posted by ernest_t_bass
Theory ... Noah is Bartosz.
Kind of what I thought, but they don't look anything alike. I think he's from 1953 - don't be fooled because he hasn't aged like Claudia. There's two versions of each of them running around, 33 years apart.
The theory I saw, which makes a lot of sense, is that in 1953 Noah starts out as a somewhat regular priest. I'm not sure I agree with that, but there's apparently a subtle difference in the character that suggests when he takes that confession from Helge's mother he hasn't started his time traveling yet. Then the kicker is the woman who shows up with her son to rent that room. This is 1953, and she says her husband left or went missing (or perhaps dead), but that he was a bad man. Said he was a "man of God, but not of faith" or something like that. So Noah was her husband.
They've established you can travel thru time and talk to yourself. So I think we've only seen 1953 Noah. But he already knows everything because he's taking his orders from an older, wiser Noah who's already lived out the next 33 years or more.