Good to see some of the good conspiracy bullshit on mail in ballots playing out on here. Let's see how the court decisions play out if there is actual malpractice. Random articles or twitter posts do not count.
This is pretty much over, we are just in mop up duty now. I think in years past, this race would have been called. It does seem the networks are cautious as they are seeing the heat Fox is getting for that AZ call.
In the other thread, I predicted Biden would win with 291 and he would take the upper midwest, PA, and AZ. That looks valid still. I did not expect GA. I came across the prediction by looking at the poll numbers, accounting for a 2016 margin of error...and Biden would still win. That looks to be the case.
I also was not as rosy on the outlook as Dems as I knew Trump would turn out people, and he did.
I think overall, it was a good night for Republicans. Holding on to the Senate is huge. (The Dems are not winning both the special run offs in GA). The Rs even took some house seats. It proves that people just did not like the way Trump was acting overall and him as an asshole, but they liked some of his policies. Biden seemed to be not a radical choice. It does seem we saw ticket splitting.
I actually agree with the VA Congressman, Spanberger, from the middle of VA. A Democrat in a mixed red and blue area, she only won by provisional votes. She blasted the Ds saying the socialism and right wing talking points stuck this year and that is why they lose seats. The Ds need to reign in the progressive talk, which I 100% agree.
In my last few posts on here, I mentioned some are living in bubbles here. I think the election results kind of prove that. Both Ds and Rs got to turn out and live in their own world of facts and figures. The dream of a Trump big defeat that the liberals wanted did not happen, nor of a Trump victory that his followers wanted. The posters on here citing fraud also prove that.
In northern Maryland, where I am, I live in R and D areas, that went heavily for Larry Hogan. In my circle of friends and neighbors that are Rs, some went with Trump and some went with Biden. The Hunter shit never was taken seriously. They saw it as the typical right wing bullshit. What mattered was Trump's actions and Biden's hopeful ability to lead. I think that logic played out across the country. The Hunter shit on here, did not matter, as I figured it would not.
Now that Trump is going to lose, I think he will never say the word concede, or even say he lost, on that he was cheated. He will half ass his way through the transition, will try and block as much as possible. He will totally leave town the night before or morning of Biden taking over like the loser and asshole he is.
I also think Biden will try and bring the country together and there will enough people in the Senate to get some things done in the 6 months and after that...we are back to normal BS.
TLDR; Trump is gone, thank God.