Progressives, part 3...

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Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:27 PM
posted by kizer permanente

Ok  fair enough  where have you been that’s made existing tough because you’re a white man? 

What you described here is not the only form of racism. 

But sure, affirmative action for one. It directly affected, negatively, white males only (at first, how Asian males as well) with regards to hiring and college scholarships/admissions.

One legitimate, government sponsored, fact disproves your whole set of statements so far.

Care to move on now?


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:29 PM
posted by kizer permanente

You’re missing the point homie… it has nothing to do with peoples struggles. Of course everyone has their own struggles. Of course poor white people have it hard too. It’s why Trump won. Bc poor white people are tired of hearing how they have it better than black people. Bc it doesn’t feel like they do. But it has nothing to do with how well off you are or your personal struggles. There’s no denying that across almost the entire world, not just the US, people with black skin are perceived inferior to people with lighter skin.  When you look at business and industry, the statistical rates are undeniable.  No one likes to admit they have a head start in life. That’s why people fight tooth and nail to deny it. 

Your last paragraph is laughable at best.

As a white person try to go to Japan, China, most of Africa and try to get ahead. All of those places are extremely racist (compared to the US) and specifically towards Caucasians.

You are batting 0.000, kind of like the Quaker Oats of the other side  

kizer permanente

Senior Member

2,830 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:30 PM
posted by jmog

Apparently you don’t live in the same world, and racism is based on skin color alone not who is a minority and who is not. And that is the actual definition of racism not some changed version where we just call it “prejudice” if it’s against whites and “racism” when it is against anyone else.

If you treat someone, especially in a negative way, solely based on their race, that’s racist even if that person is white.

Sorry if you don’t understand that.

I don’t know if anyone lives in the same world you do by past  discussions tbh lol 

the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another  


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:31 PM
posted by geeblock
no one is saying everyone is born with a silver spoon or that everyone hasnt overcome obstacles..but what they are saying is that one of the obstacles is not the color of your skin if you are white.  its not that hard to understand.

Does affirmative action negatively affect white males? 

Simple yes or no question.

If yes, your statement is wrong.

If no, then you don’t understand what affirmative action is.


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:32 PM
posted by kizer permanente

You are missing everything. It's not about generalizations. like... literally doesn't have anything to do with the fact that white people... especially white dudes.. can't experience racism. Definitely not in the US. There has to be a form of oppression or marginalization to experience racism. That doesn't describe white dudes.  I'm not even sure what you're trying to argue? It doesn't seem you're very sure what you're trying to argue either, 

Tell me you don’t understand the definition of racism without telling me…

kizer permanente

Senior Member

2,830 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:33 PM
posted by jmog

Tell me you don’t understand the definition of racism without telling me…

Uh huh lol 


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:37 PM
posted by geeblock

 in before Jmog and his stories of oppression as a white college student lol jkjk but really we do remember the stories so no need to rehash.  

Yup, having a real and enlightening conversation with a black woman that I graduated with was “oppression”.

For what it’s worth she actually is the one that brought up that it wasn’t fair she got a full ride when her test scores and grades weren’t as good as mine. I did not.

She was one of the nicest and most genuine people I knew in college. 

And before anyone says “thought you were on a full ride…”

She had full tuition, room, board, fees, and books covered.

I had to double major so I could get a 1/2 scholarship in math and 1/2 in engineering to pay for just tuition

That was our conversation and she is that only one in the conversation that said it wasn’t fair.

So basiclal

Shut the fuck up.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:44 PM
posted by jmog

If you treat someone, especially in a negative way, solely based on their race, that’s racist even if that person is white.

I guess it shouldn't be surprising given all the mental masturbations about race issues from the left that people struggle to define what racism actually is. 

But the American Heritage dictionary literally defines racism as "discrimination or prejudice based on race".

LOL, people actually claiming that white people aren't or can't be victims of racism...and then wonder why they aren't taken seriously?  Such a blind spot, I think the logic goes, is proof that said person is a racist.


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:46 PM
posted by kizer permanente


Watching Kizer get eviscerated by his own words and logic was actually comical.

