Beer snob discussion thread

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Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 6, 2012 11:42am
O-Trap;1240913 wrote:Finally had Le Freak last night. A Belgian-IPA mix had me skeptical, but that was delicious!
Great beer, I'm also a fan.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Aug 6, 2012 12:05pm
Commander of Awesome;1240974 wrote:Great beer, I'm also a fan.
Yeah, I've never had such a mix of sweet and bitter. Had a nice, full head. Citrus aroma. Great beer. Will definitely buy again.
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Aug 6, 2012 5:48pm
I'm ready for the pumpkin beers. My favorite beer time of the year.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 6, 2012 6:29pm
Agreed wok.

I just moved with in 5 minute walking distance or 2 breweries, and about 20 min walk from a nationally famous brewery. I've hit two of the 3 so far. One was great, the other their IPA tasted like a pine tree. I didn't even finish it. I intend to hike on over to the 3rd tonight, I'll give my impressions.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 6, 2012 8:26pm
Having an Anderson Valley Hop Ottin' IPA right now. I'm a fan.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 6, 2012 11:55pm
The Wife and I toured and hung out at the Rivertown Brewery this past Saturday. They had tanks full of their Pumpkin Beer fermenting and the bottling line was prepped with their labels. Even the brewmaster is not sure if it will be released later this month or September 1st. We did get to try a small sample of it. Damn Good stuff.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 7, 2012 12:48am
I'll be brewing a few batches of a Pumking clone the next few weeks and then the weeks after that I'll be doing Christmas ales. Gonna be some good beer fermenting in my basement.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 7, 2012 1:10am
I Wear Pants;1241486 wrote:I'll be brewing a few batches of a Pumking clone the next few weeks and then the weeks after that I'll be doing Christmas ales. Gonna be some good beer fermenting in my basement.

It better be a Southern Tier Pumpking Clone...just saying.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 7, 2012 1:31am
Curly J;1241488 wrote:It better be a Southern Tier Pumpking Clone...just saying.
Yes, of course it is. What kind of heathen would I be if it were anything different. Even got damned graham cracker extract to add to it since that's something that most people forget which is in the actual beer.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 7, 2012 2:04am
I Wear Pants;1241489 wrote:Yes, of course it is. What kind of heathen would I be if it were anything different. Even got damned graham cracker extract to add to it since that's something that most people forget which is in the actual beer.
Reps to you !!! (you can check)
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Aug 7, 2012 2:06am
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 7, 2012 2:07am
Commander of Awesome;1240217 wrote:Don't let it happen again.
Can't promise as my shift will be changing soon. I'll be getting off work at 630pm as opposed to 1030pm. Actually that means I can start drink sooner so it might not happen again.

(and I owe you Reps...You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Commander of Awesome again...Fuckin' Justin')
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Aug 7, 2012 7:27am
Commander of Awesome;1241251 wrote:Agreed wok.

I just moved with in 5 minute walking distance or 2 breweries, and about 20 min walk from a nationally famous brewery. I've hit two of the 3 so far. One was great, the other their IPA tasted like a pine tree. I didn't even finish it. I intend to hike on over to the 3rd tonight, I'll give my impressions.
Thank you for your vague descriptions of anonymous breweries. I had a really good beer last night, everyone here should go buy it.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 7, 2012 12:26pm
Raw Dawgin' it;1241518 wrote:Thank you for your vague descriptions of anonymous breweries. I had a really good beer last night, everyone here should go buy it.
I was vague on purpose, because I'd prefer everyone on the OC not know where I live. Last thing I need is pathetic poster like crynasty looking me up and calling my boss.

I had my first lost abbey last night, Inferno. It was awesome. Would buy again. Also had Brother Thelonious, wasn't at all what I expected it to be. Much darker than I anticipated (Menu said Belgian Abbey but it was closer to a dark strong ale IMO), but still very good none the less.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Aug 7, 2012 12:34pm
Commander of Awesome;1241715 wrote:I was vague on purpose, because I'd prefer everyone on the OC not know where I live. Last thing I need is pathetic poster like crynasty looking me up and calling my boss.

I had my first lost abbey last night, Inferno. It was awesome. Would buy again. Also had Brother Thelonious, wasn't at all what I expected it to be. Much darker than I anticipated (Menu said Belgian Abbey but it was closer to a dark strong ale IMO), but still very good none the less.
I haven't had a Brother Thelonious in AGES. They sell it at the local Giant Eagle, but it's in an odd spot. Since you've reminded me, I think I'll pick one up.
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Aug 7, 2012 11:36pm
Had a Founders KBS last night and one tonight. Making room in the fridge for the pumpkin beers. Have one KBS left and a 4-pack of Old Rasputin. They won't survive the week.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 7, 2012 11:48pm
Raging Bitch IPA for me tonight.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 7, 2012 11:53pm
The recipe for the Pumking clone I'm doing for anyone interested or curious:

OG: 1.080
FG (when added to secondary): 1.018
Approx: 8.3 % abv

14 lbs 2-Row American Pale Malt
1 lb Victory
12 oz Crystal 80L
2 lbs pumpkin (small Cinderella pumpkin, skinned, cubed and baked for 45 minutes at 350 degrees, mashed and coated with honey, then cooked another 45 minutes at 350 - then cooled to 154 degrees to be added to mash)

3/4 lb Demerara Sugar (added to boil after hot break)
1/4 lb Light Brown Sugar (added to boil after hot break)

3/4 oz Magnum Hops @ 60 min
1/4 oz Sterling @ 15 min

8 oz Lactose @ 15 min
1/2 tsp Yeast Nutrient @ 10 min
1 Whirlfloc Tab @ 10 min
2 tbsp fine chopped candied ginger @ 5 min
3 Ceylon cinnamon sticks
1/2 tsp whole cloves @ 5 min
1/2 tsp nutmeg @ 5 min
1/2 tsp Allspice @ 5 min

Added to Secondary:
2 Madagascar Vanilla Beans (2 fresh beans split down middle, scraped and soaked in 4 oz vodka for 2 weeks - Vodka added to secondary)
1 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tsp. Capella water soluble Graham Cracker Extract (added to secondary)

2 packs Safeale US-05

Mashed at 154 degrees for 90 minutes
Boiled for 60 minutes.

