
On Oct 24, 2024:

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:26 pm

Imagine being Boogie and Kizer.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:23 pm
posted by kizer permanente

He’s not wrong, but he also toed the line for 4+ years so he can gfh. 

I've said for years now that MM is the worst.

We need an age cap for Congress and the Senate, too.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:08 pm
posted by kizer permanente

What does that have to do with anything? So you really watched it and said yeah completely normal behavior lol   And decided to call us dipshits like we’re not the normal ones for pointing that out. Good to see you out that duopoly lol  

I said what I said. 

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 11:08 am

Anderson Cooper will no longer be invited to the White House, because this was rough to watch.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 11:05 am

Halloween, you absolute dipshits.

On Oct 23, 2024:

CenterBHSFan repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:12 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It does seem like the Ds are repeating the exact same mistakes in 2016, focusing on Trump's behavior. 

Problem is, the voters that Kamala needs do not care about that...they care about the economy.

She is screwing this up by not focusing on an economic issues.

Even though the President has little influence over the economy, Trump is killing her on the issue and that's going to be reason she's loses this thing. 

Gosh, I thought democracy was at stake.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:50 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It does seem like the Ds are repeating the exact same mistakes in 2016, focusing on Trump's behavior. 

Problem is, the voters that Kamala needs do not care about that...they care about the economy.

She is screwing this up by not focusing on an economic issues.

Even though the President has little influence over the economy, Trump is killing her on the issue and that's going to be reason she's loses this thing. 

I think we will be surprised by just how many single issue voters will turn out this time. Abortion or woman president! or Biracial woman president!!!!!

That's what she has going for her and for millions of voters, that's enough.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:41 pm
posted by iclfan2

lol Kamala held a 5 minute press conference earlier to call Trump Hitler… again. Based on something he MAY have said 5 years ago. Internal polling that bad?

It would be nice if she stopped dry humping that line. I keep saying that if she would only sell her high points, whatever they might be, she'd do much better. 

When people take words like racist, some sort of phobic and now Hitler/Nazi/fascist and run them into the ground it doesn't take very long for those words to lose their power. If everybody is a racist, then nobody is. 

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:37 pm
posted by BR1986FB

That is huge and says a lot.

EDIT: I read an article about this and it sounds like they are still backing her but, for some reason, just not "officially" endorsing her.

It's very much like the Teamsters where the majority of the workers voted for Trump, but not conclusively. 

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:35 pm
posted by kizer permanente

I wonder if she’ll lose California  

Hah! Hell no. But Dems know they've got SF, LA and SD in the bag no matter what. Northern CA. is where you'll find more red populations, but nowhere near the amounts needed to have a more balanced state.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:55 pm

Also the LA Times refused to endorse Kamala. This is kind of a big deal since the Times is the biggest paper in California. Her home state.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:29 pm

I'm not very happy with Tulsi joining the Republican party. So many of her ideals fall squarely into the classical liberal sphere and some libertarian, that it just doesn't sit well with me. I think she is/was a more effective force as an independent. 

I know that she cited the Republican party as the new "big tent party", and in most ways it has become just that. But at the same time I can't embrace that party. It would have to back up that claim and sustain it for some time first.

I guess I'm just disappointed.

On Oct 22, 2024:

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 10:58 pm

Tulsi had joined the Republican party, since she's long since lost her welcome from the Democrats.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 10:49 pm
posted by Ironman92

I’m still on the “I’m gonna vote, but likely not vote for president.”

Both are awful candidates to be the top of each party and even crazier to lead the country. If one of them does great….good, but I don’t want to be part of voting for either one.

*things could still change but looking unlikely 

I have no hope of the system ever allowing a good candidate to ever win, either left or right. 

CenterBHSFan repped a post in "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:06 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Besides the facts about Kamala, is she loses the blame lies on the party bosses. They flopped on all of it, from top to bottom. And I have a certain hatred of them for using Biden, who they knew to not be fully there, in such a way and then threw him out like garbage once they got caught. You just can't hate them enough. The Obama's, Hillary, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi. They are all rotten.

I echo the feelings about Biden - I'm not a Biden supporter, but the guy is the sitting POTUS and they forced him off the ticket because he couldn't win, then said he did something brave in the name of Democracy.  That doesn't sit right with me.

They're all scumbags

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:13 pm

For those interested, Megyn Kelly is spitting the facts on Kamala's plagiarism. Not only for her book but a major speech as well.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:11 pm
posted by Trueblue23

The most fraudulent, and worst ran, Presidential campaign of all-time.

"We got the Cheneys" as if that's good.  Idiots.  

Besides the facts about Kamala, is she loses the blame lies on the party bosses. They flopped on all of it, from top to bottom. And I have a certain hatred of them for using Biden, who they knew to not be fully there, in such a way and then threw him out like garbage once they got caught. You just can't hate them enough. The Obama's, Hillary, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi. They are all rotten.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:46 pm
posted by kizer permanente

Probably not. But five Republicans five Democrats and five independents sounds better than kicking the can down the road to me.

I'd much rather have 15 independent libertarians hash it out hahaha!

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:08 pm
posted by kizer permanente

I don’t think you can honestly or fairly compare their personalities or intelligence


I just now realized that I skipped over this part. So I'm going to reply to it now.

Back in the 2020 Dem primary Kamala referred to herself as a top-tier candidate. Well then Tulsi Gabbard ended Kamala's run by exposing how Kamala 

- held a man in death row after he was proven innocent, until a judge forced her to release him

- kept people in prison after their release date because she said that it would upset the prison work program

- after she sent a ton of men to prison for smoking marijuana she revealed/laughed to Charlemagne tha God that she smoked 

Tulsi never even got to the time that Kamala arrested a mom because of truancy - the woman's daughter had sickle cell anemia and was chronically sick and couldn't go to school often. The mother had medical reasons and medical statements but it didn't matter, Kamala had to make an example of her.  The woman's name is Cheree Peoples. Go look it up.

When Tulsi exposed her for this, Kamala's only reply was that she was proud of what she had done.

And just recently during an interview with Al Sharpton, she lied and said she did her best not to do any of that. 

She is campaigning right now on curtailing 1A and 2A.

She was, in her own words, part of every decision that Biden ever made that had any kind of impact. So that means she had a hand in having govt spooks force social medias to censor and ban people for talking about Covid and the Hunter Biden laptop story. Then there is the political persecutions and lawfare of Donald Trump, which is well documented and ongoing.

She is as sadistic as they come. So, yes, I can say that both of their personalities suck equally. 100%. Do they suck exactly in the same way? No. But she is every bit as bad, if not worse in some ways, than he is.

CenterBHSFan replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:52 pm
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

It’s 3:14 on that same Tuesday and Michigan STILL SUCKS!!!!




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