
On Jul 14, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 11:44 am

Oh good, another thread has devolved into a libs vs conservatives argument.

I'm out. God speed to all of you.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 10:46 am
posted by CenterBHSFan

You probably saw a few that were too. That's the difference made.

i don't get my news from random social media posts, so no i didn't see any "faked" headlines. just shitty headlines from big news organizations.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 09:16 am
posted by CenterBHSFan

Trying to figure out if this was a fake or if this was what CNN actually put up.

What difference does it make? There were a bunch of bad headlines like this when things were unfolding. Media outlets refused to call it a shooting for like an hour.

USAToday was still posting stuff hastily as of last night when I went to bed. they had a blatant misspelling of "assassination" on their homepage.

it's not some grand scheme to make the situation look a certain way... they were just moving fast and producing shitty journalism.

On Jul 13, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 08:16 pm
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Election over, he’s winning going away from whoever he’s against.

totally. i was on the fence about which geriatric i wanted to vote for but now that one got shot the choice is obvious.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 06:50 pm

I find it interesting that virtually nobody opted to run for cover. They all just sat there and/or got out their phones to record what was going on. One jackass down front immediately turned around and started showboating for the camera

On Jul 9, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "What are the best materials for a phone back cover?" at 09:36 pm

human leather

On Jul 4, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "America, F*** yeah!" at 12:56 pm


On Jul 3, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:22 pm

I will be voting for Cletus

On Jul 2, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Are you happy at your current job?" at 04:11 pm
posted by jmog

I was going to comment that if they really want you then they should be offering 10-30% more than you currently make. 10% if the benefits are that much better, 30% if not. Taking a pay cut is never a great plan unless there are other work life balance things (travel, working remote, etc) that come into play.

Government role, salary is the salary and they don't have any wiggle room. There were other non-financial perks which were pulling me towards taking it. I'm at peace with my decision to turn it down.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Are you happy at your current job?" at 06:35 am
posted by MontyBrunswick

Got offered today and decided to accept. I still have mixed feelings overall, but it was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. At least now I can say I gave it a chance.

My takehome pay will take a 7-10% ding but I'll get much better benefits in return. Time will tell if it winds up being worth it in the long run.

Slept on it, woke up feeling completely different. Turned down the offer and will keep looking.

On Jul 1, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Are you happy at your current job?" at 11:14 pm

I hope you get your chair fixed.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Are you happy at your current job?" at 10:43 pm
posted by MontyBrunswick

Had an interview on Friday. Left with mixed feelings. Don't know if I will accept if offered.

Got offered today and decided to accept. I still have mixed feelings overall, but it was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. At least now I can say I gave it a chance.

My takehome pay will take a 7-10% ding but I'll get much better benefits in return. Time will tell if it winds up being worth it in the long run.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Ergonomic office chairs" at 07:23 pm


MontyBrunswick replied to "Ergonomic office chairs" at 05:19 pm
posted by justincredible

I did submit a ticket, luckily I bought it early enough that it has a 5-year warranty instead of the currently offered 2-year warranty. They asked for pictures and should be sending a replacement. 

what broke?

On Jun 30, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Ergonomic office chairs" at 10:28 pm
posted by Automatik

I bought a used Aeron for $500.

Pristine condition. Probably stolen. 

$400-500 is about the rate for a used Aeron. it's probably just a chair from a liquidated company

MontyBrunswick replied to "NBA Off-Season Thread" at 05:09 pm
posted by Ironman92

Any Kyle Filipowski thoughts?


On Jun 26, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "WFH crew - post your battle stations" at 01:37 pm

On Jun 22, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Are you happy at your current job?" at 11:49 am

Had an interview on Friday. Left with mixed feelings. Don't know if I will accept if offered.

MontyBrunswick replied to "Unpopular pop culture opinion you hold" at 11:36 am

I call my wife Buddy

On Jun 20, 2024:

MontyBrunswick replied to "Unpopular pop culture opinion you hold" at 01:44 pm
posted by justincredible

I removed the link but bookmarked it for later




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