
On Jul 25, 2024:

justincredible replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 11:24 pm

I am clearly ready to have my heart broken again.

justincredible replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 11:17 pm

Watching videos from training camp. Jets are winning 13+ and will be the 1 seed. 

justincredible repped a post in "The Political Compass Test…" at 11:08 pm
posted by justincredible

Reps for my fellow bottom righters.

You obviously meant to say "far right MAGA"

justincredible replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 11:08 pm
posted by gut

You obviously meant to say "far right MAGA"


justincredible replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 10:04 pm

Reps for my fellow bottom righters.

justincredible repped a post in "The Political Compass Test…" at 10:04 pm

Some of the questions were horrbily worded, but still fun.

justincredible repped a post in "The Political Compass Test…" at 10:04 pm
posted by justincredible

Quite a few that I was neutral on but had to choose one side. I'm probably a littler farther down socially than this, and probably a little further right economically, but it's in the general vicinity that I would expect.

Nearly identical to mine - I was ever slightly more to the right, and big shocker that I was one lower toward libertarian

Though I found the wording of some of those questions problematic, especially when there's no "don't care" or "N/A" options.

My economic leanings I suppose are right leaning in the sense that free markets are a conservative view, though "conservative" and "right/Republican" have become increasingly disjointed.

Socially I'm fairly liberal, but in today's age a rational view on social issues I guess is automatically right-of-center.

justincredible repped a post in "The Political Compass Test…" at 10:04 pm

Several years ago this test was much better worded with more thoughtful questions imo. Not sure why the creators changed it so much.

Here's mine:

On Jul 24, 2024:

justincredible replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 08:12 pm


justincredible replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 06:44 pm

Quite a few that I was neutral on but had to choose one side. I'm probably a littler farther down socially than this, and probably a little further right economically, but it's in the general vicinity that I would expect.

justincredible replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 10:43 am


From 2021:

On Jul 22, 2024:

justincredible replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 06:34 pm

New poll: 

Is Biden alive?

justincredible replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 04:26 pm

Some guy at USA Today is predicting Jets over Packers in the Super Bowl. That would be fun.

justincredible repped a post in "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 03:12 pm
posted by justincredible

At least one of these will happen. 

I agree. I think the Jets get at least a win.

justincredible repped a post in "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 02:48 pm

justincredible replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 02:02 pm
posted by Laley23

I agree. I think the Jets get at least a win.

lol, ok you got me.

justincredible replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:30 am

Dude. We get it.

On Jul 21, 2024:

justincredible repped a post in "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 05:37 pm

I like the people online gushing over how “Presedential” he sounded in his statement he put out. 

All I said was “given the video evidence you have seen over the last months you REALLY believe he wrote that statement?”

justincredible replied to "I 92 turns 50 Baseball Trip…Help Me Out" at 05:32 pm

This is the most notable restaurant I have been to in Chicago. 


justincredible replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 02:06 pm

Biden to step out of the race.



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