
On Jul 26, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 08:05 am

Wordle 1,133 3/6*




On Jul 25, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "2024 PGA Golf Thread" at 11:03 am
posted by Fred Garvin

My streak of losing the Masters ticket lottery continues....must be up to about 20 years now.


iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 10:52 am

Wordle 1,132 3/6*




On Jul 23, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 12:29 pm
posted by BR1986FB

Color me shocked, the Secret Service Director resigns.

Why did that dumbass go through the hearing yesterday?

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 12:28 pm

Wordle 1,130 4/6*





iclfan2 replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 10:04 am
posted by Heretic

So, you went from "IT'S ELDER ABUSE!!!" to demanding he stay in because it's cheating if he doesn't. Good to know.

It’s still accurate though. 

On Jul 22, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:22 pm
posted by geeblock

Bro laughed at his own not funny joke 


You post some of the dumbest shit. Can’t wait for you to tell us how Kamala isn’t a dip shit. Never been a mother, step daughter is a clown, husband let a guy hit him in the head with a hammer…

iclfan2 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 05:56 pm

Does Biden make it to January at this point? Just a tweet yesterday, no video message, no presser? 

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 09:16 am

Wordle 1,129 4/6*





On Jul 21, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:08 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1


Those are harsh words. The Convention is still weeks away, so she still has to go through the formal process. A coup would be if this was after the convention. 

Seems like Biden was just stubborn. He was refusing to accept his polling was terrible and his debate performance was horrible. Seems to me like an old man that just finally accepted the reality of the situation. 

Yes an exaggeration, but they all started leaking to the press that he had to drop out. They basically made the decision for him. 

iclfan2 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:45 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Biden had to drop out. He was being very Trump like in being stubborn about not dropping out. 

Now, Trump is the old guy, the oldest person to ever run for office.

Be interesting to see who Harris picks for VP. Governors of PA, MI, and Senator from AZ are early names I saw. 

I do think it is game on now in this race as before Trump was going to beat Biden in a landslide. 

It was quite the coup though, no? His aides said they didn’t even learn about it until they saw it on Twitter. Ha does he even know he supposedly is supporting Kamala? The early debate was an awful decision by him, or a great decision by everyone else knowing he would flounder. I think Kamala can definitely win, but she’s awful. 

iclfan2 replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 02:06 pm

Apparently not. 

iclfan2 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:05 pm

Biden dropping out. Wow. 

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 07:40 am

Wordle 1,128 2/6*



On Jul 20, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:18 pm
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

It’s like the Sermon on the Mount for the MAGAs and brutal stream of consciousness for everyone else.  

It was absurdly long. It started off strongish, then he went off promoter for at least 30 minutes doing the same bullshit he always does. A rally is one thing, but doing it on a national stage when you’re desperate for votes was odd (not that it was gonna change anyone’s mind). 

Ha Hulk Hogan was also an interesting choice. 

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 10:44 am

Wordle 1,127 3/6*




On Jul 19, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 09:51 am

Wordle 1,126 5/6*






On Jul 18, 2024:

iclfan2 replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 03:20 pm
posted by Automatik

IMO it's Gavin or bust. Kamala will get steamrolled. 

Kamala polls worse than Biden (not that it matters or you can trust polls). Serious question, outside of Californians, what is Gavin’s appeal? 

iclfan2 replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 12:33 pm

I was leaning yes, but now that Schumer, Pelosi, and Obama have all told him to drop out, the writing seems to be on the wall. 

iclfan2 replied to "Wordle "Golf" tournament, 9/6 - 9/23" at 07:32 am

Wordle 1,125 4/6*







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