Beer snob discussion thread

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Devils Advocate's avatar
Devils Advocate
Posts: 4,539
Jan 31, 2013 2:20pm

Some of this is legit.

Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jan 31, 2013 9:48pm
Samuel Smith Chocolate Stout for me tonight after a trip to the local watering hole on way home from work. REALLY impressed with Sam Smith here on this one.
Mooney44Cards's avatar
Posts: 2,754
Jan 31, 2013 9:58pm
Three Floyd's Rye da Tiger right now for me.

People are falling all over themselves to find this one in Ohio and I'm not sure why. My guess is because its never been bottled before this year. And it's 3F of course. But honestly, while its great, its not anything special, and at $13/bomber a bit overpriced. If this were a cheaper year round beer I'd probably buy it all the time, but I'd take Lagunitas Sucks 10 times out of 10 over RdT.

I guess I'm getting pretty snobby because this really is a fantastic IPA but I've had 5-10 better IPAs, probably 3 of which are from 3F.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Jan 31, 2013 10:16pm
Mooney44Cards;1378964 wrote:Three Floyd's Rye da Tiger right now for me.

People are falling all over themselves to find this one in Ohio and I'm not sure why. My guess is because its never been bottled before this year. And it's 3F of course. But honestly, while its great, its not anything special, and at $13/bomber a bit overpriced. If this were a cheaper year round beer I'd probably buy it all the time, but I'd take Lagunitas Sucks 10 times out of 10 over RdT.

I guess I'm getting pretty snobby because this really is a fantastic IPA but I've had 5-10 better IPAs, probably 3 of which are from 3F.

I'll keep this in mind if I see it at the Jungle.
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Feb 1, 2013 1:11pm
Commander of Awesome;1378955 wrote:Samuel Smith Chocolate Stout for me tonight after a trip to the local watering hole on way home from work. REALLY impressed with Sam Smith here on this one.
Thought it was ok - little too sweet though.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Feb 1, 2013 1:16pm
Raw Dawgin' it;1379386 wrote:Thought it was ok - little too sweet though.
Wish they made an imperial version.
wildcats20's avatar
Posts: 27,794
Feb 2, 2013 8:29pm
Snobby enough for you guys? Lol

Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Feb 2, 2013 9:44pm
wildcats20;1380106 wrote:Snobby enough for you guys? Lol

Pretty much beside the Black Crown which has it's own thread. I believe Red Hook might be owned by SAB or partially at least. The rest look decent.
wildcats20's avatar
Posts: 27,794
Feb 2, 2013 9:59pm
Curly J;1380166 wrote:Pretty much beside the Black Crown which has it's own thread. I believe Red Hook might be owned by SAB or partially at least. The rest look decent.

Lol yeah had to throw the Black Crown in for ya'll.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 2, 2013 10:36pm
wildcats20;1380106 wrote:Snobby enough for you guys? Lol

Is that DFH the Saison?

I definitely like the Christmas Ale. Not a big fan of Red Hook ... too many better IPAs. Sammy A's Cherry Wheat ... meh ... Never was a fan of the Burning River, but as far as Pale Ales go, I'm told it's good. I am highly skeptical of Black Crown.

I've never had that Magic Hat or the Mojo. Any good?
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Feb 2, 2013 10:38pm
wildcats20;1380186 wrote:Lol yeah had to throw the Black Crown in for ya'll.

Trying to fool a snob. Shame in you.
wildcats20's avatar
Posts: 27,794
Feb 2, 2013 10:42pm
Just cracked the Magic Hat. It's dandelion ale.

It's not bad.

The Cherry Wheat, I agree was meh. Haven't had any others yet but 2 Black Crowns lol.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 2, 2013 11:31pm
wildcats20;1380222 wrote:Just cracked the Magic Hat. It's dandelion ale.

It's not bad.
I've genuinely never seen it anywhere. Since I've never tasted (or heard of) a dandelion ale, I'm curious. What does it taste like?

I'm going to have to keep an eye out once this damn carb fast is done.
wildcats20's avatar
Posts: 27,794
Feb 3, 2013 10:07am
O-Trap;1380243 wrote:I've genuinely never seen it anywhere. Since I've never tasted (or heard of) a dandelion ale, I'm curious. What does it taste like?

I'm going to have to keep an eye out once this damn carb fast is done.

It's the spring seasonal. I've never seen it til I was at Meijer. It's kinda just like an ipa. It was pretty good.
Mooney44Cards's avatar
Posts: 2,754
Feb 3, 2013 10:59am
I've never had a single beer from Magic Hat that I liked. When my family gets together they'll typically buy either a Magic Hat sampler or a couple six packs of Magic Hat #9. I think they all know I'm the most knowledgeable beer guy and the family and they always offer it to me in a sort of "see we're beer snobs too" kind of way. It pleases me enough that they're not drinking ABI or SAB products that I don't have the heart to tell them I think Magic Hat is awful.

