Because it fits the narrative the left went ape shit over Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin. I saw a few hot takes but took them with a grain of salt. So I subjected myself to the full 2hr interview. Very enlightening. My take.
Putin must be opposed by force. The EU must be at the front of this with the full backing of the USA.
When it comes to regaining lands lost in European wars in the past Putin is your 21st century Hitler. Putin goes back centuries.
Putin loathes Poland like Stalin and their fathers before them.
Putin is feasting on the left's propaganda and the ignorance of some on the right.
Denazification - When any politician sites anything similar without proper justification beware.
With all the speculation about Putin's health I would like to see Biden put that issue to bed as well with a two hour interview.
Carlson did press for a good will gesture to return the imprisoned WSJ journalist but was told his interview was not good enough.
We need Hillary and her reset button.