
On Jul 26, 2024:

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:27 pm
posted by majorspark

Ptown has outed himself.

As for Kamala there is a reason she is not the popular choice of her party.  The power brokers have to give her a go.

What for posting the primary source for Project 2025 and explaining how people rotate in and out of think tanks? 

I do find it funny no one has actually commented on the details of the project...

I do think some on here would be big fans of portions of it. I even like some portions of it. 

On Jul 25, 2024:

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:29 pm
posted by Trueblue23

The fascination with Project 2025 is an expert level course in propaganda. 

I posted the link to the project, authors and all. You can read it for yourself

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:26 pm
posted by majorspark

DEI - right wing propaganda nothing to see here

Project 2025 - fact

I did post the actual link to the Project with authors and everything....

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:51 pm
posted by gut

Sooooo more gaslighting where ignore what Trump says, THIS is what he really means or is going to happen?

You're like a cat with a laser pointer. 

So you do not think these are the people that will surround the President to influence his decisions or run the agencies? 

Isn't your whole theory that the President himself doesn't have much power, it is more the people around him? 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 11:36 am

It is easy to dismiss Project 2025 because it suddenly became viral. 

But, was being reported before the debate and even last year when the report was released.

The fact it comes from former Trump people at Heritage is what gives it validity. 

The report came about from the fact Trump was surprised he won in 2016 and his ramp up to take office in 2017 was slow. The report is a blueprint for his administration to hit the ground running. This is boldy stated in the report.

It's authors are people that were in the first administration and expect to be in mid to high levels in the new one. 

Think tanks like Heritage are where former government folks go in-between administrations. The Center for American Progress, New America and Carnegie are the ones on the left. Heritage, American enterprise institution and Lexington institution are examples for ones on the right. People shuffle in and out of these. So, it is expected these guys will be in the next Trump administration as that is the machine works.

Trump can say he is distancing from it, but his new administration will need qualified people...and those people will be in think tanks like Heritage. 

I also think reading some parts of it, some on here would be in favor of some of it. Some parts will require Congressional approval, but others may not especially with recent rulings. 

On Jul 24, 2024:

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:47 pm
posted by like_that

Anyway, good move for the Dems to whack Biden (anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional) and force down a candidate that nobody would have voted for in a real primary. The media will do their best to paint Kamala as another Obama movement, and I think she will do better than Biden, but Kamala has the same problem as Biden. The only real thing going for her campaign is Trump (sprinkle in her sex and race).  I could obviously be wrong, but if their entire strategy is orange man is bad, I don’t think the result will be any different than if Biden were the candidate (which was his strategy).

I actually agree with this. I do think it also matters how much the Project 2025 agenda sticks with voters. 

Again, those people that wrote it will be in the next Trump administration.

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:45 pm
posted by jmog

Has his cognitive decline been the problem, or just his "age". You keep trying to just use age when no one gives a crap about his age. They just want someone physically and mentally capable of doing the job. I've met 90 year olds that could handle it, I've met 40 year olds that can't.

No one cares about age.

Is he mentally capable, yes or no. You keep trying to use age to not admit to totally screwing up the mental faculty discussion over the last 3 years. 

Just admit you were wrong, not that difficult.

Man, take the W lol. 

On Jul 23, 2024:

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:44 pm

Juat as a FYI, here is the full Project 2025 sections. Each of them are written by former Trump officials or people that are likely to be involved in the next Trump administration.

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:40 pm
posted by jmog

Age isn't the point, that is what everyone has been trying to tell you for 3+ years. Saying "Biden is too old" is purposefully dodging the point. 

You are either lying, or you are just being obtuse.

And since you said "we disagree on what level", I will assume you actually meant his cognitive decline, as no one refers to age as "level".  You will continue to call it "age" instead of cognitive decline, dementia, alzheimers, etc because calling it anything other than age will be you admitting you were dead wrong.

So, a couple questions:

1. Do you believe Biden, right now, is cognitively fit to be President?

If your answer is no...

2. How long do you believe he hasn't been cognitively fit to be President?

If your answer is yes...we live in different realities as every single human being, doctor or not, with any amount of intellectual honesty knows he is not fit to be President due to his cognitive decline. 

I've said for 3+ years Biden is too old to be President. My disagreement has been a technical one. 

It is one thing to say he is too old. I mean as in his body and or mind start to fail.  It is another to say for a FACT he has dementia. That is where I pointed out unless you are a doctor, you do not know for a fact that he has dementia. 

You are equating that decline to dementia and I am not. That is our difference. 

I thought Biden was old in 2020, but he went really downhill in his speaking abilities and movement the last year. 

I do think Biden is too old and too frail to be President beyond 2025. I do not think he has dementia as I do not have any scientific or medical evidence. Neither does anyone else on this board. 

I do think now it is a good actual question to debate or ask if the President can make it to January. 

I'd be in favor of him stepping down as President currently. 

I consider the matter closed now, and let's move on. 

On Jul 22, 2024:

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:09 pm
posted by jmog

Not exactly admitting you were wrong. 

Sure, Biden is old, too old obviously. We disagree on to what level, but for sake of the board, I'll concede. Let's move on as it doesn't matter now. 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:01 pm
posted by jmog

No one statistically, not actually zero.

