posted by ptown_trojans_1What part of the state do you live in?
Because, I can tell you in SE Ohio, the internet options and cell phone options are horrible. I have also been in spots in WV, KY, TN, and NC, where people have lived there for years and have zero access to internet.
I have family members that live in their farm in NE KY that have zero options for internet. They do not chose to live there. It is their land going back to the 1800s. Why would they move?
I find the internet expansion no different than the past federal funding to grow power lines and telephone lines. Same thing. This is just the next logical step for people in areas that do not have access to it.
I have family and friends who live in Appalachia with no internet…
I have family and friends who treat Covid and others suffering from Covid…
I have family and friends in Washington…
I have family and friends who volunteer at voting precincts…
I have family and friends who work at Russian meat factories…
Mr. Anecdotal