posted by kizer permanente
lol dude.. Do we live in the same world? How could a white dude experience racism? When have white dudes ever been the minority? When have white dudes ever been marginalized? Where exactly do you live that this is the case for you? I've been a lot of places in this world and literally nowhere has this been the case. And I mean literally.
Herein lies the problem...
Assume everyone has a cross to bear. If it's not the color of their skin, perhaps it is a genetic health disorder - maybe a person's in a wheelchair because they were born with cerebral palsy. Maybe someone is beaten by their spouse at home. Perhaps a person is unfortunate to have been born extremely ugly and loses opportunity constantly because of that. What is someone if a New England Yankee living in a backwater town in Mississippi where no one trusts him/her. What if it's an issue that a person has been the victim of identity theft, had all of their money stolen and lost a job and house as a result. On and on it goes.
The point is there is no end to this list. Race happens to be one of the items on it. You can't control what people think in their mind. If a white person hates black people, that's what's in his heart. Saying it is wrong is irrelevant. Same way with a black person that hates Asians, etc. Most reasonable people do not have the time or inclination to focus on this. They will meet someone and get to know them and then form an opinion based upon their individual experience. Kids do this all the time.
What holds back progress forward is to constantly focus every topic from a racial perspective - who got elected, what is taught in school, what's shown on TV, etc. Instead of allowing us to go about our business - to love or hate as we will - we are forced to talk and think incessently about the race of the people around us.