Progressives, part 3...

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22,824 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 9:08 PM

posted by jmog

Or you think I need to provide like 5 or 10 studies

I'd like to see you try.

You seem like a smart guy.  Yet spread ignorant bullshit on a small message board.  Go Find Yourself.


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 9:37 PM
posted by gut

Well that settles it then.  One study is gospel.  I'm sure I could shit all over it if it were actually worth my time.

I know you're full of shit.  And so do you.  The difference is, the former is an honest take and the latter is a psychopath.

Ad hominem again, just proves you have lost the debate or just don’t have the ability to develop your own argument.

See, typically how a debate goes is one side gives an argument, backed up by evidence (like the link I provided), and the other then provides their own evidence to back their own argument and explains why their evidence supersedes their other sides evidence.

You appear to believe once someone disagrees with you, even if they provide evidence, that it’s kosher to just act like a complete dickhead to said person like you are in 4th grade (which is why I mentioned I thought your mama jokes were next, you were acting so juvenile).

Calm down, take a xanax, come back in the morning with a valid argument and evidence to back it up. 

I promise I will actually read it even though you didn’t read the one I provided.  


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 9:46 PM
posted by gut

I'd like to see you try.

You seem like a smart guy.  Yet spread ignorant bullshit on a small message board.  Go Find Yourself.

I see you still don’t understand how this works…

There’s 5 links, my original plus 4 more, that ALL say that the delta variant viral load is the same or similar in vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

It’s literally the first 5 or so links based on the simple google search I showed earlier.

I quickly scanned them all and only the CDC link suggested that while the viral loads were similar that vaccinated MAY fight/knock down the viral load faster than unvaccinated making their transmissibility window shorter.

That’s a guess since they don’t know if the unvaccinated are people who had covid and therefore have same or more antibodies than vaccinated.

So, let’s hear your next ad hominem gut.


Senior Member

8,722 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 10:28 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Agreed.  When it’s all said and done, his name will probably become a rallying cry.  I bet his dad is disappointed - oh wait, never mind, he’s not involved.  

No because his victim is also black. Also living in Dallas everyone who went to that school says it’s total BS. The kid comes from a rich family and acts like he’s a gangster. Wears all blue and a grill to school most of the time. His social media is filled with him shutting down streets downtown for street racing. All the kids at the school have said he was the bully and choose the wrong kid on the wrong day. Got his ass beat and embarrassed so he came back with a gun. His parents threw him a welcome home party supposedly.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Mon, Oct 11, 2021 7:33 AM
posted by sportchampps

No because his victim is also black. Also living in Dallas everyone who went to that school says it’s total BS. The kid comes from a rich family and acts like he’s a gangster. Wears all blue and a grill to school most of the time. His social media is filled with him shutting down streets downtown for street racing. All the kids at the school have said he was the bully and choose the wrong kid on the wrong day. Got his ass beat and embarrassed so he came back with a gun. His parents threw him a welcome home party supposedly.

We all know he will be portrayed as a victim in all this and racism will somehow be invoked.  It’s 2021 after all.  

Will BLM get involved?  


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Tue, Oct 12, 2021 10:41 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

I don't believe in government mandates. I do not fault companies that would go along instead of committing suicide fighting them.

For thousands of employers right now, committing suicide would be going along with a vax mandate.  They are already short a bunch of laborers and are barely scraping by, and then the mandate will cause another 10 - 25% of their workers to walk out.  If OSHA proceeds with the emergency standard mandating the vax, and if successful injunctions are not forthcoming, the labor crisis will become a national catastrophe (if it already hasn't).  We're pissing trillions down a rat hole, and buying ourselves a socialist economy that won't work. 



995 posts
Wed, Oct 13, 2021 6:57 PM

looks like the progs got to the Rolling Stones.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Wed, Oct 13, 2021 11:53 PM
posted by jmog

Did you miss any of the CNN talking points in this horseshit of a post?

Your post immediately above this one said I was "flat wrong" about unvaccinated not being a threat.  I'd try to explain to you how unvaccinated people create threat/risk that aren't directly related to actually giving you Covid, but I have my doubts you're capable of comprehending the logic. 

And the above post is, I believe, an ad hominem attack, unprovoked before I had even directed a post at you.  Then you start with your usual intellectual dishonest tricks of strawman arguments and moving the goal posts, and whine like a bitch when you get called on it. 

Also, viral load =/= contagiousness/transmissibility.  I suspect you know better, but I think we give you too much credit.  You don't understand basic facts, and that's what makes you a hack not worth engaging.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 7:43 AM
posted by Fletch

looks like the progs got to the Rolling Stones.

Saw that.  Very sad the Stones caved.  Morons are incapable of understanding the nuance of Brown Sugar.  Probably the same crowd that listens to rappers talk about murder, rape, n-word etc.  