Here, I will help…

Oxford dictionary definition 

Racism-the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race; violent behaviour towards them

Webster’s definition in the picture 

Notice both just say of a different race, none of your 3 (yes you said 3) requirements of minority, marginalization, and oppression, are mentioned.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

2,830 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:50 PM
posted by gut

I guess it shouldn't be surprising given all the mental masturbations about race issues from the left that people struggle to define what racism actually is. 

But the American Heritage dictionary literally defines racism as "discrimination or prejudice based on race".

LOL, people actually claiming that white people aren't or can't be victims of racism...and then wonder why they aren't taken seriously?  Such a blind spot, I think the logic goes, is proof that said person is a racist.

I’d guess I’d challenge you to think about why white people never complain about racism. Like when’s the last time you felt you had experience racism. Most time white people say it doesn’t really bother me when a black person says something to me that I think is “racist” or something similar. And that’s where the role of oppression is involved and why it’s distinction is important I think. 


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 4:59 PM
posted by kizer permanente

I’d guess I’d challenge you to think about why white people never complain about racism. Like when’s the last time you felt you had experience racism. Most time white people say it doesn’t really bother me when a black person says something to me that I think is “racist” or something similar. And that’s where the role of oppression is involved and why it’s distinction is important I think. 

Case in point of the mental masturbation gut just mentioned.

“It can’t be racist because white people don’t really complain about it THAT much”

Most black people I know don’t either, so by your logic people can’t be racist to black people now…

See how bad that sounds as a logical statement?

kizer permanente

Senior Member

2,830 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 5:02 PM
posted by jmog

Case in point of the mental masturbation gut just mentioned.

“It can’t be racist because white people don’t really complain about it THAT much”

Most black people I know don’t either, so by your logic people can’t be racist to black people now…

See how bad that sounds as a logical statement?

It’s really strange that a guy that claims to be really smart like you, holds the views he does and presents arguments like you do.  


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 5:27 PM
posted by kizer permanente

I’d guess I’d challenge you to think about why white people never complain about racism. 

Like I said, pretend or make-up whatever distinctions you want to make, but your opinion isn't going to change the factual definition of racism.

As for why white people don't talk about it more, you basically repeated what I said earlier - it's a mentality.  White people are also far, far less likely to falsely attribute normal assaholic behavior to racism.  But a lot of white people do complain about missing out on scholarships/promotions/etc due to affirmative action programs.  So I think perhaps you're hearing only what you want to hear, and being very narrow minded about what racism is.

Constant reminders about being oppressed, whether or not it's true, are itself a form of oppression.  Dems have done a real number on minorities.  In just 10 frickin' years that party has gone from "Hope and Change" to "you're going to fail, but it's not your fault you never had a chance".


Senior Member

6,451 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 5:45 PM
posted by justincredible

“The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county,” Sweeney said in a statement on Monday. “While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results.”


Senior Member

6,451 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 6:15 PM

Nothing inspires more faith in an electoral system than recently found ballots.



Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 6:33 PM
posted by kizer permanente

It’s really strange that a guy that claims to be really smart like you, holds the views he does and presents arguments like you do.  

The fact that I literally used YOUR argument and you said it was stupid is telling.

Wasn’t my argument, it was yours.


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 6:05 AM
posted by kizer permanente

Ok  fair enough  where have you been that’s made existing tough because you’re a white man? 

I know I am now responding late, but interesting way to frame your question, considering that is not what Gut originally said.  I guess you can invent your own definition of racism? However, to answer your question, DC.  I lived in a predominately black neighborhood for 7 years, and a lot of my neighbors (i lived in 4 different houses on different blocks of this neighborhood, so it's a large enough sample size) in addition to the community were not very happy about white people moving in.  I can provide countless examples, but the whole point is, yes a white man can experience racism. 

Also, I will throw in Japan.  If you are not Japanese, good luck being accepted into that society.  There were plenty of business that had signs outside their business stating "if you don't speak Japanese, you will not be served."    My wife and I got turned down at several restaurants with plenty of available tables, because we weren't Japanese.  I also have white male friends who live in Japan and pretty much say the same thing, so this wasn't just an off hand experience that I had during a 2 week trip in Japan.  

