posted by O-TrapMine's probably not even that, though I have good insurance.
Like I said, I would be more sympathetic if it weren't for those things I mentioned. They have equity in the house, so I know they have the ability to borrow against it. And they probably go through at least $150 a month in beer alone.
I know a lot of that is "normal" around here, so I get that they're just pretty much doing what they've seen everyone else do, but there's no way they didn't know about it, so there's ultimately no excuse.
I helped them clean up a bunch of the smaller debris in their yard yesterday, but the log was too big for even the husband and I to move, so we've got to figure something else out. Well, they do, but I'm willing to help if I can.
No question they should have insurance. But they’re going to pay for the roof through the deductible and premium hikes. Just not a bill up front.