
On Jul 26, 2024:

jmog replied to "What was the last movie you watched?" at 03:09 pm
posted by Laley23

Twisters. I think I liked it more than the OG. 9/10. Glen Powell continuing his ascent to true moviestar.

My mom and dad saw it, they loved the original and thought this one sucked. I haven’t seen it yet. 

jmog replied to "What was the last movie you watched?" at 03:09 pm
posted by brutus161

Saw Deadpool & Wolverine last night

Fantastic movie and the best Marvel movie since Endgame. 

100% agree, I liked it even a little better than Spider-Man No Way Home (all 3 spider men in it).

It absolutely did not disappoint on any level  

jmog replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 08:59 am
posted by gut

Anyone else wondering how many tries it took JMOG to produce his posted result? :)

Knew that was coming, but expected it from geeblock. 

To be honest I thought I would be more where justin was, down in libertarian world but more right. 

I think if a few of the questions weren't worded so bad AND there was a "neutral" 5th option rather than just agree/disagree for the middle, I probably would have been more "right".

I specifically remember the "do you think its a woman's duty to prioritize their children over their career". 

I disagreed mainly because of the word duty.

If it had said "do you believe it is overall beneficial for families and society for women to raise their children full time" my answer would have been agree as actual studies show this to be true. But calling it a "duty" sounds too "Stepford Wives" to me.

On Jul 25, 2024:

jmog replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 12:46 am
posted by Devils Advocate

You fuckers better accept my liberally conservative views or I will force you to be nice to me.

You saved and shared the wrong picture  

On Jul 24, 2024:

jmog replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 08:12 pm
posted by Devils Advocate

Daaaaayuuum. Say hello to Adolph and J Paul Getty while you’re over there

Funny, but I think Adolph would be pretty far up the authoritarian Y axis…but still funny comment  

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:10 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

If P2025 was truly the dems' boogeyman then they are humping it much too early. They should have waited til around late September early October to get the best effect. Clutching pearls about it now is a pleasure thrill, to be sure, but that feeling will be mostly desensitized by then.

They started trumpeting it (see what I did there?) right after the debate debacle.

It was one of 2 things:

1. They truly thought Biden was staying in and they needed a distraction for a month or so to figure out their Weekend at Bernie’s strategy.

2. They knew Biden would fail at the debate since they have known, and tried to hide from the public, about his failing cognitive abilities, and they had it teed up as the distraction during the “we have to figure out who our next candidate is going to be while we throw Biden out to the pasture”.

There is part of me that believes the Dems knew how bad Biden was at this point and that’s why they pushed for the earliest debate in history. Get him off the ticket after a debacle before the conventions so they had time.  

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:06 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Again, those people that wrote it will be in the next Trump administration.

You were dead wrong about the Biden and needing to be a doctor thing, so color me skeptical that the writers will all be in Trumps Admin when he just called make of P2025 far right wing nonsense. 

But we’ll see, won’t hold my breath, but we’ll see. 

jmog created thread "The Political Compass Test…" at 03:44 pm

Anyone ever take this?

I know some of the questions are worded badly. Like the one about a woman having a “duty” to be a SAHM basically. I disageed with that because of the word “duty” but if it was worded “is it generally better for society if a child has a stay at home mother” I would have agreed…

Anyway, I would have thought I would have come out center right….came out a little further left than I thought. 

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:29 pm
posted by majorspark

And lose ten times more.  Its a pipe dream.  That is reality.

You think they lose more base votes than they gain in the middle?

I don’t think Trump’s base is going anywhere unless he has picked like Hillary or something  

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:34 pm
posted by Heretic

Heard rumblings about some second-guessing of The Vance Choice. Apparently, he looked at Biden as weak enough to feel all he needed to do was keep his base fired up, so he went with a mini-me. Now that he doesn't have the "old, feeble" card to play, there are thoughts he should have gone for someone more likely to garner him swing votes, as Vance isn't going to do that.

Especially with Vance from Ohio which is pretty much a lock for Trump to begin with.

RFK, Tulsi, Vivek, all would have brought some of the middle of the road people over.

jmog replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 02:32 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Oh, I took a screenie while watching the footage during today's hearing. It's not the vid itself. I will see if I can find a shortened version (instead of a vid of the whole hearing).

Edit to add:

So I didn't see a specific clip, but this is the full vid. Skip to 1hr53min

Thanks, the more information that comes out just keeps leaving two options, absolute gross negligence that people need to go to jail for, or an inside job somehow that people need to go to jail for. 

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:25 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Tulsi weighs in:

If Trump had chosen her as VP he could have had 350 EVs

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:23 pm

The media loves you until you put an R next to your name…

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:32 am
posted by geeblock

Just stfu 

lol, you know all 3 those 1 liners could have been in the same post right?

You get triggered or something and had to keep hitting “Submit Post” randomly?

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:31 am
posted by geeblock

What a hypocrite. 

Agreed, picking JDV was about as stupid as Biden picking Harris and her going along with it like 2 weeks after she called him a white supremacist and a segregationist right on the debate stage.

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:29 am
posted by geeblock

He gives a pass to the guy who has rambled the same speech for two years about sharks and electric batteries and how he knows more about nuclear energy, taxes, the environment, banks, you name it I know more than anyone in history lol but he’s the most moderate 

I give no pass for Trump. I have said multiple times he is an asshole and there are easily 10+ people on either side of the aisle I would definitely vote for over him. I have voted for him zero times in 3 primaries.

He definitely has some cognitive issues, but comparing what he slips up on to Biden is laughable at best.

So no, I have never given Trump a pass. I can’t stand the guy I think he is a disgrace to the office of POTUS and makes us look bad. I agree with some of his actual policies but can’t stand him as a person.

I have also stated all of these things multiple times so you either just ignored them or are lying right now.

On Jul 23, 2024:

jmog replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:06 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I've said for 3+ years Biden is too old to be President. My disagreement has been a technical one. 

It is one thing to say he is too old. I mean as in his body and or mind start to fail.  It is another to say for a FACT he has dementia. That is where I pointed out unless you are a doctor, you do not know for a fact that he has dementia. 

You are equating that decline to dementia and I am not. That is our difference. 

I thought Biden was old in 2020, but he went really downhill in his speaking abilities and movement the last year. 

I do think Biden is too old and too frail to be President beyond 2025. I do not think he has dementia as I do not have any scientific or medical evidence. Neither does anyone else on this board. 

I do think now it is a good actual question to debate or ask if the President can make it to January. 

I'd be in favor of him stepping down as President currently. 

I consider the matter closed now, and let's move on. 

Has his cognitive decline been the problem, or just his "age". You keep trying to just use age when no one gives a crap about his age. They just want someone physically and mentally capable of doing the job. I've met 90 year olds that could handle it, I've met 40 year olds that can't.

No one cares about age.

Is he mentally capable, yes or no. You keep trying to use age to not admit to totally screwing up the mental faculty discussion over the last 3 years. 

Just admit you were wrong, not that difficult.

jmog replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 07:58 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Well, too late now! The footage shown today during the Pa. state police Colonel blew that all to hell. It's just too damming. Occam's Razor can't be the go-to by any rational person.

The video didn't work above for me, can someone link said video?

jmog replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 07:51 pm
posted by Trueblue23

Yeah honestly, that was pretty surprising.  Felt good seeing the system unite over something so serious, it's a shame that can't happen more often.  

Agreed, I even gained a little respect for AOC yesterday.

jmog replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 07:50 pm
posted by friendfromlowry

If so he’s really went downhill quickly. He was out riding his bike this time last summer. 

Well, crashing it anyway...



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