Fermented at 66 degrees for 2 weeks in primary and 3 weeks in secondary.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Aug 8, 2012 8:51am
I Wear Pants;1242287 wrote:The recipe for the Pumking clone I'm doing for anyone interested or curious:

OG: 1.080
FG (when added to secondary): 1.018
Approx: 8.3 % abv

14 lbs 2-Row American Pale Malt
1 lb Victory
12 oz Crystal 80L
2 lbs pumpkin (small Cinderella pumpkin, skinned, cubed and baked for 45 minutes at 350 degrees, mashed and coated with honey, then cooked another 45 minutes at 350 - then cooled to 154 degrees to be added to mash)

3/4 lb Demerara Sugar (added to boil after hot break)
1/4 lb Light Brown Sugar (added to boil after hot break)

3/4 oz Magnum Hops @ 60 min
1/4 oz Sterling @ 15 min

8 oz Lactose @ 15 min
1/2 tsp Yeast Nutrient @ 10 min
1 Whirlfloc Tab @ 10 min
2 tbsp fine chopped candied ginger @ 5 min
3 Ceylon cinnamon sticks
1/2 tsp whole cloves @ 5 min
1/2 tsp nutmeg @ 5 min
1/2 tsp Allspice @ 5 min

Added to Secondary:
2 Madagascar Vanilla Beans (2 fresh beans split down middle, scraped and soaked in 4 oz vodka for 2 weeks - Vodka added to secondary)
1 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tsp. Capella water soluble Graham Cracker Extract (added to secondary)

2 packs Safeale US-05

Mashed at 154 degrees for 90 minutes
Boiled for 60 minutes.

Fermented at 66 degrees for 2 weeks in primary and 3 weeks in secondary.
Thanks, I will keep this on hand. Let me know how it turns out.

Is this for 5 gallons?
Wooball's avatar
Posts: 1,325
Aug 8, 2012 9:32am
Toured Brooklyn Brewery on Monday, it was a great time. Tour guide was very good, beer was good and our group was the only people in the place besides some workers. I'd rank that tour at the top of my list. Definitely worth the 2 hours if you are into beer and are in NYC.

Also had some amazing beers over the weekend in Philly and NYC:
Great Divide 18th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA - Double IPA and barrel aged? Had on tap at the Gingerman in NYC. I've never been disappointed from an offering from Great Divide and this was no exception. I will be looking for this one again!
Russian River Pliny the Elder - definitely lived up to the hype. Fantastic, wish I could get it in Ohio.
Russian River Symposium Sour Brown Ale - I've had sours before, but this one being a Sour Brown was intriguing. Not as overwhelmingly sour as something from say Jolly Pumpkin, and with that Brown Ale taste at the end. Not sure I'd order again, but worth a sample, very unique.
Brooklyn Blast - their double IPA, not bottled yet only available on tap, but they said it should be at the Winking Lizards in Ohio. Very balanced double IPA, I'd have preferred a slightly hoppier/bitter flavor, but still very solid. Would definitely order again.
Brooklyn Local 1 - Belgian Strong Pale Ale. I'm not a huge fan of Belgian styles, but this was LEGIT. The Local 2 is a Belgian Strong Dark Ale, which I preferred to the Local 1 but both were fantastic. the sweetness wasn't overwhelming on either like many Belgians styles I've had which I enjoyed.
Stone Smoked Vanilla Porter - one of my favorite porters, hoping the Lizard has this on tap again this year.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 8, 2012 10:10am
BORIStheCrusher;1242361 wrote:Thanks, I will keep this on hand. Let me know how it turns out.

Is this for 5 gallons?
Yeah it's a five gallon batch.

Also, not my recipe, it's from someone on Homebrewtalk.
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Aug 8, 2012 10:15am
I'm in the process of moving - new place is a 10 minute walk from Half Acre Brewery. I think I'll be filling up plenty of growlers over the next few years :)
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Aug 8, 2012 10:52am
We had the Rivertown Ojos Negros last night. Its their Lambic with blackberrys added when it's aged...for one year. Nice and sour. The best way I can describe it is Sweet Tarts, just not as sweet. I still have 2 more bottles of it and might head to the brewery to get more to age.

I was able to get a couple 12oz bottles of the Stone Porter with Vanilla beans. Both were drank last night. What a wonderful beer.

Glad to hear of your tour Wooball. I've had the Blast only once. It was at a tasting with Garrett Oliver. He was surprised that there was any left in the US when we had it. It was on tap and we emptied the barrel after the tasting hanging out with him.
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Aug 8, 2012 11:20am
gorocks99;1242416 wrote:I'm in the process of moving - new place is a 10 minute walk from Half Acre Brewery. I think I'll be filling up plenty of growlers over the next few years :)
uh oh! the entire OC is going to know your address now! Watch out for death threats and flaming bags of shit on your door step!
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Aug 8, 2012 11:38am
Raw Dawgin' it;1242472 wrote:uh oh! the entire OC is going to know your address now! Watch out for death threats and flaming bags of shit on your door step!
fuckin OCers.