Progressives, part 3...

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Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Oct 8, 2018 2:54 PM
posted by gut

Maybe.  I was thinking more along the lines of people's views and outlook tends to be shaped by their social circles.  That's what tips the popular vote to Dems, and they know it which is why they pretend like the electoral college is some inherently unfair and poorly conceived notion.

I mean, I get the frustration of the winner not being the one with the most votes, but the reason I don't like a popular vote model as a viable alternative is what it would do to campaign strategy.  As said above, if you live on the wrong 95% of the US's tierra firma, you're basically never going to have anything important to you addressed on the campaign trail unless it's also relevant to the populous areas.  To a candidate, you're not important.  Anything addressed that is important to you is just the luck of caring about something people in Sacramento/Chicago/Atlanta/Denver/etc. care about.

The notion that our outlook tends to be influenced by our social circles is true wherever you go, so inevitably, if you're running for office, you're going to get the most bang for your buck by hitting the major cities.  If you have time to hit 1 more locations on your campaign trail, and we have a popular vote model, where are you going?  BFE, Montana with its population of 1,200 on a good year or Los Angeles?  You could flip more than 1,200 voters in LA by walking onto the rally platform, lighting a doob, and walking off.

If we think political campaigning is a shit show now ...


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 7:14 AM

Pretty wild that in a relatively short 8 year span, we've gone from the democrat party bragging about their "permanent majority" to their tear-stained screamfest  that the Constitution "isn't fair.' 


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 7:43 AM
posted by fish82

Pretty wild that in a relatively short 8 year span, we've gone from the democrat party bragging about their "permanent majority" to their tear-stained screamfest  that the Constitution "isn't fair.' 

Interesting "devil's advocate" take by Armstrong Williams on the possibility of Dems flipping both the House and Senate next month, and what they would have to do maintain that permanency - a very precarious position.


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 8:19 AM
posted by Zunardo

Interesting "devil's advocate" take by Armstrong Williams on the possibility of Dems flipping both the House and Senate next month, and what they would have to do maintain that permanency - a very precarious position.

Two things about this article stick out to me.

1.) Who in their right mind would even want a permanent majority of any party?


The Democrat Party of today has seized less on idea politics and more on identity politics. The sexual preference of a candidate or the color of a candidate’s skin is more important than the ideas that individual espouses. That may be what many voters in the party want. But it’s not what the voters need.



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 10:13 AM
posted by fish82

Pretty wild that in a relatively short 8 year span, we've gone from the democrat party bragging about their "permanent majority" to their tear-stained screamfest  that the Constitution "isn't fair.' 

At least they're metal about it.




Senior Member

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 10:39 AM
posted by Zunardo

Interesting "devil's advocate" take by Armstrong Williams on the possibility of Dems flipping both the House and Senate next month, and what they would have to do maintain that permanency - a very precarious position.

The last two points he makes will never happen. Assuming the Ds take the House they will talk fervently about an ACA adaption with Medicare for All. And you KNOW they will start impeachment process in the House like morons, because it will do nothing without 67 votes in the Senate. 


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 11:21 AM
posted by fish82

Pretty wild that in a relatively short 8 year span, we've gone from the democrat party bragging about their "permanent majority" to their tear-stained screamfest  that the Constitution "isn't fair.' 

The Lord works in mysterious ways.



333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 3:21 PM

So, CNN had a panel on that called Kanye West a dumb negro and a token negro. Didn't bother bleeping it out. In fact, Don Lemon leaned over laughing.

So yeah, while we're so worried about "old white men" that haven't done anything wrong other than being born that way, CNN is sliding under the radar with their blatant racism. 



Wed, Oct 10, 2018 3:38 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So, CNN had a panel on that called Kanye West a dumb negro and a token negro. Didn't bother bleeping it out. In fact, Don Lemon leaned over laughing.

So yeah, while we're so worried about "old white men" that haven't done anything wrong other than being born that way, CNN is sliding under the radar with their blatant racism. 

Racism doesn’t exist lol except when it’s someone who supports trump this is great. Or also the dems who have been holding black people down despite how hard the gop has tried to help black people.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 3:49 PM
posted by geeblock

Racism doesn’t exist lol except when it’s someone who supports trump this is great. Or also the dems who have been holding black people down despite how hard the gop has tried to help black people.

Who on this forum ever said that racism doesn't exist?
Also, guess how many of those people on that panel were conservatives.

You're all over the place on this and probably don't know why.



Wed, Oct 10, 2018 3:54 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Who on this forum ever said that racism doesn't exist?
Also, guess how many of those people on that panel were conservatives.

You're all over the place on this and probably don't know why.

I didn’t watch it I’m just laughing at the racism u choose to address and the racism u choose to ignore. Imagine being innocent and the only crime you committed was being born that color. Welcome to the party. 



