
On Jul 25, 2024:

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:07 pm
posted by majorspark

DEI - right wing propaganda nothing to see here

Project 2025 - fact

Isn't that the way of politics? One team's nothing-burger is the other team's boogeyman and vice versa.

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:11 pm

posted by CenterBHSFan

This is mostly what I think. The wall they ran into was that they didn't have a stable of people with high name recognition with good (doesn't have to be great) accomplishments. They have focused all of their energy in orange man bad! for 8yrs that they didn't put any energy into grooming anybody to be at the ready. So now they have painted themselves into a corner and only have Kamala. 

Ok, so what they should be doing is have their stenographers pointing out all of her strong points and focusing on how to play up her good points, in whatever way they can to give their voters something to vote for.

But they aren't. They are focusing on P2025. And to be fair, it's working. Ptown is carrying it as we've already seen. The problem that lies beneath is that it's really early to be doing that. It will be a spent dick come the end of September.

Well, if we're being real, since Trump did just nearly get killed and that led to an immediate "Welp, guess that sewed up the election for him!" response AND the Ds did just replace their candidate, I think they kind of had to bring out P2025 as a way to blunt any additional support the last few weeks may have given him.

And, to continue being real, since we are talking about Donald Trump, I'd guess the Ds also figure that since we still have 3+ months before the election, the odds are way in favor of him saying, doing or allegedly saying/doing (ie: where validity gets "trumped" by simple plausibility) multiple more things they can try to nail him on. I mean, I woke up today and saw on teh Twitter that one of his nephews claimed that, in talking about disabled people, said that at least some of them should just die because expenses or whatnot. True or not? Who knows! But it will get people buzzing for, I don't know, 6 hours or so!

Heretic replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 01:00 pm

I got kind of what JCrazy got on his first one, but as said before, there are a number of questions that were awkwardly phrased. Or at least in a way where I thought the question had a lot of gray area and "agree" "strongly disagree" and so on did not reflect it.

And yes, not savvy enough to just insert the chart. And too lazy to bother with finding the way to do so.

On Jul 24, 2024:

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:27 pm
posted by jmog

If Trump had chosen her as VP he could have had 350 EVs

Heard rumblings about some second-guessing of The Vance Choice. Apparently, he looked at Biden as weak enough to feel all he needed to do was keep his base fired up, so he went with a mini-me. Now that he doesn't have the "old, feeble" card to play, there are thoughts he should have gone for someone more likely to garner him swing votes, as Vance isn't going to do that.

On Jul 23, 2024:

Heretic replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 04:59 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

She probably didn't think that the Dems would pile on so hard on her.

Means she's even more stupid than I would have previously thought.

With the latest "most important election EVAR!" coming up in a few months, there's no way the Ds can sit back and let the Rs turn them into punching bags over their presidential candidate nearly getting got because of shitty protection during the term of a D president. The only thing they could really do was bury her and portray it as departmental incompetence.

On Jul 22, 2024:

Heretic replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 10:50 pm
posted by justincredible

New poll: 

Is Biden alive?

Define "alive".

If that means breathing, yes. If it means being totally aware of what is happening, uhhhhh...

Heretic replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 10:47 pm
posted by QuakerOats

The people who told you Trump was a threat democracy are once again trampling on democracy as they pick and choose who will rule.

Beyond belief what is occurring. 

So, you went from "IT'S ELDER ABUSE!!!" to demanding he stay in because it's cheating if he doesn't. Good to know.

Heretic replied to "2024 NFL Too Early Predictions" at 03:14 pm
posted by justincredible

Betcha a dollar. Rodgers CBPOY most likely.

Well, it's either that or another part of his body breaks off almost immediately and he goes on a 6-month hallucinogen retreat, only making occasional appearances to chit-chat with McAfee.

Not sure I see any real middle ground between the two as a possibility.

Heretic repped a post in "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 03:05 pm

On Jul 21, 2024:

Heretic replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 04:18 pm
posted by justincredible

Biden to step out of the race.

In the Pittsburgh-Philly baseball game, just after the announcement was released, Nick Castellanos hit a deep double to the wall. And then hit a homer later on. Meaning that his legend continues!

On Jul 20, 2024:

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 11:47 pm

posted by jmog

Did Trump put away the Dems new “boogeyman” Project 2025 away today?