I stand by my comment, you apparently have not been to many places.  My recommendation is to take a step outside of your echo chamber and take a break from reporting friends/family on facebook.  Maybe then you won't be going thru the current mental gymnastics that you are going thru to support your argument. 



Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 7:36 AM


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 8:04 AM
posted by iclfan2

I am old enough to remember when this same exact argument was used against Dave Chappelle, and he isn't even a conservative LOL.  Keep in mind this new VA administration is replacing an administration that had a governor, who wore a KKK outfit or blackface (not sure which one it was), and that was barely a 48 hour news cycle. 

Anyone who has been paying attention for the last 15 years will not be shocked by shit like this, because this has been going on for a long time.  The only difference is that the media hid it under Obama and Trump (both in different ways).  There is no doubt that there are people in the black community trying to improve lives for their community.  Gblock has mentioned this many times.  Unfortunately they do not have the same platform or power as the people we see in this clip.  They don't give a shit about improving lives.  They only give a shit if you think the same way they do.  Just like at Kyrie.  After all of his support with BLM and his support for George Floyd's family,  BLM is now nowhere to be found to support him. 



3,492 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 8:20 AM

CRT isnt a real thing..just something to rally white conservatives to vote....



Senior Member

10,397 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 8:39 AM
posted by geeblock

CRT isnt a real thing..just something to rally white conservatives to vote....

Directly quoting MSNBC now, any thoughts of your own or were you just going to keep spewing what they told you?




3,492 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 8:58 AM
posted by jmog

Directly quoting MSNBC now, any thoughts of your own or were you just going to keep spewing what they told you?

I notice you didnt say it wasnt true

kizer permanente

Senior Member

2,830 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 8:59 AM
posted by like_that

I know I am now responding late, but interesting way to frame your question, considering that is not what Gut originally said.  I guess you can invent your own definition of racism? However, to answer your question, DC.  I lived in a predominately black neighborhood for 7 years, and a lot of my neighbors (i lived in 4 different houses on different blocks of this neighborhood, so it's a large enough sample size) in addition to the community were not very happy about white people moving in.  I can provide countless examples, but the whole point is, yes a white man can experience racism. 

Also, I will throw in Japan.  If you are not Japanese, good luck being accepted into that society.  There were plenty of business that had signs outside their business stating "if you don't speak Japanese, you will not be served."    My wife and I got turned down at several restaurants with plenty of available tables, because we weren't Japanese.  I also have white male friends who live in Japan and pretty much say the same thing, so this wasn't just an off hand experience that I had during a 2 week trip in Japan.  

I stand by my comment, you apparently have not been to many places.  My recommendation is to take a step outside of your echo chamber and take a break from reporting friends/family on facebook.  Maybe then you won't be going thru the current mental gymnastics that you are going thru to support your argument. 

But nothing about that made it tough to live there right? Your life wasn’t made any more difficult bc you lived around people who didn’t like you. You didn’t experience racism. You experienced people who didn’t like you lol. Nothing about your life was made more difficult about that situation. 



Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 9:07 AM
posted by geeblock

CRT isnt a real thing..just something to rally white conservatives to vote....

Sure. It’s just a total coincidence that after a year of being at home hearing what their kids are taught that this came up. There have been plenty of videos of teachers pushing racial shit, and the gender stuff is even worse. Weird that the NEA even had it on its website…



1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 9:22 AM
posted by kizer permanente

But nothing about that made it tough to live there right? Your life wasn’t made any more difficult bc you lived around people who didn’t like you. You didn’t experience racism. You experienced people who didn’t like you lol. Nothing about your life was made more difficult about that situation. 

You missed the part where I said there are countless examples, and yes at times they definitely made living there difficult.  I am not sure if that fits your definition of racism since you have changed it about 10 times since you decided to die on this hill.  I notice you conveniently left out Japan as an example too.  

Edit:  Also, even though it's more than simply people "not liking me," something tells me if a predominately white neighborhood simply didn't like one black neighbor you wouldn't have the same tune.