posted by queencitybuckeye
I start by getting past "Argumentum ad Governmentum", the flawed idea that because the government provides a service, it's the only way the service can be provided. Also known as the "MUH ROADS!" argument. A large public sector is not required to have a society.
The liberals love to cherry-pick certain things that work well in certain countries in Europe. But what they miss, probably intentionally, is Europe has many different approaches and philosophies about governing and social insurance. The US is at least as geographically, racially and ethnic diverse as Europe. A leviathon of federal bureaucracy would never work across Europe, so why do liberals keep thinking that's the solution in the US?
If you want to live like Californians, then move to CA. Keep CA in CA and don't force it on everyone else because it's not what everyone wants.
I'd even go as far as to suggest some [many?] of our states are still too large and diverse to deliver effective "one-size fits all" solutions.