No one in media or the left even mentioned P2025 until the debate debacle, they needed something to distract people. 

He basically called it far right winger creation in his speech along the same lines as the far left wingers he said. 

Call me crazy, but in today's society, I doubt anyone believing in it will stop doing so because they guy they think is going to enact it said he won't, especially when they're pretty consistent in proclaiming everything he says is a lie.

I mean, I'm sure some minds will be changed, but I doubt it's going to be a huge rumor-killer.

Heretic replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 05:23 pm

posted by gut

26 seconds explains the odd single shot I heard much later after the initial burst.  Couldn't understand why there was such a delay.

So many questions.  If that fact set is true none of it makes any sense, especially allowing Trump to take the stage.

Shaping up to be a Kennedy-style conspiracy.  You've identified the shooter and still allow Trump to go on before you've neutralized the threat.  And then, somehow, the shooter is allowed to fire 2(?) volleys of about 3 shots...only then 26 seconds later does a sniper take him out?  Why wasn't the order given MINUTES earlier?!?

I'm trying to figure out which conspiracy theory I've heard is most entertaining.

1. The deep state tried to legit assassinate Trump in order to get him out of the picture. By using a 20-year-old who presumably didn't have the sort of military training to be a legit crack shot.

2. Trump's team set it up to have a legit bad-ass moment (the pic of him throwing a fist up to the crowd with a bloody face) and also REALLY galvanize his base. While also using that same 20-year-old, where if anything goes wrong, he essentially self-terminated in a bid to get more votes.

It's kind of like if reality was written by an alternate version of Tom Clancy who had suffered just enough brain damage to where he could still write political espionage novels, but they didn't really make much sense.

Heretic replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 05:08 pm

Hell yeah, John Malkovich was a great villain for Clint to go after in that one! Saw it in the theater when it came out.

Dang, I was there last month for 2/3 of their games with the Reds and it was $48 or so for those seats on the first base area where it's $128.

I know it's a weekend series instead of mid-week, when I was there. And I think they're having some sort of festival in Pittsburgh this weekend, also. So that might be driving up the price somewhat, but roughly $80 more for a seat is kind of wild, regardless.

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 05:00 pm
posted by BR1986FB

Hearing if that it's not Biden there's a strong chance they go back to the well and Killary is the nominee.

That would be as pure of a modern-day D strategy if I've every seen one.

"Hey, everyone except Jill Biden thinks Joe's too old, so how about this: We run it back to a 2016 rematch because it's STILL Hillary's turn!"

"Uh, didn't Hillary lose because, outside of the D base, no one likes her? And isn't she almost as old as Trump, so we can't immediately pivot to his age and struggles to speak concisely and to the point when Joe steps down? So we'll have to try to make her look and act more like an actual human, which no one has been able to figure out how to do yet..."

"You're fired."

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:45 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Earlier I watched some of Trump's speech at the RNC. I couldn't listen to the who meandering thing. Maybe he was on pain meds or something, but for me, he just wasn't interesting.

I've heard that it was around 90 or so minutes long and just this rambling all-over-the-place thing. Kind of comparable to his rally speeches when he goes off script and descends into babbling about whatever.

I am looking forward to the day someone has to tell him that Hannibal Lector isn't a real person, though!

On Jul 19, 2024:

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 05:28 pm
posted by Ironman92

Just wear your mask everywhere and you should make it that far

Hard to drink and toke with a mask on, bro!

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:02 pm
posted by Ironman92

But when needed you’ve shown good sense. That’ll eventually wear down but you have another 10+ years of being sharp I’d guess.

Heretic at 78 or 81….lol that would be the biggest mess

Lol, I hope for my sake (and that of my eventual keepers) that I'm not around at that age.

Heretic replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 11:46 am
posted by justincredible

And then what happens to all of the campaign money if it's not Harris?

As the first person anyone nominated to be OC President, I will gladly take it to, uh, yeah, totally run my campaign for that prestigious honor and definitely not for hookers and blow in every remotely civilized country on this planet.

On Jul 18, 2024:

Heretic replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 04:43 pm
posted by Ironman92

This is why he gets my OC presidential vote. I would have BR head of security but a Browns ran in charge of protecting a Steelers guy seems careless.

Lol, I'd definitely be taking a bullet if it was a Browns fan watching over me!



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