
On Jul 26, 2024:

majorspark replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 01:46 pm

I refuse to take it for the same reason I hang up on pollsters.

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:43 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

 I even like some portions of it. 

So its a moderate ideology.

On Jul 25, 2024:

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:53 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

20,000 black men 


majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:39 pm

Ptown has outed himself.

As for Kamala there is a reason she is not the popular choice of her party.  The power brokers have to give her a go.

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:24 pm
posted by Heretic

Isn't that the way of politics? One team's nothing-burger is the other team's boogeyman and vice versa.

Yes.  But since I have never mentioned DEI on this site and left that burger for others to fight over, the comment has merit.  Those who feel the post is directed at them are likely correct.

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 05:19 pm

DEI - right wing propaganda nothing to see here

Project 2025 - fact

majorspark repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:54 pm

Historically the "experts" have always said there's no evidence the VP moves the needle, really at all.

People made a big deal about it this cycle because of the likelihood Biden wouldn't make it another 4 years, and the probability Trump won't.  

Choosing Vance let's Trump's base know his policies will continue if he doesn't finish, and someone they can rally behind as a potential POTUS in 2028.  I seriously, seriously doubt many people were saying "well, I'm not voting for Trump, but now that he picked [Tulsi] I'm all in!".

On Jul 24, 2024:

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:44 pm
posted by jmog

You think they lose more base votes than they gain in the middle?

Yes I do.  A lot of ground to hoe with a Hindu, Buddhist, and leftist Catholic. Reality.

Activists win they always do. Again just speaking in reality. 

There has always been a useless "middle".   The "middle" did not win the revolutionary war. Nor does it in peaceful politics. 

Lets just be honest with ourselves.  The Libertarians that pop up are weak fails.  All of them.  We may agree but no chance.

Unity in government only happens in totalitarian regimes.  The founders divided it.  We will be good. 

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:26 pm
posted by jmog

RFK, Tulsi, Vivek, all would have brought some of the middle of the road people 

And lose ten times more.  Its a pipe dream.  That is reality.

majorspark repped a post in "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 01:58 pm
posted by Heretic

So, you went from "IT'S ELDER ABUSE!!!" to demanding he stay in because it's cheating if he doesn't. Good to know.

It has been elder abuse, and I'm not demanding he stay in the race whatsoever.  His family and handlers should have said he is no longer up for the job at least a year ago and the DeMoCraTic process could have then played out.  Instead they covered up his deficiencies to try to drag him over the line again, and that finally blew up in their faces after the debate.  Soon after they saw the horrible poll numbers, and immediately turned on him and forced him out so they could hand pick the candidate, discarding millions of votes, circumventing the will of their voters, and trampling democracy. 

The irony and the hypocrisy are immeasurable. 

majorspark repped a post in "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 01:55 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Maybe the Dems will straighten up a little bit and go back to having un-meddled primaries again so they can get strong, younger candidates. 



nope. if they allowed RFK to actually run a campaign for the primary we wouldn't be in this mess. Biden very well may have beaten RFK in the primary, but since we don't know that for sure, and given what they did to Tulsi in 2020 and Bernie in 2016 the DNC has ruined anyone from thinking the system isn't rigged. Biden's end here is just another example of that. Say what you want about Trump (and personally, I like 70% of the politics and genuinely dislike the man), but he is the only candidate that ran and won a campaign this cycle and they are painting him as the end of democracy (somewhat successfully given the things my extended family is posting on FB) so we deserve whatever we get from this point on.

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:42 pm
posted by BR1986FB

So riddle me this, if Harris selects Josh Shapiro (PA-Governor) and is married to a Jewish man, how is that going to fly with heavily Muslim laden states like Michigan? Not racist, just a legit question.

First and foremost this thought is born from identity politics.  You are commenting on a small political forum worried about being labeled a racist.  You are not.  This is the shackles they use to imprison people not physically but mentally.  Unfortunately it works.

Muslims, jews, hispanics, blacks, whites, native Americans, women and whatever other label we are supposed to use are all individuals who have the ability to think for themselves.  When they live in freedom.

As for your Jewish question "no pun intended" Take the nation of Israel.  They are as divided as our country is.  Their current leader has been attacked via the legal system by their political left.  Riots protest and civil war talk.  There are far left jews that believe in the idea of land for peace.  Also some are just leftists no matter what.

All these "groups" have killed, enslaved, raped, conquered , and taken spoils.  Not just on the other "groups" but also on their own.  Its all about gaining power.  Manipulation to force of arms.

On Jul 13, 2024:

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:45 pm

If the power behind Biden survives this struggle the media will dutifully fall back in line.  

Just fatigue and why should Biden lower himself to debate a felon a second time?

majorspark replied to "The Russia/Ukraine situation" at 01:34 pm

The Russians are killing a lot of old men and babies as well.

Ukrainian women are quite attractive and plenteous in number. There will be no shortage of young men for long.                                                                     

On Jul 6, 2024:

majorspark replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:04 pm
posted by like_that

Biden isn’t dropping, but if he does he should resign immediately. Not fit to run for election, but fit to remain president? Doesn’t add up.

I think its time now to stop acting like Biden is the decision maker.  He is not.  The cabal is struggling to retain power.

On Jun 29, 2024:

majorspark replied to "Trump. The convicted felon" at 10:59 pm
posted by Ironman92

Yeah, only hot as hell If you are out in it

And you die quicker as moisture quickly evaporates from your body.

majorspark replied to "2020 Presidential Election thread" at 10:19 pm

Kamala generates about as much excitement as a genital wart.  Removing Biden now is nearly impossible.

majorspark replied to "Trump. The convicted felon" at 09:54 pm
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

You cited a study the held out Mississippi and Alabama as success stories on this topic.  Both are backward ass shitholes.  I wouldn’t look to either as an example for any topic.

Yet you choose to live in a backward ass shithole.  They should run you out on a rail.  As for me my dry bones will turn to dust right here in the great state of Ohio. 

majorspark replied to "Trump. The convicted felon" at 04:50 pm

But its a dry heat.

majorspark replied to "Trump. The convicted felon" at 03:52 pm
posted by geeblock

It’s 100 degrees in Mississippi most of the year you can’t be homeless there so bad example lol 

Maybe about a third of the year and only during the day.  Probably one of the best year round survivable climates for the "unhoused".



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