The Political Compass Test…

jmog Senior Member
7,737 posts 52 reps Joined Nov 2009
Fri, Jul 26, 2024 8:59 AM
posted by gut

Anyone else wondering how many tries it took JMOG to produce his posted result? :)

Knew that was coming, but expected it from geeblock. 

To be honest I thought I would be more where justin was, down in libertarian world but more right. 

I think if a few of the questions weren't worded so bad AND there was a "neutral" 5th option rather than just agree/disagree for the middle, I probably would have been more "right".

I specifically remember the "do you think its a woman's duty to prioritize their children over their career". 

I disagreed mainly because of the word duty.

If it had said "do you believe it is overall beneficial for families and society for women to raise their children full time" my answer would have been agree as actual studies show this to be true. But calling it a "duty" sounds too "Stepford Wives" to me.

majorspark Senior Member
5,459 posts 39 reps Joined Nov 2009
Fri, Jul 26, 2024 1:46 PM

I refuse to take it for the same reason I hang up on pollsters.

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 117 reps Joined Nov 2009
Fri, Jul 26, 2024 2:17 PM
posted by jmog

If it had said "do you believe it is overall beneficial for families and society for women to raise their children full time" my answer would have been agree as actual studies show this to be true. But calling it a "duty" sounds too "Stepford Wives" to me.

Thought the exact same thing.

Seems like we've forgotten how to even talk about these issues.  It shouldn't be an LSAT-level parsing of words to figure out the answer.

And that's an otherwise loaded question.  Sure, it's beneficial to societies for women to raise their children.  That should be unobjectionable, but it's been turned into a sexist view. Because, hey, I also believe it's beneficial for society for MEN to raise their children. BOTH parents.  In fact, YES it's a duty for parents to raise their children.  

They've turned something completely unobjectionable into a right-wing sexist position.

Not a good test if you can tell exactly which answers land you where.  Makes you ask "where does their funding come from", because if there's value in that test I'm not seeing it.



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