I will admit that was an error in my writing of the post if you are willing to admit that Biden has been cognitively impaired for 3+ years and it doesn’t require a doctor to know that?

Will you finally admit you were wrong about that?

Sure, if it makes you happy and to drop the matter.

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:57 pm
posted by jmog

Thats a lot of words to hide the only important part.

You just agreed with me. I literally said it was out there but didn’t go viral and they weren’t talking about it constantly until the debate debacle. They needed a new “boogeyman”.

You could have come up with a shorter post that said “you’re right, it didn’t go viral until after the debate”.

Maybe a doctor could sum it up shorter?

Well, you said some pages back, "no one in the media or left was talking it" 

I provided examples that the media did mention it and it did only take off the last few weeks.  Hell, even John Olver did a show on it before the debate. 

Now, you are just saying you only were referring to the viral part online and that is what you were referring to. 

Just admit you weren't paying attention and did not know too much about it. It's OK. 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:50 am
posted by jmog

Really? You just weren’t paying attention.

They actually have statistics on this on how much something is mentioned on MSM and Social Media.

It blew up, went “viral” and became the only thing the left would talk about since the debate.

I think everyone understands I didn’t mean it was mentioned exactly zero times before the debate, but even  a “centrist” like yourself has to understand that it’s the only thing the left wants to bring up now after the debate debacle.

My question was did Trump do anything to squash it calling it far right wing hogwash basically?


If you do a search history online for Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation and Kevin Roberts, I am pretty sure you are going to get a lot of hits before the debate.

The NYT did a long interview with him in January. It did go viral post debate, but it out there well before. 

The Heritage Foundation is not some fringe hogwash. They are the republican think tank in DC. Kevin Roberts goes on Fox News and Fox Business a lot. He spoke at the Convention last week and even about Project 2025. Look it up. 

To answer your last question, no. As in Trump has previously mentioned it in speech, look that one up.

He also will be employing people in his administration that had a hand in the Project or have views in favor of it. So while he may not like some parts of it, there will be officials from places like Heritage, that will try and implement it. 

On Jul 21, 2024:

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:28 pm
posted by gut

Not for over 20 years.  I know who Vance is, just don't know much about his policies.  But "economic nationalism" or whatever you want to call it is basically the failed 2000-ish Democratic platform of "fair" trade.

It's been surreal watching the party that has been hardline free markets for decades suddenly fall in line behind Trump's trade wars.  It just confirms that the majority of voters have no clue and simply vote for the home team.  Inflation has been like the #1 concern, and there's absolutely no comprehension for how Trump's economic policies are likely to reignite inflation.

Ah yeah ok. Yeah, it is shocking to see how he turned from the guy from 2016-2017 to today. His views are almost completely different. I was all in on him in 2017, loving his mission to help Ohioians. But, that all went away in 2022 as he went full Trump. The senate campaign in 2022 was full on Trump light. 

You are right about the modern Republican party. Crazy how the days of free and fair trade are gone. Protectionism and the language of Buchanan reign supreme. 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:10 pm
posted by iclfan2

Yes an exaggeration, but they all started leaking to the press that he had to drop out. They basically made the decision for him. 

Leaking? No, directly calling for him to drop out. In the end, everyone realized but Biden. He finally came to his senses.

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:58 pm
posted by iclfan2

It was quite the coup though, no? His aides said they didn’t even learn about it until they saw it on Twitter. Ha does he even know he supposedly is supporting Kamala? The early debate was an awful decision by him, or a great decision by everyone else knowing he would flounder. I think Kamala can definitely win, but she’s awful. 


Those are harsh words. The Convention is still weeks away, so she still has to go through the formal process. A coup would be if this was after the convention. 

Seems like Biden was just stubborn. He was refusing to accept his polling was terrible and his debate performance was horrible. Seems to me like an old man that just finally accepted the reality of the situation. 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:05 pm
posted by Ironman92

There’s like 11 million people, hard to know everyone well

Vance did run for Senate here in Ohio in 2022. He should be well known to people here in Ohio

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:02 pm
posted by gut

LOL, already parroting the new talking point.

Biden was, and still is, the oldest person to ever run for office. He didn't just run, he won the primary.  Dropping out doesn't change any of that.

Hey, just a fact lol. Trump is old too. It was also said a little tongue and cheek. 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:44 pm

Biden had to drop out. He was being very Trump like in being stubborn about not dropping out. 

Now, Trump is the old guy, the oldest person to ever run for office.

Be interesting to see who Harris picks for VP. Governors of PA, MI, and Senator from AZ are early names I saw. 

I do think it is game on now in this race as before Trump was going to beat Biden in a landslide. 

ptown_trojans_1 replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:41 pm
posted by jmog

Did Trump put away the Dems new “boogeyman” Project 2025 away today?

No one in media or the left even mentioned P2025 until the debate debacle, they needed something to distract people. 

He basically called it far right winger creation in his speech along the same lines as the far left wingers he said. 

Really? It has been talked about for months, you just weren't paying attention. Hell, I even mentioned it months ago.

This story is from November 2023....

Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term

For many of the folks on here that do not like Presidential power, they should not be in favor of what project 2025 is outlining. 



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