
On Jul 26, 2024:

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:25 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

I have only read parts of it myself. With what I have read, I've got to say, I'm  mostly indifferent. 

Who all partook in cobbling it together doesn't fill me with fear or dread. It doesn't make me like them or dislike them. I've seen better Christmas wish lists.

That very well has the ability to change my viewpoint if your predictions come true. But as long as it isn't happening *right now", I'm not concerned.

I'm more afraid of spiders, who should all die in a fire. They are currently an existential threat to my well-being in real life.

Similarly scotus appointees said they had no plans to go after roe vs wade during confirmation correct?  Every bill or law starts as an idea. You don’t necessarily disagree with these ideas so of course you don’t care. I’m sure if project 2025 said free health care, free head start, or some idea the dems had that you disagreed with you would similarly post negatively about it. 

On Jul 25, 2024:

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:02 pm

Trump: I’ve never seen the document 

Trump:in many cases the points are fine points 

Trump: many of the points I don’t agree with but also I don’t know anything about the document. 

This makes no sense 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:51 pm
posted by gut

Sooooo more gaslighting where ignore what Trump says, THIS is what he really means or is going to happen?

You're like a cat with a laser pointer. 

So when he said he never heard of it your believe that? 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 03:27 pm

Maybe trump shouldn’t have said in 2022 that the heritage foundation would create the framework for his next administration? If it’s propaganda it is their own propaganda. 

On Jul 24, 2024:

geeblock replied to "The Political Compass Test…" at 03:57 pm

I will say I didn’t know the answer to a few of the questions. I don’t know what’s more important lowering inflation or lowering unemployment for example. I also had no clue what they were asking on the global economic/ trans global questions. But that is probably pretty close to where I belong 

On Jul 23, 2024:

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:52 pm

Sorry  I had to get that off my chest it’s just funny. I feel better now 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:50 pm

Just stfu 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:50 pm

Moderate libertarian jmog lol 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:47 pm

3 years younger 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:47 pm

What a hypocrite. 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:34 pm

He gives a pass to the guy who has rambled the same speech for two years about sharks and electric batteries and how he knows more about nuclear energy, taxes, the environment, banks, you name it I know more than anyone in history lol but he’s the most moderate 

On Jul 22, 2024:

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:02 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Yeah, I said it. You'll be fine, I promise.

I’m fine u must be pretty upset tho. 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:01 pm
posted by iclfan2

You post some of the dumbest shit. Can’t wait for you to tell us how Kamala isn’t a dip shit. Never been a mother, step daughter is a clown, husband let a guy hit him in the head with a hammer…

Never been a mother is a reach. Kinda desperate honestly. 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:55 pm
posted by iclfan2

You post some of the dumbest shit. Can’t wait for you to tell us how Kamala isn’t a dip shit. Never been a mother, step daughter is a clown, husband let a guy hit him in the head with a hammer…

Lighten up 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:55 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Yes, it IS apples and oranges, you absolute retard. 

Wow name calling and using the R word. U must be big mad. If you were a democrat jmog would bring that up for 5 years 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:16 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

One side wants people to be afraid of a wish list of ideas (Project 2025).

One side, if we go by you, doesn't even know of what is going on with something that is going on right now (65 Project).

It comes down to what a partisan wants. Do they want equal justice under the law of every US citizen? Or, would they want the idea of losing entitlements? 

That's what I have been saying. Just because you, an educator, can't comprehend even that little bit isn't my problem. It's yours.

From what I read today of the 2025 project it goes way beyond losing entitlements. But we can pretend that’s all it says and it’s just ideas. I have no idea if you think I have a problem with project 65 or if anyone has a problem with project 65 because I’ve never heard of it. Seems like apples to oranges or some type of “what about” but I have no problem with project 65 from the few minutes I looked at their website. 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:13 pm
posted by jmog

So going to the gun range is now violent right wing problem? Man, I really need to let my lesbian sister know she is a hard core LGBTQ+ hating Nazi since she owns multiple guns, a CCW, and goes to the gun range multiple times per year to train/practice with her weapons.

Does she do public service announcements and campaign from a gun range? Jesus Christ 

geeblock replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:05 pm

Of course things happen on both sides. Only one sides seems to get callled out regularly so I have to keep things balanced. Also I will add only one side wears m16 lapels and takes Christmas card photos and does psa’s from gun ranges, so yes there are levels to it 



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