisy are immeasurable. 

On Jul 22, 2024:

QuakerOats replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 06:41 pm

The people who told you Trump was a threat democracy are once again trampling on democracy as they pick and choose who will rule.

Beyond belief what is occurring. 

QuakerOats repped a post in "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 06:38 pm
posted by gut

So the Dems and their media lied about Joe for years, and blocked/attacked anyone who dared oppose him in the primaries.

Now after it's clear he couldn't beat Trump Dems be all like "look how Democratic we are!"

How many times is Hunter going to call saying "dad, DON'T forget to pardon me before you leave"?

For 3+ years you couldn’t point out his failing faculties because we weren’t “doctors”. 

QuakerOats replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 06:37 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

I stopped watching it because Congress isn't going to get any new information from this woman. Both Republicans and Democrats have put her on blast and have said she needs to resign or be fired right now. 

She has the information, she just won't say it because it is incredibly damning.  

She and EVERYONE in the SS must be fired.  Every, single, one.

Trump should have NEVER been allowed to take the stage.  

It is such a colossal failure that it certainly looks like more than that. 

QuakerOats repped a post in "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 06:30 pm
posted by Ironman92

Trump at an event with all male secret service.

Lib women mad 🤦🏻‍♂️

Just hire the best for the job, whatever that may be.

QuakerOats repped a post in "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 06:17 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Not so fast.

CBS already talking nasty about Trump because his one message said "God bless America" and his own experience of the shooting and didn't express condemnation for the violence. He may not have known the full story at the time.

What?!?  So CBS is bashing a guy who just got shot for not condemning violence?  I'm starting to wonder just how deep the mental health issues run in this country.

On Jul 12, 2024:

QuakerOats replied to "Political memes only II" at 04:59 pm

biden zelensky president putin vp trump kamala

QuakerOats replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:02 pm

How close are we to the media doing a U-turn on the biden family bribery/extortion/tax evasion scheme?  You'll know they believe he is going to lose when they bring that card out to try and get him to step aside. 

QuakerOats repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:58 pm

posted by Ironman92

He’ll face Henderson/Soto/Judge I imagine 

2 k's and a popout

QuakerOats repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:52 am
posted by CenterBHSFan

If I were KJP I'd step down right now, write my book and then go on my book selling speaking tour. She'd be making much more money and a lot less stress. 

I don't know how anybody would want that position, regardless of political affiliations. Just the worst!

It isn’t like she’s the sharpest knife in the drawer. 

lol did Biden really introduce Zelensky as Putin?

This media turn is one of the craziest things I’ve seen. They tried so hard to pretend it wasn’t happening and then after one bad debate they all start spiraling. More people are coming out who were at the Juneteenth thing and saying he was clearly off there as well (as well as other events). You really can’t hate the media enough.

On Jul 11, 2024:

Skenes no-hitter through 7 innings; 11 k's, 1BB.  Then they pulled him; 99 pitches.  Reliever gave up 2 singles in the 8th, and a walk -- bases loaded now, 2 out.  Hope they don't blow it. 

Will it be a sellout in Milwaukee this afternoon .........with Skenes on the hill for the Bucs and the Brewers in first place? 

On Jul 5, 2024:

QuakerOats replied to "Political memes only II" at 02:01 pm

congratulations conspiracy theorists 2020 2022 right keep up good work

QuakerOats replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:00 pm
posted by justincredible

From what I’ve seen it can’t transfer to someone not on the current ticket. So it’s either Biden, Harris, or no one. But I could be wrong.


QuakerOats replied to "America, F*** yeah!" at 01:58 pm

soda stack flag independence day soldier one job nailed it



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