
On Jul 24, 2024:

BR1986FB repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 11:46 am


From 2021:

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:08 am
posted by like_that

Anyway, good move for the Dems to whack Biden (anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional) and force down a candidate that nobody would have voted for in a real primary. The media will do their best to paint Kamala as another Obama movement, and I think she will do better than Biden, but Kamala has the same problem as Biden. The only real thing going for her campaign is Trump (sprinkle in her sex and race).  I could obviously be wrong, but if their entire strategy is orange man is bad, I don’t think the result will be any different than if Biden were the candidate (which was his strategy).

Just like any of the other potential Dam's that could've run (Whitmer, Shapiro, Newsome, etc) Harris is just going to double down on Biden's horrible policies as her platform. You'd think with inflation, border issues, etc that would be more than enough for voters to run in the opposite direction.....but the Dem's are pretty dumb in this matter and would vote for a potato if it had a "D" next to it. They already did in 2020.

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:10 am
posted by geeblock

What a hypocrite. 

And Harris isn't?

The "tough on crime" California attorney general who threw people in jail only to side with a terrorist organization in BLM and cry for defunding the police.

Also hearing her chirping about Trump's "predatory lifestyle." Don't think she wants to open THAT can of worms. 

There are a lot of Midwest housewives that have soured on Trump because of his ways with the opposite sex. The media has brushed Harris' past under the table and how she ascended through the political ranks by sleeping with a 60 year old, married politician when she was 29. Not sure about you but I don't know ANY 20-something's screaming "oooooh, a 60 year old! Gotta have it!" That was purely calculated and career driven.

If that info is harped on by Trump, in the right way, it could swing some of those uncertain votes his way.

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:52 am

So riddle me this, if Harris selects Josh Shapiro (PA-Governor) and is married to a Jewish man, how is that going to fly with heavily Muslim laden states like Michigan? Not racist, just a legit question.

On Jul 23, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 11:18 am

Color me shocked, the Secret Service Director resigns.

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Dead Pool" at 08:08 am

Give it a few weeks and you can add the Cleveland Guardians to this list. Their offense is already DOA.

BR1986FB replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 08:05 am

If a much younger Deshaun Watson already looks washed, A-Rod certainly could.

BR1986FB replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 08:02 am
posted by Heretic

So, you went from "IT'S ELDER ABUSE!!!" to demanding he stay in because it's cheating if he doesn't. Good to know.

Think this is bad, wait until the numbers come out in a few weeks of how Giggles the Clown will get crushed in the election before the Dem's pivot to their next "savior."

BR1986FB replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 07:59 am
posted by CenterBHSFan

Look you guys, I truly think that he was really sick from the Covid. Keep in mind that older people feel things like sickness much more than people closer to our age. And when they've got other things going on it's just that much worse. I think he'll be on tv as soon as his doc allows him.

My question is, "who gets Covid anymore?" He was the first (convenient) case I've heard of in over 6 months.

On Jul 22, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 03:39 pm
posted by Heretic

Well, it's either that or another part of his body breaks off almost immediately and he goes on a 6-month hallucinogen retreat, only making occasional appearances to chit-chat with McAfee.

Not sure I see any real middle ground between the two as a possibility.

Kind of my take. He's either going to bounce back really strong or will suffer another season ender.

BR1986FB replied to "2024 NFL Offseason" at 09:22 am
posted by friendfromlowry

Ravens believe Lamar Jackson will be greatest quarterback ever.  

Maybe one of the best running backs or backyard QB's ever but not NFL QB's.

On Jul 21, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:52 pm
posted by Ironman92

I don’t know what this neans

Pro wrestling reference

On Jul 20, 2024:

BR1986FB repped a post in "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 04:39 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

26 seconds

26 seconds explains the odd single shot I heard much later after the initial burst.  Couldn't understand why there was such a delay.

So many questions.  If that fact set is true none of it makes any sense, especially allowing Trump to take the stage.

Shaping up to be a Kennedy-style conspiracy.  You've identified the shooter and still allow Trump to go on before you've neutralized the threat.  And then, somehow, the shooter is allowed to fire 2(?) volleys of about 3 shots...only then 26 seconds later does a sniper take him out?  Why wasn't the order given MINUTES earlier?!?

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:37 pm
posted by gut

Funny how the Dems couldn't stop talking about the 25th with Trump, but I haven't heard a peep with Biden...

I wonder if he refuses to step aside if they'll invoke it after the nomination.  That's a relatively easy way to avoid chaos if Kamala is the presumptive choice, anyway.

But I think the reason that hasn't happened is they don't believe Kamala can win.  Which illustrates that this is all about how they're polling and really not because they think Biden is unfit.  So Is this going to be a new normal when an incumbent is unopposed in the primaries but ends up trailing badly in the polls?  Just swap them out for someone with a better chance and FU to the voters?

Hearing if that it's not Biden there's a strong chance they go back to the well and Killary is the nominee.

On Jul 19, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Dead Pool" at 08:15 am

Lou Dobbs, conservative TV host, 78

On Jul 18, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "2024 Dead Pool" at 04:13 pm

Bob Newhart, 94

On Jul 17, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 04:56 pm
posted by Heretic

Honestly, I am, too. Things are getting more divisive and politicians seem to be more and more into just pandering to their base while acting like bickering children and also having their "social media influencer" fans turning things up to 11. Really fosters the sort of climate where it's easy to expect people to decide to go after them due to the growing divide combined with how it gets more and more difficult to even pretend a lot of those clowns actually deserve respect. Add in the publicity whore aspect of things and it really becomes a surprise, as it's not like there aren't opportunities for a dedicated nutjob to shoot his shot.

When I'm most skittish is probably when we go to casinos. I've always thought that would be the perfect location for some whacko to detonate a bomb or go off on a shooting spree. Most of the security in those places is built like Peter Griffin.

BR1986FB replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 02:46 pm
posted by jmog

It definitely shouldn't be this easy to kill a President. But in general you are right, its not hard to kill most anyone else.

Most ordinary people aren't expecting someone to pull out a gun, knife or let off an explosive. President's and Presidential candidates should at least have their head on a swivel knowing there are lunatics out there. Been a while since we've had one, like the Trump incident, but I'm frankly surprised it's been so long between attempts.

BR1986FB replied to "2024 NFL Offseason" at 02:40 pm

For Justin, Dan Orlovsky is claiming DaVante Adams to the Jets is a "done deal." Adams seems to be denying it but interesting to watch.

On Jul 16, 2024:

BR1986FB replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 04:38 pm
posted by Ironman92

Trump at an event with all male secret service.

Lib women mad 🤦🏻‍♂️

Just hire the best for the job, whatever that may be.

"Yeah, I'll dive on that grenade and pick inferior protection for myself. I'm willing to die for equal opportunity." (eye roll)



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