Oct 11, 2012 3:13pm
Is a lack of belt and flat billed hat involved?Curly J;1292686 wrote:Yes and you don't tear up your Ed Hardy/TapOut/Affliction Gear either if you drink at home. (Hopefully)

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 11, 2012 3:17pm
Yeah thats def an advantage.Curly J;1292686 wrote:Yes and you don't tear up your Ed Hardy/TapOut/Affliction Gear either if you drink in your mom's basement. (Hopefully)

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 11, 2012 6:02pm

From the Facebook Page:
<aside> Stone Brewing Company said:
[INDENT]Do you feel Lukcy, punk? Well... do ya? You should, because Lukcy Basartd Ale just made its triumphant return to the bottling line. It'll hit shelves with Double Bastard Ale beginning on 10/29... which is undoubtedly the best news you've gotten all week.[/INDENT] </aside>
Can't wait!

Devils Advocate
Posts: 4,539
Oct 11, 2012 6:25pm
I love all those little bastarts. I am particularly fond of the oaked

Posts: 14,994
Oct 11, 2012 6:25pm
There are very few times in which the F-word is not only appropriate, but necessary.Commander of Awesome;1292960 wrote:
From the Facebook Page:
<aside> Stone Brewing Company said:
[INDENT]Do you feel Lukcy, punk? Well... do ya? You should, because Lukcy Basartd Ale just made its triumphant return to the bottling line. It'll hit shelves with Double Bastard Ale beginning on 10/29... which is undoubtedly the best news you've gotten all week.[/INDENT]
Can't wait!
This is one of those times.

Devils Advocate
Posts: 4,539
Oct 11, 2012 7:11pm
Am currently at my fav. Brew pub in dayton. The surprise of the week: Southern tier Unerthily IPA! I showed Dave the brewmeister this thread and said most of your palettes were well refined and developed. This place always has a new keg of awsomnous tapped and is responsible for my love of stone breweries.
I even got a free pint for plugging this place. Thanks Dave!
I even got a free pint for plugging this place. Thanks Dave!

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 11, 2012 8:34pm

this beer is dangerous. Hides the almost 10% alcohol well with a great mint chocolate flavor that comes on late.

Posts: 9,932
Oct 12, 2012 11:01am

Posts: 24,984
Oct 12, 2012 11:13am
I think I may try some gluten free beer tonight. My wife has been making food, gluten free, and I've been feeling better. Had ONE night of fried food last week and felt like shit.

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 12, 2012 11:23am
I don't eat gluten free, but in general if I eat fried food or red meat (like a fat burger) I feel like shit. If it's working for you though keep it up. Gluten Free Beer usually = shit though.ernest_t_bass;1293464 wrote:I think I may try some gluten free beer tonight. My wife has been making food, gluten free, and I've been feeling better. Had ONE night of fried food last week and felt like shit.

Posts: 24,984
Oct 12, 2012 11:32am
That's what I'm afraid of.Commander of Awesome;1293474 wrote:Gluten Free Beer usually = shit though.
Oct 12, 2012 11:36am
Just drink good beer. I few IPAs > Case of Keystone. Fact.ernest_t_bass;1293464 wrote:I think I may try some gluten free beer tonight. My wife has been making food, gluten free, and I've been feeling better. Had ONE night of fried food last week and felt like shit.

Posts: 24,984
Oct 12, 2012 11:41am
Have laid off the keystone the last couple weeks. Started with a Blue Moon last night, then all I had left was Keystone. Did not care for it. I've just been buying a 12 pack of good beer on the weekends, and I'm noticing that just a few of them have been making me ready for bed. The killer is Sunday. Last Sunday I was running out of beer, so I got a sixer of Yuengling Lord Chesterfield Ale, and it wasn't terrible. Nice for its price.Sonofanump;1293486 wrote:Just drink good beer. I few IPAs > Case of Keystone. Fact.

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 12, 2012 11:47am
Agreed, it helps. You wouldn't think about it, but few good beers get you there pretty quick. So you end up drinking less (less calories) enjoy it more and don't wear out your zipper.ernest_t_bass;1293491 wrote: and I'm noticing that just a few of them have been making me ready for bed.
Oct 12, 2012 12:59pm
I arrived late to the bar a few weeks back and they had pitchers of Coors Light, you can see throught the pitcher, I took a glass and could not finish it. Leason learned for me.ernest_t_bass;1293491 wrote:then all I had left was Keystone. Did not care for it.

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Oct 12, 2012 1:39pm
I had a bunch of coors light and miller high life at the nationals game earlier this week - i have no problem drinking red neck beer. If i go to a party and all the have are keystones, fuck it, i'll have 8 lol

Posts: 14,994
Oct 12, 2012 2:00pm
Plus, with a lot of those, you end up spending less for the actual alcohol volume.Commander of Awesome;1293498 wrote:Agreed, it helps. You wouldn't think about it, but few good beers get you there pretty quick. So you end up drinking less (less calories) enjoy it more and don't wear out your zipper.

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 12, 2012 2:13pm
lol, depends on the atmosphere. I'm with the guys and we're looking to get roudy and day drink sure. If I'm there with more low key people or something than I just don't drink.Raw Dawgin' it;1293587 wrote:I had a bunch of coors light and miller high life at the nationals game earlier this week - i have no problem drinking red neck beer. If i go to a party and all the have are keystones, fuck it, i'll have 8 lol

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Oct 12, 2012 3:19pm
I draw the line at steel reserve and any diet beer like Michelob Ultra, Bud select, MGD 64, etc etc...otherwise, fuck it, i'm drinking.Commander of Awesome;1293603 wrote:lol, depends on the atmosphere. I'm with the guys and we're looking to get roudy and day drink sure. If I'm there with more low key people or something than I just don't drink.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 12, 2012 4:56pm

That's the beers for tonight. Sorry for the large photos they were the best ones I could find on z web.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 12, 2012 4:58pm
If I'm ever in Dayton (unlikely) I'll have to hit that place up.Devils Advocate;1293007 wrote:Am currently at my fav. Brew pub in dayton. The surprise of the week: Southern tier Unerthily IPA! I showed Dave the brewmeister this thread and said most of your palettes were well refined and developed. This place always has a new keg of awsomnous tapped and is responsible for my love of stone breweries.
I even got a free pint for plugging this place. Thanks Dave!

Posts: 14,994
Oct 12, 2012 5:32pm
Stocked up. Bomber of ST's Imperial Creme Brulee Stout, a 4-pack of Dragon's Milk, and a Left Hand sampler.
Should last me about two days. This is what birthday money is all about.
Should last me about two days. This is what birthday money is all about.

Posts: 14,994
Oct 12, 2012 6:01pm
And the bomber is gone. Perhaps I should pace myself a little better.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 12, 2012 6:16pm
Please tell me you were sharing that. If you drank a whole Creme Brulee by yourself immediately seek treatment for diabeetus.O-Trap;1293662 wrote:And the bomber is gone. Perhaps I should pace myself a little better.

Posts: 14,994
Oct 12, 2012 6:21pm
LOLI Wear Pants;1293669 wrote:Please tell me you were sharing that. If you drank a whole Creme Brulee by yourself immediately seek treatment for diabeetus.
Downed it on my own. Every last drop was delicious. I regret nothing.