posted by Belly35
If you're working from home, what has been your personal saving (estimated)?
My wife working from home, not having to drive, gas alone we are saving ( gas at $2.00 gal) about $44.00 per week.
Lunching out at office work: Another estimated $35.00 per week
Between gas and lunch out ....... Saving of $4108.00 per year
Writing off the working from home will surely help our tax return.... anyone has any estimated on this?
I'm not sure my wife will go back to work without a raise..... of over $4000.00
At normal gas prices, between $10-$11 per day in gas = $50/week. ($300)
Probably waste 10-15 a week with stupid stuff at the gas station = $15/week. ($90)
Generally only go get lunch once a week. Rest of the time it is leftovers or pack like I am eating now for lunch= $10/week. ($60).
I would say just by this at least 450-500 in savings not to include wear and tear on the vehicle.
Also, by being home I make dinner almost every night. Before half of the time it was ordering and picking something on the way so I would say eating at home has saved me at least $50/week.
Around april 4th I went to see how long I could go without spending a dime. I didnt load up at the grocery, so i just had what I had here and normally would get for a few days. I went 12 days without spending a dime and could have went a few more days but a couple of bills were due.
So I have saved a lot, but this has also cost me a lot with two training schools I was going to that I would have been paid double for going, to go along with a month of per diem, etc and spending zero on food for two weeks so I would say I am in the hole pretty easily