Beer snob discussion thread

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BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Aug 10, 2012 2:44pm
queencitybuckeye;1244140 wrote:Some do, others do not, and make beers as good as any you would care to drink with nothing but those four ingredients.
Just a few that do...

Great Lakes
Goose Island
Sierra Nevada
Bear Republic
Southern Tier
Dogfish Head
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Aug 10, 2012 2:47pm
queencitybuckeye;1244140 wrote:Some do, others do not,
Which breweries don't?
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 10, 2012 2:49pm
queencitybuckeye;1244140 wrote:Some do, others do not, and make beers as good as any you would care to drink with nothing but those four ingredients.
Name them.
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Aug 10, 2012 2:51pm
I don't like pumpkin beers. Hope this helps.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 10, 2012 2:54pm
gorocks99;1244165 wrote:I don't like pumpkin beers. Hope this helps.
It does.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 10, 2012 2:59pm
gorocks99;1244165 wrote:I don't like pumpkin beers. Hope this helps.
No. It Doesn't. GTFOWTS. ;)
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Aug 10, 2012 3:14pm
I Wear Pants;1244133 wrote:This is the beer snob thread.

But in general I assume people using GIF images probably aren't actually angry.

Also, I'm surprised you took more offense to me posting "GTFO" rather than to me posting that we should kill you guys with fire and/or nuke you from orbit. :)
Conveying tone over the internet isn't the easiest thing to do...was just bustin chops, wasn't mad. The nope gif made me lol
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 10, 2012 3:34pm
Raw Dawgin' it;1244190 wrote:Conveying tone over the internet isn't the easiest thing to do...was just bustin chops, wasn't mad. The nope gif made me lol
Indeed it is.

Hard to tell when someone is joking or angry and when someone is busting chops or actually has rustled jimmies.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Aug 10, 2012 6:09pm
Curly J;1244132 wrote:Winner Winner Beer Can Chicken Dinner !!!

Glad someone else knew that!
gorocks99;1244165 wrote:I don't like pumpkin beers. Hope this helps.

I Wear Pants;1244208 wrote:Hard to tell when someone is joking or angry and when someone is busting chops or actually has rustled jimmies.
You know what rustles my jimmies? That my Acme, which used to carry an AWESOME selection, just stopped, and now I've got to go in opposite directions of my house if I want to grab a decent cigar and a decent beer. I just found this out when I went over there today. The "nicest" thing they had there was Boddingtons (admittedly not the worst ale I have had).
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 10, 2012 8:28pm
Having an octoberfest by Sam Adams right now. First fall beer of the yr. also RDI is a fagela for not liking pumpkin beers. Hope this helps.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 10, 2012 8:28pm
But not gorocks.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 10, 2012 8:51pm
Lot of good beers in Chicago the past two days, a lot of micro brews. Goose Island, many of their varieties, were pretty good. Green line, 312. Laguinitas (sp) was delicious. Brought home some new beers to try. Sofie, Purple Haze, Shock Top Lemon Shandy (lol), Goose Island variety pack, and some good ole Old Style beer.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 10, 2012 8:54pm
Had some Dogfish Head too. Not bad

What do you guys think if Kentucky Bourbon Ale? Not sure how I feel.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 10, 2012 9:36pm
Havent had it, but Its on my list to try. What do you think?
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 10, 2012 9:41pm
Commander of Awesome;1244482 wrote:Havent had it, but Its on my list to try. What do you think?

Had a bourbon ale a few weeks ago, don't remember name, but it tasted like straight bourbon. Didn't like it. This one, however (Kentucky), was a lot more mild, and not bad. Still tough to mix the two in my mind, but I could get used to it.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Aug 10, 2012 9:48pm
Just picked up a six pack of GL Oktoberfest; first one of the year. Like this beer a lot, but really looking forward to Nosferatu.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 10, 2012 9:56pm
I bought a six of Diabotical IPA made in Traverse City, Michigan tonight. Still chilling.

Had a draft Stone IPA with dinner tonight, I could drink more of that.
Aug 10, 2012 11:14pm
I hate cinnamon in beer. Hope this helps.
Aug 10, 2012 11:15pm
BORIStheCrusher;1244485 wrote: Like this beer a lot, but really looking forward to Nosferatu.
Aug 10, 2012 11:16pm
ernest_t_bass;1244453 wrote:What do you guys think if Kentucky Bourbon Ale? Not sure how I feel.
Nah, too sweet.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 11, 2012 1:07am
O-Trap;1244355 wrote:Glad someone else knew that!


You know what rustles my jimmies? That my Acme, which used to carry an AWESOME selection, just stopped, and now I've got to go in opposite directions of my house if I want to grab a decent cigar and a decent beer. I just found this out when I went over there today. The "nicest" thing they had there was Boddingtons (admittedly not the worst ale I have had).
Only Acme I've been in for beer was the one in Fairlawn which had a pretty decent selection.

It's terrible when stores stop having good selections. Tragic really.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Aug 11, 2012 2:06am
I Wear Pants;1244566 wrote:Only Acme I've been in for beer was the one in Fairlawn which had a pretty decent selection.

It's terrible when stores stop having good selections. Tragic really.
This one isn't far from the Fairlawn strip, where that Acme is. Yeah, their selection is still decent.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 11, 2012 10:42am
ernest_t_bass;1244453 wrote:
What do you guys think if Kentucky Bourbon Ale? Not sure how I feel.

If it's the one from Alltech I'm not a big fan of it. I've had it a few times and there is too much bourbon flavor. Like it's fake or just drop a shot in your beer mug and chug. I like them with just a hint of bourbon...Yes I sound like a broken record as I've said it several times before in this thread
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 11, 2012 5:07pm
So I bought some Diabolical IPA brewed by North Peak Brewery last evening. I could only finish 1-1/2 beers. The level of carbonation in the beer made it undrinkable. Today I poured some in a Pilsner glass and am letting it settle a little bit. When I poured it maybe not quite 1/4 of the glass was beer, the rest all foam. The beer has been in my refrigerator almost 24 hours so it is cold, any other opinions on this condition other than I may have just got a bad batch?
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 11, 2012 9:44pm
Pumkings and Yuengs tonight. Weird fuckin' combo.
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