333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 4:30 PM
posted by geeblock

I didn’t watch it I’m just laughing at the racism u choose to address and the racism u choose to ignore. Imagine being innocent and the only crime you committed was being born that color. Welcome to the party. 

I have never said that racism did not exist. I have never believed it didn't. You're trying appropriate thoughts where they do not exist. But it is pretty damn funny that the same network who has seizures about old white men laugh when people say "dumb negro" and "token negro". And it obviously bothers you that it was done and that it was pointed out as the hypocrisy that it is.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 4:39 PM

Dave Rubin has Coleman Hughes on this week. Part 1 is up. I think philosophy was certainly Hughe's calling.

10/10 so far!



Wed, Oct 10, 2018 4:56 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I have never said that racism did not exist. I have never believed it didn't. You're trying appropriate thoughts where they do not exist. But it is pretty damn funny that the same network who has seizures about old white men laugh when people say "dumb negro" and "token negro". And it obviously bothers you that it was done and that it was pointed out as the hypocrisy that it is.

As far as Kanye I don’t think he is a sell out or Uncle Tom or whatever term you want to use. I think he doesn’t have a great understanding of the things he talks about and is easily swayed or inspired by listening to a video or speech but lacks Real understanding. I also think he doesn’t do a good job of getting what he is trying to say across because of his lack of real understanding. I do however think the opposite of Candace Owens I do think she is just a mouth piece who is being used, but I don’t begrudge her for it. I might even do the same for a price. As far as my opinion between what the parties have done for or against black people, I feel they both have spent the last 100 years doing equal damage or probly even longer. I see people blaming the dems by saying what have they don’t for blacks, but as I see it there are zero policies that the gop were  against that the dems passed outside of welfare and Medicare etc.. other than that the policies regarding blacks have been identical. Dems weren’t the only ones to use the terms war on drugs and super predator.. I get that a higher percentage of black people are on welfare, but given the fact that many millions more whites are in public aid, I don’t get how welfare is holding blacks back and is a conspiracy, yet whites have almost no association with these programs despite being the majority of people using them. There are many more problems holding black people back than feeding hungry children. And now instead of education, trump wants to bring stop and frisk to Chicago. Guess what color people will be stopped and frisked?



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 4:58 PM

In the past week you got Booker saying get in people's face, Hillary saying to be uncivil until the dems win the house or Senate, and Eric dumbass holder saying when the right goes low we kick them.

There is only one side advocating violence and everyone condoning it. I hate how this is acceptable for one side and the media loves it. There is never going to be reconciliation between parties at this point.

There was an interesting graph of when parties started hating each other but I couldn't find it. Up until 2000 it was not bad, Dems started hating repubs after 2000, and then Repubs started hating dems in 2008. Now we are at an all time high.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 5:19 PM
posted by iclfan2

There was an interesting graph of when parties started hating each other but I couldn't find it. Up until 2000 it was not bad, Dems started hating repubs after 2000, and then Repubs started hating dems in 2008. Now we are at an all time high.


Tim Pool was just talking about this, if we're thinking of the same graph. Let me see if I can find the vid...

Here's the vid:



Here's the interactive graph:


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 6:05 PM

This is the one I saw



Wed, Oct 10, 2018 6:31 PM

It’s just weird to see everything be about race for 100 years now the same people cry let’s not make anything about race.. it’s hila


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 7:39 PM

I think that chart says the two parties are successfully dividing up the electorate and locking-in votes.  Incumbents want for nothing more than for you to hate the other party, because they don't have to win your vote, just convince you to go vote (which is generally an easier task since most voters vote regularly).

Truth be told, both parties loved that Kavanaugh mess.  Screw all the people you exploited, denigrated and invaded privacy of....both parties got their bases fired up!  Win-win!!!


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 7:49 PM
posted by gut

Truth be told, both parties loved that Kavanaugh mess.  Screw all the people you exploited, denigrated and invaded privacy of....both parties got their bases fired up!  Win-win!!!

Agreed, but one was already fired up (to kill Trump) and the other wasn’t. I don’t think there is a question who the Kav thing was worse for. 


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 7:58 PM
posted by iclfan2

Agreed, but one was already fired up (to kill Trump) and the other wasn’t. I don’t think there is a question who the Kav thing was worse for. 

I just hope the Repubs can keep the Senate, because I think Trump will get to appoint another SCOTUS.  Although I prefer a non-partisan SCOTUS, I definitely don't want a liberal leaning one legislating from the bench.



Wed, Oct 10, 2018 8:54 PM
posted by iclfan2

This is the one I saw

Lebron just dribble.. Taylor Swift just stick to music.. Kanye.. hero 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 10, 2018 9:01 PM
posted by geeblock

Lebron just dribble.. Taylor Swift just stick to music.. Kanye.. hero 

No idea what this means. But Taylor has 0 impact in Tennessee.