I also read an interview with the owner of Magic Hat where he said he couldn't give away Magic Hat #9 to his employees even if he wanted to, that's how bad he (and they) think it is. But he can't stop making it because it is by far his best selling beer and is basically their money-maker.
Posts: 7,117
Feb 3, 2013 11:42am
Mooney44Cards;1380346 wrote:I've never had a single beer from Magic Hat that I liked. When my family gets together they'll typically buy either a Magic Hat sampler or a couple six packs of Magic Hat #9. I think they all know I'm the most knowledgeable beer guy and the family and they always offer it to me in a sort of "see we're beer snobs too" kind of way. It pleases me enough that they're not drinking ABI or SAB products that I don't have the heart to tell them I think Magic Hat is awful.

I also read an interview with the owner of Magic Hat where he said he couldn't give away Magic Hat #9 to his employees even if he wanted to, that's how bad he (and they) think it is. But he can't stop making it because it is by far his best selling beer and is basically their money-maker.
Will be finishing a sixer of their wheat IPA today, thought it was at least decent for the lower end of beer snob money ($8.49 I think).

Have had their chocolate stout as well. Now, I've never actually tasted used motor oil, but I'm guessing it's in the ballpark.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Feb 3, 2013 12:55pm
Mooney44Cards;1380346 wrote:I've never had a single beer from Magic Hat that I liked. When my family gets together they'll typically buy either a Magic Hat sampler or a couple six packs of Magic Hat #9. I think they all know I'm the most knowledgeable beer guy and the family and they always offer it to me in a sort of "see we're beer snobs too" kind of way. It pleases me enough that they're not drinking ABI or SAB products that I don't have the heart to tell them I think Magic Hat is awful.

I also read an interview with the owner of Magic Hat where he said he couldn't give away Magic Hat #9 to his employees even if he wanted to, that's how bad he (and they) think it is. But he can't stop making it because it is by far his best selling beer and is basically their money-maker.
Their stuff is hit or miss with me. The stout they just released, Heart of Darkness, is actually pretty good.
Mooney44Cards's avatar
Posts: 2,754
Feb 3, 2013 1:37pm
That sort of reminds me....what is everyone's favorite cheap craft beers? Maybe not your absolute favorite beers but stuff that is a great deal.

For me, Columbus IPA is great at $8.99 a six pack. Stone Imperial Russian Stout is super cheap too (I think it's $8??) and I like to buy a bunch of bottles when it comes out.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Feb 3, 2013 2:06pm
Stone IRS for me, think I bought 6 this year, have 4 left. Going to open one every 6 months to a yr I think. Same with Double Bastard actually. Stone usually nails it for price point.

Stone IPA, Lagunitas Maximus, Hop Devil, Storm King (when I can get it) all ten bucks or less for a 6 pack round me.
Feb 3, 2013 6:52pm
Mooney44Cards;1380429 wrote:That sort of reminds me....what is everyone's favorite cheap craft beers? Maybe not your absolute favorite beers but stuff that is a great deal.

For me, Columbus IPA is great at $8.99 a six pack. Stone Imperial Russian Stout is super cheap too (I think it's $8??) and I like to buy a bunch of bottles when it comes out.
I guess I'd pick up a sixer GLBC Commodore Perry, Belle's Two Hearts, or Founders Centennial.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Feb 3, 2013 10:20pm
Mooney44Cards;1380429 wrote:That sort of reminds me....what is everyone's favorite cheap craft beers? Maybe not your absolute favorite beers but stuff that is a great deal.
Most anything by Sierra Nevada. Some of the least expensive, yet their line up is as good as any other brewery out there.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 4, 2013 1:03am
Extreme guilty pleasure:

Baltika #9 Super Lager

WTF is a "super" lager? Either way, it's good for feeling your brew, and it comes in a giant plastic bottle.
vdubb96's avatar
Posts: 2,210
Feb 4, 2013 7:35am
Hopslam, Zombie Dust on tap this weekend. very nice.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Feb 4, 2013 8:56am
vdubb96;1381171 wrote:Hopslam, Zombie Dust on tap this weekend. very nice.

Two of my Favs. Always loved Hopslam and was lucky enough to get Zombie Dust this year. Went through a couple of sixers of it. On my second case of Hopslam.
vdubb96's avatar
Posts: 2,210
Feb 4, 2013 10:15am
I could have bathed in the Hopslam. Great stuff! :)