This is decent.
Here is the "leaked" document.
I was actually on a call about this yesterday with ARTBA, a transportation group.
The full plan will be rolled out near the State of the Union. It will still be $200B in federal funding, with the other $800B coming from states, local players and the private sector. It not only focuses on highways and bridges, but also water, waste water, and broadband, which is great.
I'm still unsure how they get states and private firms to pony up $800B.
What is key is not only this, but the adminstration needs to continue to fund the existing transportation programs like Infragrants and how Transportation racks and stacks the programs. Those programs have been flatlined the last 2 years.
The highway trust fund is still a big issue, as it is nearly broke. The chamber of commerce noted last week they are in favor of a raise on the national gas tax. So, are most transportation industry groups.
I think if the administration rolls this out correctly, gets both sides of the aisle on board, it will pass easily.