Senior Member

30,978 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 8:37 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Saw that.  Very sad the Stones caved.  Morons are incapable of understanding the nuance of Brown Sugar.  Probably the same crowd that listens to rappers talk about murder, rape, n-word etc.  

Keith Richards even said the song was about the horrors of slavery. These are the same dolts desecrating statues of people who were anti-slavery, thinking they were racist. Research, idiots.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 12:01 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Saw that.  Very sad the Stones caved.  Morons are incapable of understanding the nuance of Brown Sugar.  Probably the same crowd that listens to rappers talk about murder, rape, n-word etc.  

Luckily the Stones are celebs, so they won't be cancelled out of existence by the fascists. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 1:50 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Luckily the Stones are celebs, so they won't be cancelled out of existence by the fascists. 

Don't tell that to JK Rowling.  


Son of the Sun

22,577 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 2:19 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Don't tell that to JK Rowling.  

Is she actually "cancelled", though? Her books are still available and new Harry Potter stuff is still being created, regardless of how much Twitter Bitches are bitching about her opinions. I mean, they can bitch 24/7 and all-caps type "CANCELLED!!!!" and whatever, but as long as she wants to write, has any method to publishing what she writes and has any sort of audience willing to read what she writes, no number of angry online voices are going to actually matter.

Today on Barstool, Jerry Thornton wrote a pretty good dealie about Dave Chappelle and how the same "try to cancel" brigade is doomed to failure as far as he's concerned. Some trans people are upset about his new special and a few that work for Netflix are doing a walk-out or something along those lines in protest of Netflix's promotion of his stuff. The basic gist of it all was that while those people are well within their rights to decide they don't agree with something and want to protest it, when push comes to shove, they're easily replaceable cogs in a corporation's machine, while a guy like Chappelle makes millions upon millions for them and is the sort of talent that's not going to be dumped over hurt feelz as long as that money is coming in. Could say the same for Spotify/Joe Rogan or the continued existence and success of Barstool itself.




3,492 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 5:10 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

We all know he will be portrayed as a victim in all this and racism will somehow be invoked.  It’s 2021 after all.  

Will BLM get involved?  

Found boogies Twitter lol 3 degrees of BLM


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 5:36 PM

Carl Nassib - the NFL's first openly gay player, and a free agent SIGNED by Gruden - "took a personal day" today because.....because his HC was fired for being a bigot?!?

Do people ever know when to just shut up and take the W?



Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 5:45 PM
posted by gut

Your post immediately above this one said I was "flat wrong" about unvaccinated not being a threat.  I'd try to explain to you how unvaccinated people create threat/risk that aren't directly related to actually giving you Covid, but I have my doubts you're capable of comprehending the logic. 

And the above post is, I believe, an ad hominem attack, unprovoked before I had even directed a post at you.  Then you start with your usual intellectual dishonest tricks of strawman arguments and moving the goal posts, and whine like a bitch when you get called on it. 

Also, viral load =/= contagiousness/transmissibility.  I suspect you know better, but I think we give you too much credit.  You don't understand basic facts, and that's what makes you a hack not worth engaging.

Your last paragraph once again shows you are full of shit.

That is literally how they determine who is more contagious. Plenty of articles out there about this, google it. First paper that comes up when you google transmission vs viral load, plus a multitude of others.

Here's a paper that uses empirical statistical data as well as mathematical models to predict it and gives a viral load threashold before a person is considered "contagious".

Care to refute? 


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 5:54 PM
posted by jmog

Your last paragraph once again shows you are full of shit.

That is literally how they determine who is more contagious. Plenty of articles out there about this, google it. First paper that comes up when you google transmission vs viral load, plus a multitude of others.

Here's a paper that uses empirical statistical data as well as mathematical models to predict it and gives a viral load threashold before a person is considered "contagious".

Care to refute? 

This proves nothing.  Viral load is only one factor in contagiousness when comparing different variants.  Can you even Google, bro?

Stop.  Just stop.  You DO NOT KNOW what you are talking about. 


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 6:03 PM
posted by gut

This proves nothing.  Viral load is only one factor in contagiousness when comparing different variants.  Can you even Google, bro?

Stop.  Just stop.  You DO NOT KNOW what you are talking about. 

Your last line is rather ironic, don't you think...a little tooooo ironic, yeah I really do think.

Show that viral load isn't directly proportional or directly related to transmissibility to counter my claim or just admit you were wrong.

Its rather easy.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Fri, Oct 15, 2021 8:09 PM

Anyone following the Loudon school stuff? They let some dumbass 14 year old assault people and never reported it. Bc it’s a tranny. Sorry ptown 



995 posts
Fri, Oct 15, 2021 9:19 PM
posted by iclfan2

Anyone following the Loudon school stuff? They let some dumbass 14 year old assault people and never reported it. Bc it’s a tranny. Sorry ptown 

Yea now its criminal.  


