posted by geeblock
There here legally and they work and pay taxes so yea calling rhrm criminals, locusts, sex offenders and people let out of jail is actually what hitler did to Jewish people. It certainly didn’t start out as gassing the Jews. But certainly dehumanizing them was the first step. And you actually know this but you are too partisan to admit it.
It’s funny that you think it’s the dems that think he is like hitler when the white nationalists showed up this weekend in Springfield and were doing nazi salutes, but I’m sure that is probably the dems fault or a coincidence i guess.
Just people that’s it. No different than you or I
So you're good with 19 year-old Haitians sitting in freshman class with 13 year olds, and the district expending over $2 million to hire translators? That should all turn out well, right?
And, if any such people showed up in Springfield to do nazi salutes there is a very good chance they are rent-a-mobs paid for by the left so it creates a narrative they can run with.
That is where we are.