Saw it live on Newsnation. Trump looked like he may have been hit as he grabbed his head like he felt something.
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Trump just raised his hand appears to be OK. Blood coming from his ear so he may have gotten grazed.
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Holy shit. Maybe the left should tone down their violent rhetoric!
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I find it interesting that virtually nobody opted to run for cover. They all just sat there and/or got out their phones to record what was going on. One jackass down front immediately turned around and started showboating for the camera
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Senior Member
Yeah, bizarre no reaction from the crowd. Someone said people in the crowd may have quickly tackled the shooter. But certainly the other people not running for cover didn't know that.
333 - I'm only half evil
333 - I'm only half evil
Holy hell
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Honorable Admin
This goes hard. Talk about an iconic historical photo.
Dr Winston O'Boogie
Senior Member
Dr Winston O'Boogie
Senior Member
Election over, he’s winning going away from whoever he’s against.
Glad he wasn’t hurt/killed. Horrible that an attendee died.
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posted by justincredibleJust wait until the conspiracy theories start pouring in. That photo is too perfect not to have been staged!This goes hard. Talk about an iconic historical photo
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posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieElection over, he’s winning going away from whoever he’s against.
totally. i was on the fence about which geriatric i wanted to vote for but now that one got shot the choice is obvious.
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posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieAnother senseless death. Doubly-so when you consider the gallery behind campaigners is completely staged for optics. And I don't think it's hindsight to say if a threat is real - and there always are threats to the POTUS - it probably warrants NOT putting people in the line of fire right behind them.Glad he wasn’t hurt/killed. Horrible that an attendee died.
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I thought they made it fucking impossible to get a gun anywhere near these things. Or were suppose to.
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posted by friendfromlowryI thought they made it fucking impossible to get a gun anywhere near these things. Or were suppose to.
Going to be some questions for the secret service, to be sure.
And to think, some Democrats tried to advance legislation stripping Trump of secret service protection after he was convicted.
If Trump loses a close election again, we could see some truly violent riots. Because YOU KNOW right wing militants are already fuming over what they are convinced was a plot by the "deep state".
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
We're absolutely living in a simulation.
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Senior Member
I'm going to give it even money this guy was an anti-govt nutjob hoping to start a civil war.
Also that image is "clearly" fake - look at the wound and the bullet obviously had to come from the other direction....Buckle up folks.
posted by justincredibleWe're absolutely living in a simulation.
I’m lost on this one?
Will definitely be turned around somehow
Trump supporters don’t want gun control laws and this never would’ve happened blah blah blah
Trump should use this to say violence is for cowards but instead he’ll do the opposite and they’ll turn it on him obno
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posted by Ironman92Will definitely be turned around somehow
Trump supporters don’t want gun control laws and this never would’ve happened blah blah blah
Trump should use this to say violence is for cowards but instead he’ll do the opposite and they’ll turn it on him obno
Or Dana White labeling him “the toughest, most resilient, American bad ass on this planet.” Because someone shot at him and missed I guess.
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Reppin' the 330/216/843
posted by gutAlso that image is "clearly" fake - look at the wound and the bullet obviously had to come from the other direction....Buckle up folks.
Don’t think that’s accurate. Can’t tell if this was sarcasm.
This was a giant fuck up by the secret service.
Election over.
Trump should win in a landslide now. This plays directly into everything he has been saying for years. Next week will be a coronation for him as he plays this up as he should.
Also, this is absolutely crazy and is closest this country has been to the chaos of 1968 and 1969.
333 - I'm only half evil
333 - I'm only half evil
I'm glad that Biden has spoken to this.
I really, really hope that the Dems/medias put a stop to their fear mongering. As we see, it only takes one nutjob to believe what they say.
Besides the shooter, one person dead and another injured. I can't imagine their families seeing or learning about this. Obviously Trump is going to be just fine, but many others will not be. My heart goes out to them. Just terrible!
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Senior Member
posted by CenterBHSFanI really, really hope that the Dems/medias put a stop to their fear mongering. As we see, it only takes one nutjob to believe what they say.
I wouldn't be so quick to assume this person is a Biden supporter. While the anti-govt militias often get lumped in as "right wingers", they hate Republicans almost as much as they do Democrats. Remember the kidnapping plot with Gretchen Whitmer? The media immediately blamed Trump, except the guy leading that militia HATED Trump.
While I hate the violent rhetoric on both sides, it more often than not seems to echo, rather than cause, unrest. I doubt the cackling hens on The View actually provoked this guy by constantly referring to Trump as Hitler.
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posted by ptown_trojans_1Trump should win in a landslide now.
It was already trending that way barring an October surprise, even before the debate, really.
What's concerning now is the Repubs taking the House (Senate looked to already be heavily in their favor)...AND now possibly a super majority in the Senate. That's BAD given the complete lack of a spine with Republicans when it comes to Trump.
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Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by Ironman92I’m lost on this one?
333 - I'm only half evil
333 - I'm only half evil
posted by gutI wouldn't be so quick to assume this person is a Biden supporter. While the anti-govt militias often get lumped in as "right wingers", they hate Republicans almost as much as they do Democrats. Remember the kidnapping plot with Gretchen Whitmer? The media immediately blamed Trump, except the guy leading that militia HATED Trump.
While I hate the violent rhetoric on both sides, it more often than not seems to echo, rather than cause, unrest. I doubt the cackling hens on The View actually provoked this guy by constantly referring to Trump as Hitler.
I never said it was a Biden supporter, because I have no idea about who it might be. I did say that it only takes one nut job to believe the fear mongering.