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Fri, Oct 15, 2021 9:53 PM
posted by jmog

Show that viral load isn't directly proportional or directly related to transmissibility to counter my claim or just admit you were wrong.

LMFAO.  I never said viral load isn't correlated with transmission.  It's not the only factor.  Look it up.  Viral load is not the measure of the contagiousness of a disease, the R0 is.  That's really fucking basic, guy.

And for the record, my first response to you was disagreeing that the unvaccinated don't threaten the vaccinated.  I was not commenting on viral load but mutations and increased transmissibility.  That's all I've said, and I'm not wrong.  This whole viral load bullshit is your own strawmen argument.  But go ahead and continue refuting stuff I never argued and calling me an idiot.  Or maybe learn some basic reading comprehension.

Now why don't you get back to that SS model you lied about building trying your damnest to back into a number that you obviously pulled out of your ass. 


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Fri, Oct 15, 2021 10:08 PM
posted by gut

LMFAO.  I never said viral load isn't correlated with transmission.  It's not the only factor.  Look it up.  Viral load is not the measure of the contagiousness of a disease, the R0 is.  That's really fucking basic, guy.

And for the record, my first response to you was disagreeing that the unvaccinated don't threaten the vaccinated.  I was not commenting on viral load but mutations and increased transmissibility.  That's all I've said, and I'm not wrong.  This whole viral load bullshit is your own strawmen argument.  But go ahead and continue refuting stuff I never argued and calling me an idiot.  Or maybe learn some basic reading comprehension.

Now why don't you get back to that SS model you lied about building trying your damnest to back into a number that you obviously pulled out of your ass. 

Social security model? Are you fucking insane?

A simple calculation that you learn how to do in high school algebra isn’t really a model.

Do you even think before you post this bull shit?


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Sat, Oct 16, 2021 12:24 AM
posted by jmog

Social security model? Are you fucking insane?

A simple calculation that you learn how to do in high school algebra isn’t really a model.

Do you even think before you post this bull shit?

I forget which thread, but at some point you said you had a model that showed someone making $20 per hour will contribute $600k+ in their lifetime. You really need a vacation for your constant lies and intellectual dishonesty.

And you are 100% wrong.  You said you had the math to prove it.  Show me.  I know no historical based assumptions can get you close to that $600k number, even someone starting a 45 yr career today at $20 per hour.  The math is indeed simple, but apparently not for you.

You then said you I moved the goalposts by stating it in 2021 dollars.  It is common in intergenerational economic research to inflate/deflate everything to a base year.  You don't have training in economics, so it's understandable you don't know this.  You could have just admitted you pulled the number out of your ass, but instead you continue to try to justify that you aren't ignorant when you clearly are. 

Besides that, there's no way to come near $650k, even if someone starts a 45 year career today at $20 per hour (which CLEARLY was not the context of your original comment).  There's a host of bad assumptions there that you're completely oblivious to because you clearly have no education or training in this discipline.  I'm sure you can build a model, but you lack the expertise to make good assumptions.

And you never said "starting at $20 per hour".  You said MAKING $20 per hour.  And, presumably, you meant a typical first line worker, a.k.a blue collar middle class.  Because to claim you were talking about a future CFO starting at the bottom would be anecdotal, and a jackass comment to make.

Go Google this:  Manufacturing wages tend to be above average relative to other industries.  The median hourly worker in manufacturing is approximately 44 years old.  The average manufacturing wage is currently about $23 per hour.  Manufacturing wages tend to reach top payscale after 3-6 years, and then annual COLA increases thereafter. Real middle class wages have been essentially flat the past 35 years. Try to model that and get anywhere near $650k. 

Believe it or not, that all does reduce to a pretty simple model, which works out to @ the $250k I said.  That's the relevant, comparable number.  Easy math, just clearly way over your head because you got buried in assumptions you weren't equipped to make.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Sat, Oct 16, 2021 12:29 AM

"Someone making $20hr will contribute $600k in 45 years with  their employers numbers too."

That's the quote from what you actually said, the first time.  Not several posts later when you started moving the goal posts to claim you meant someone just starting their career (despite the fact the context was a twitter poster who's 40 years old and been in the 90-95 percentile of earners, or relative to this board with a similar average age).

And you're STILL wrong if you know what realistic assumptions actually are.  At 2.5% annual inflation (average the last 35 years is a little less than that), you're mythological person starting at $20 per hour today (which isn't an actual starting hourly wage, but your ignorance knows no bounds) still won't hit $500k, even without discounting to 2021 dollars.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Sat, Oct 16, 2021 12:43 AM
posted by jmog

Do you even think before you post this bull shit?

Anyway, can I assume by ignoring the question that you tacitly admit that viral load is not the same as transmissibility? 

I think shorter posts confined to a single, simple question are probably much more effective with you.