Progressives, part 3...

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22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 7, 2021 5:33 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Are you really taking the French side on the sub deal? Really?

Subs for China? No, the subs are for our ally, Australia, to fight against China. 

You're so predictable and dull.  I stated absolutely no opinion on France or the sub deal - the point was John Kerry said Biden was clueless.

Subs for China?  Do you even read?  The deal is cold war type posturing.  I don't really have an opinion on it, but pretty sure you would have completely lost your moderate shit if Trump did this and accusing him of trying to start WW3.

And pissing off allies is now no big deal?  LMFAO.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Thu, Oct 7, 2021 8:03 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Helps make up for slavery I guess.  Nice kid and great family.  

You mean bc he’s black?? Quietest school shooting in history!


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 7, 2021 8:14 PM
posted by iclfan2

You mean bc he’s black?? Quietest school shooting in history!

Give it time.  Family said he has been bullied and robbed at school.  So, you know, he's a "victim".  Media will have a field day with this trial.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Thu, Oct 7, 2021 9:12 PM
posted by gut

Give it time.  Family said he has been bullied and robbed at school.  So, you know, he's a "victim".  Media will have a field day with this trial.

Agreed.  When it’s all said and done, his name will probably become a rallying cry.  I bet his dad is disappointed - oh wait, never mind, he’s not involved.  



10,689 posts
Fri, Oct 8, 2021 11:33 AM
posted by gut

You're so predictable and dull.  I stated absolutely no opinion on France or the sub deal - the point was John Kerry said Biden was clueless.

Subs for China?  Do you even read?  The deal is cold war type posturing.  I don't really have an opinion on it, but pretty sure you would have completely lost your moderate shit if Trump did this and accusing him of trying to start WW3.

And pissing off allies is now no big deal?  LMFAO.

Way to double down on the dumb post. You completely ignore the first part of the post. You are the one that said subs for China, not me. So, can you read and type?

The fact that you have no opinion on it means you have no idea about it.  You are just grasping at a Kerry quote you saw that reinforces your own belief about Biden. Do you even know in particular what the Kerry quote was referring to? Do you? 

Also, America and France have a long and complicated history of pissing each other off. This is no different. Hell, France was not a full member of NATO at one point. 


Senior Member

10,397 posts
Fri, Oct 8, 2021 12:02 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

1000% this. I have noticed a huge difference of people here in Ohio regarding the virus and where I used live in MD and DC. It goes both ways I would add. Most people either go too far into the one way or the other. 

Is this ptown pretending to be a moderate again?



Senior Member

22,824 posts
Fri, Oct 8, 2021 7:56 PM

NYC is ending it's gifted and talented education program.

The reason, of course, is racism.  But, actually, admission to the program is based on a test given to FOUR YEAR OLDS.

So, yeah, that's all just stupid.  The flipside is this is a textbook example of creating equality by making everyone poor.  You're taking resources from gifted kids, something like 1.5% of your public school kids - are those resources distributed elsewhere really going to help other kids?

I don't know, maybe revamp the test or examine it for bias instead of dismantling the program?  Meanwhile, thousands who can afford it already send their kids to private schools...but this program is keeping people down and promoting inequality?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Fri, Oct 8, 2021 8:03 PM
posted by gut

NYC is ending it's gifted and talented education program.

The reason, of course, is racism.  But, actually, admission to the program is based on a test given to FOUR YEAR OLDS.

While I disagree with the way they even do this, “equity” makes everyone dumber. School choice is a huge topic now. 


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Fri, Oct 8, 2021 8:55 PM
posted by iclfan2
While I disagree with the way they even do this, “equity” makes everyone dumber. School choice is a huge topic now. 

Just another example of the smart kids getting picked on.  I assume they go after AP classes next.  And do we still have remedial classes?  Surely there is some way we can make kids learn at the same pace, regardless of ability?

But the logic seems to stem from this idea that "smarts" are learned, and not at all genetic to any degree.  So instead of changing the test or program admissions, you're going to dumb it down for a bunch of students in the interest of equity?

Yes, people do actually believe what separates the burger flipper from the millionaire entrepreneur is just education, resources and luck.  But mostly luck, because all the stiffs that had the education and resources can't admit they lack the talent and brains.


Senior Member

8,937 posts
Sat, Oct 9, 2021 7:00 PM
posted by gut

NYC is ending it's gifted and talented education program.

The most under-served segment of nearly all public schools in this country.



Senior Member

22,824 posts
Sat, Oct 9, 2021 8:15 PM

Apparently, with like 1 week to go, nearly 40% of Seattle police officers haven't provided proof of mandatory vaccination.

