LOST: The Final Season

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ohiotiger33's avatar
Posts: 1,500
Mar 9, 2010 10:17pm
I figured I would make this new thread for all of us lost fanatics to talk about the show for the last few months it is on, instead of using that "What Kate Did" thread.

On to tonight: Awesome freaking episode. The pace and acting was almost exactly on par with season 1 which is a huge positive. Plus we got a moving reunion montage at the old beach camp; I loved every second of this episode.
Mar 9, 2010 11:18pm
Ben Linus gassed his father again tonight.

Was Richard a prisoner on the Black Rock?
Posts: 113
Mar 9, 2010 11:40pm
Well, the alternate timeline is not "if the island never existed". And yes, Richard was a prisoner on the Black Rock.
KnightXC1's avatar
Posts: 1,031
Mar 9, 2010 11:43pm
So we find out Richard was on the Black Rock, Ben still went to the island with his Dad but they left, and Jack can stop fuses from burning. Only thing I haven't liked the last two weeks is that there was no Kate, no Sawyer, no Sayid and Jin (tonight). These main characters disappearing for weeks at a time is annoying and hopefully everyone is on the show next week. Widmore finding the island is very interesting to say the least.
ohiotiger33's avatar
Posts: 1,500
Mar 9, 2010 11:45pm
I think it is interesting that Richard cannot kill himself. This reminds me of Michael in season 4 when he was trying to off himself, but couldn't (maybe he was touched by jacob?).

Michael Emerson is an absolutely brilliant actor; the way he portrays Ben is unreal, and he added a new dynamic tonight. I also really enjoyed the scene with Richard and Jack. Seems like Jacobs followers are starting to doubt his motives.
ohiotiger33's avatar
Posts: 1,500
Mar 9, 2010 11:46pm
KnightXC1 wrote: So we find out Richard was on the Black Rock, Ben still went to the island with his Dad but they left, and Jack can stop fuses from burning. Only thing I haven't liked the last two weeks is that there was no Kate, no Sawyer, no Sayid and Jin (tonight). These main characters disappearing for weeks at a time is annoying and hopefully everyone is on the show next week. Widmore finding the island is very interesting to say the least.
Lol Lost has been doing this for years. There is only so much time; they cannot put everyone in every episode.
dwccrew's avatar
Posts: 7,817
Mar 9, 2010 11:55pm
ohiotiger33 wrote: I think it is interesting that Richard cannot kill himself. This reminds me of Michael in season 4 when he was trying to off himself, but couldn't (maybe he was touched by jacob?).

Michael Emerson is an absolutely brilliant actor; the way he portrays Ben is unreal, and he added a new dynamic tonight. I also really enjoyed the scene with Richard and Jack. Seems like Jacobs followers are starting to doubt his motives.
I've been saying this for several weeks now, but I still believe Jacob is the evil one. He manipulates and wants to keep everyone on the island. I think the "Locke" character isn't as bad as he is portrayed at the moment and we'll find that out eventually.
ohiotiger33's avatar
Posts: 1,500
Mar 9, 2010 11:58pm
^^ True. And look at it this way. Sure he killed people, but so did god in the bible. Man in Black (Locke-Flocke), claimed he was going to kill non believers; this is really no different.

They also make it a point to say that Jacob's followers are free now that he is dead, as if they were in a type of bondage.
Posts: 547
Mar 10, 2010 7:16am
So...Jacob is a sort of Messiah type character. He (like God) wants his followers to blindly have faith in him...and if they do, I feel they will be rewarded greatly at the end by finding their purpose. Locke is now a Satan like character offering temptation and telling them that if they come with him, it will be the easy way out. He's also claiming that Jacob is dead and they are crazy to follow him.

Are we in purgatory here?
Posts: 547
Mar 10, 2010 7:17am
Sorry guys...didn't read your posts before I posted...sounds like you're talking along the same lines as me.
KnightXC1's avatar
Posts: 1,031
Mar 10, 2010 11:03am
ohiotiger33 wrote:
KnightXC1 wrote:
Lol Lost has been doing this for years. There is only so much time; they cannot put everyone in every episode.
The difference is now there are half the characters to keep track of. I just rewatched season 1 and am now on 2 and Kate and Sawyer were never off an entire episode thus far. For all we know Sawyer is still standing in the cave that Locke took him too.
Posts: 7,361
Mar 10, 2010 12:27pm
"Are we in purgatory here?"

