posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie
In my opinion, Twitter has zero redeeming qualities. It is a rage generator. I stay off of it or else I get to hating my fellow man.
I find it more amusing than anything. You have people I've never heard of before giving these super-strong opinions on stuff, followed by other people I've never heard of before either agreeing like they got positive feedback from a celebrity they idolize or trash-talking them like they're the only true expert on things. It's such a bastion of self-importance and it leads to this awesome circle where everyone is basically yelling at everyone else while trying to move goalposts and outright fabricate stuff to show they are the most rightest of the right people. Or posting random tweets by random people on this site like it means anything. I mean, I don't know what...scrolls up...a David Weissman is and I don't care, but apparently he got someone's jimmies rustled!
In short, I love Twitter and what it does because it makes me feel superior because I don't get constantly triggered by all the stupid shit all the stupid people say because they all found out that even really stupid thoughts have power when they get an audience.