I just don't get the hesitancy, to the point of losing your job.  But a number that large seems like maybe something else is going on, like a deliberate ploy from the Union to extract some sort of concessions from the city.

If it happens, Seattle could become a big mess real quick.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Sat, Oct 9, 2021 11:56 PM

Just saw the video of cops (Dayton, I think) dragging a PARAPLEGIC from his car by his hair.  He's black, of course.

I mean, WTF.  I haven't looked at the story or the whole video, but it's like 8 minutes after cops turned on their cam.  Reason for the stop?  Cops saw him leaving a known drug house, and he had a known history of drugs and gun possession.

I'd be interested to know if cops observed an actual traffic violation.  And, on the other hand, I'm not sure how long cops need to wait before using force because someone refuses to leave their vehicle.  But you had to know the guy was a paraplegic, so that's a REALLY bad call/move.

And in related news, no federal charges for the cop that shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back.  LOL, that discussion was not one of the finer moments for a few board members (and former member).


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 7:31 AM
posted by gut

And in related news, no federal charges for the cop that shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back.  LOL, that discussion was not one of the finer moments for a few board members (and former member).

One of the many examples of the mainstream media spreading disinformation, that he wasn’t armed. Wanna guess if any of the social media sites censored them?



995 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 9:00 AM
posted by gut

Apparently, with like 1 week to go, nearly 40% of Seattle police officers haven't provided proof of mandatory vaccination.

I just don't get the hesitancy, to the point of losing your job.  But a number that large seems like maybe something else is going on, like a deliberate ploy from the Union to extract some sort of concessions from the city.

If it happens, Seattle could become a big mess real quick.

It doesn’t matter what the reason for not getting it is,  we live in a free country


Senior Member

8,937 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 10:34 AM
posted by Fletch

It doesn’t matter what the reason for not getting it is,  we live in a free country

True, and that freedom comes with employers being free to require vaccinations. You are free to work there or not.


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 10:56 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

True, and that freedom comes with employers being free to require vaccinations. You are free to work there or not.

Is it only okay if the employer chooses to require on their own? Or is it also okay if the Feds step in and say you must require vaccinations? Like, say the Feds threaten $700k fines for not forcing vaccinations to remain employed?



Senior Member

8,937 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:24 AM
posted by justincredible

Is it only okay if the employer chooses to require on their own? Or is it also okay if the Feds step in and say you must require vaccinations? Like, say the Feds threaten $700k fines for not forcing vaccinations to remain employed?

I don't believe in government mandates. I do not fault companies that would go along instead of committing suicide fighting them.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:28 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

True, and that freedom comes with employers being free to require vaccinations. You are free to work there or not.

Your libertarianism has become dumb. Not one would support government mandated anything. This isn’t private businesses mandating this trash 


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:29 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

I don't believe in government mandates. I do not fault companies that would go along instead of committing suicide fighting them.

But, is that freedom? Or is it coercion?


Senior Member

8,937 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:33 AM
posted by iclfan2

Your libertarianism has become dumb. Not one would support government mandated anything. This isn’t private businesses mandating this trash 

If my business wasn't in a field where working from home was easily possible for most of my people, I'd mandate them in a fucking minute, without giving a fiddler's fuck about the government's stance one way or the other.



Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:34 AM

I get that it sucks for the companies and puts them in a hard position. But continue to roll over every time the Feds threaten is going to lead us to a very bad situation. It's already bad, but it can get MUCH worse. 



Senior Member

8,937 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:34 AM
posted by justincredible

But, is that freedom? Or is it coercion?

Clearly the latter. Does that require me to put myself out of business for the sake of being "right"?


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 11:42 AM

I guess my main point is that we DO NOT live in a free country. We live in an authoritarian country with a thin veneer of freedom.

States MUST start reasserting their sovereignty soon or it's going to get a lot worse in a hurry. Basically, neuter the Feds. Let California and New York be as left wing as they want, but keep that shit from infecting every state in the country.



Senior Member

22,824 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 12:35 PM
posted by iclfan2

This isn’t private businesses mandating this trash

Govt has long mandated vaccines for govt workers and public spaces.  It's why vaccines are required before kids can go to school.

Isn't the libertarian view that if other people threaten your liberty, you take up arms?  Well, unvaccinated threaten your life and liberty....but the solution doesn't require shooting them with bullets.

Although it does seem most of the pandemic issues, possibly even the pandemic itself, are due to govt intervention.


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 12:37 PM

The unvaccinated aren't threatening shit when the vaxxed are getting and spreading it. The vaccine either protects you or it doesn't. But blaming the unvaccinated is horse shit.