I think the writers said it wasnt purgatory a couples seasons ago.
Posts: 547
Mar 10, 2010 12:28pm
Seems an awful like they are deciding between heaven and hell.
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Mar 10, 2010 12:39pm
Im not really a huge fan of the flashes of the other time line at the moment. Dont know what it is about them but they just arent very interesting to me as of now. Im sure ill feel different(hopefully) when it comes together. Whatever happened to that old couple(Rose and Bernard i think)
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Mar 10, 2010 12:59pm
What I found interesting about last night during the Richard/ Jack/ dynamite talk was Jack's embrace of fate and faith. It seems he has totally abandoned the science/ reasoning aspect of his personality that put him in conflict with Locke.
KnightXC1's avatar
Posts: 1,031
Mar 10, 2010 1:02pm
^^ I had that same thought as well during the show.
ohiotiger33's avatar
Posts: 1,500
Mar 10, 2010 2:10pm
One big theory I have is that the flash sideways is the actual ending of the show. It seems like this universe is a world without Jacob's influence, and they all seem to have better lives (though Sayid's/Kate's is debatable).
Posts: 466
Mar 10, 2010 2:40pm
jack need faith to bring the good to the Island
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Mar 10, 2010 11:56pm
I really love the potential that this has wrapping up.
dwccrew's avatar
Posts: 7,817
Mar 11, 2010 12:01am
baseballstud24 wrote: So...Jacob is a sort of Messiah type character. He (like God) wants his followers to blindly have faith in him...and if they do, I feel they will be rewarded greatly at the end by finding their purpose. Locke is now a Satan like character offering temptation and telling them that if they come with him, it will be the easy way out. He's also claiming that Jacob is dead and they are crazy to follow him.

Are we in purgatory here?
I like your thinking, the only problem I have with that is that Richard said he followed Jacob all that time and then said his life had no purpose. Unless now Jack has restored his faith.
Posts: 125
Mar 11, 2010 1:38pm
Can someone tell me who Sayid is supposed to be? If Locke is the Man in Black, then is Sayid Jacob reincarnated? B/c he appears to be evil (just his "look"). So how can both Jacob and the Man in Black be bad? And explain how Widmore found the island. Didn't Ben move it? What the hell time is Widmore in anyway? I am so confused with all these flash forward, backward and sideway timelines! But damn, I absolutely LOVE this show. Even if I'm disappointed that certain characters aren't on alot, this show has me so damn hooked!!
Posts: 24,795
Mar 11, 2010 2:00pm
ohiotiger33 wrote: One big theory I have is that the flash sideways is the actual ending of the show. It seems like this universe is a world without Jacob's influence, and they all seem to have better lives (though Sayid's/Kate's is debatable).
I like this theory--we'll see ;)
Posts: 547
Mar 11, 2010 3:18pm
dwccrew wrote:
baseballstud24 wrote: So...Jacob is a sort of Messiah type character. He (like God) wants his followers to blindly have faith in him...and if they do, I feel they will be rewarded greatly at the end by finding their purpose. Locke is now a Satan like character offering temptation and telling them that if they come with him, it will be the easy way out. He's also claiming that Jacob is dead and they are crazy to follow him.

Are we in purgatory here?
I like your thinking, the only problem I have with that is that Richard said he followed Jacob all that time and then said his life had no purpose. Unless now Jack has restored his faith.
I think Richard has (just like everyone else) briefly lost his way and faith. Jack brought him back though. Very ironic that Jack is now the one preaching faith!
Posts: 547
Mar 11, 2010 3:23pm
I feel like some of the people we're seeing in the flashes have made deals with the devil (Sayid) and now his life is pretty much miserable. He gets to see Nadia, but can't have her...Ben originally made a deal with Locke (the devil)...and his life was pretty much miserable, but then when he went back to faith (Jacob's team) everything went well for him and his "daughter" ended up getting what she needed to get into Yale...I can't remember who all we've seen in the flashes this season, but it was just something I decided to keep my eye on.
Websurfinbird's avatar
Posts: 656
Mar 11, 2010 3:42pm
I am loving the show, but it is bothering me a bit how everyone seems to be ending up in L.A. (or its vicinity) in the flash sideways. I can understand the Oceanic survivors ending up there, since the flight was to L.A., and it makes sense that most would have some connection to the city, but Danielle? How did she and her mother, from France, wind up in L.A. This better be explained soon.

Yes I get the purpose was to show how in a different reality Ben did not sacrifice Danielle in order to gain power, and I thought it was a great look into his character.

I expect that they will explain why everyone was brought to L.A., and what is so special about this city. I thought maybe it could be a city of angels type thing and perhaps this is "heaven." Though it has been repeated many times that the remaining living characters are not dead.