posted by gut
The inflammatory hyperbolic rhetoric is what irritates me. Concentration camps?!? That's a long-running bipartisan problem. She needs dick slapped for that comment.
Agreed (of course, she'd use the fact that you said "dick slapped" to say you're e-assaulting her or something). While I agree that the conditions are below a minimum that we should insist on (we let serial killers shower with soap and sleep in a bed, for example), and while I agree we should insist on better, equating that to gassing people in death chambers is a textbook case of a false dilemma.
posted by gut
Some waitress allegedly spit on Eric Trump yesterday in Chicago. Incredible.
You're absolutely right. People are not being taught how to cope with adversity and how to disagree maturely. Although I wonder what role social media plays - it certainly doesn't encourage or teach being respectful to people.
And he said that it means he's "winning."
The waitress should be fired for not being able to adequately serve the public if she knows she disagrees with his or her politics, and she should spend some time in brutal introspection.
Meanwhile, his response makes him sound as smart as a potato.