More terrible cops, so so sad.

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Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Aug 31, 2010 7:14am
Ender Wiggin;466487 wrote: Glory Days, You can most certainly talk to someone with Alzheimers for more than 15 seconds. And watching the video you can see no one was around for her to hurt even if she could moving as slowly as she was. And once again, a young, fit, trained cop couldnt subdue an 87 year old lady who HAD HER BACK TURNED to the aforementioned young, fit, trained cop?
have you ever dealt with an alzheimers patient before? Trying to talk one down peacefully in this situation is about as effective as talking to you…and it only takes a quick flinch from the old lady to slice through the cops arm or hand. Doesn’t matter how slow she is moving around before then.

98 year old lady kills!

this 89 year old lady slashed almost 50 tires.

92 year old lady with dementia kills husband with trauma to the head.
FatHobbit's avatar
Posts: 8,651
Aug 31, 2010 9:12am
Glory Days;466765 wrote: it only takes a quick flinch from the old lady to slice through the cops arm or hand. Doesn’t matter how slow she is moving around before then.

I agree. And if she cut someone else, I have a feeling the same people would be complaining that the cop should have done something sooner. (I think that's where fab's damned if you do and damned if you don't comment came from.)
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 10:27am
^someone gets it!
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Aug 31, 2010 11:42am
Fab1b;466634 wrote:If you can find where I said Ender Wiggin is a cop hater please show it.
Fab1b;466634 wrote:Ender Wiggin is a cop hater

Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 11:50am
Posts: 4,511
Aug 31, 2010 2:48pm
Ender Wiggin;466611 wrote:Fab, you made up that I was a cop hater, you called me a cop hater for some reason. You baseless and ignorantly called me a cop hater because I didnt agree with they way a cop handled a situation.

Didn't read this whole argument, but your thread title is "More terrible cops...".

So it isn't that you don't agree with this one cop, you seem to imply that there are an abundance of incredibly bad (not just bad...incredibly bad) cops. You may be right or you may just want to point out every time one cop messes up as if to say cops, in general, are bad. Fab's claim isn't baseless, but it may be false.

I would ask you, who/where are these other terrible cops that you referenced in your thread title?
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 3:06pm
^another who gets it!
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Aug 31, 2010 3:12pm
I think this thread was intended as a sequel to the other cop-bashing threads we've had in recent months...
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 4:31pm
Nice Glory days, you find a video fitting your side, I could do the same with finding some videos, but that wouldnt matter since were talking about this issue. Dont be stupid. Thats just silly. And how are any of those stories even comparable to this one? A lady slashing tires, a lady killing somsone who was sleep? Come on, those arent even close. And how do you explain a trained copnot being able to subdue an 87 year old lady who HAD HER BACK TO HER? Give me a break.

And your comment of " is like talking to you" is trash as well. This is 2 sides of an argument, get that trash outta here Talking to some people here is like talking to.....well the people here. Its useless, all they do is make shit up. Then tuck tail when they get called up.

And Enigma, his claims are completely baseless, for example, LJ just made a thread about people he wanted to kill about the girl who was throwing puppies, is he a people hater? Ive never said anything that could be construed as cop hating other than making a thread about how a cop didnt handle a situation in the best way.

Fab made that up in his mind that I was a cop hater the same way Capone and SYL made it up that Im race baiting or bringing race up when I did no such thing and never have.

And ive said several times now that ive dealt with older people with conditions such as that, to say its not possible is just stupid and plain wrong. Moreso, it can be done with more than a few seconds of deliberation. Lets use common sense here.
Posts: 4,511
Aug 31, 2010 4:38pm
Ender Wiggin;467230 wrote: And Enigma, his claims are completely baseless, for example, LJ just made a thread about people he wanted to kill about the girl who was throwing puppies, is he a people hater? Ive never said anything that could be construed as cop hating other than making a thread about how a cop didnt handle a situation in the best way.

I would say that makes LJ a people-who-throw-puppies hater.

I'll ask again - I haven't said what Fab said is correct - what did you mean by "more terrible cops"? Are they all terrible? What are the other situations to which this is another example? I'm just asking you to clarify what you are getting at here and if you just happen to think this is one bad cop, why didn't you just say, "here's a really bad cop"?
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 4:45pm
Ender what ever you are smoking can I buy some from ya dude?
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 4:49pm
Are they all terrible? Come on, thats a stupid question. Where did I say all cops are terrible? I didnt, anyone with a brain knows I said nothing like that, but seeing the trash that came to the topic, thats not saying much. Theres no shortage of topics here about bad cop work. This is nothing different. Thus, more.

ANd youre saying hes a people hater then? People who throw puppies are people still. Trained cops who cant subdue 87 year old ladys who have their back tured to said trained cops are still cops. Central hates airlines sometimes, does it mean he hates all airlines all the time? No, this is just another case of cops not doing things correctly.

This is really sad.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 4:51pm
I dont smoke, never have, and that fact that you do seems to tell a great deal about why you make things up. I see where you get your imagination and crappy demeanor from now.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 4:52pm
Oh and since Glory Days posted stuff to fit his argument, im going to post videos of excessive force used by trained cops who mustve not been confident enough in the training they received and handled situations poorly.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 4:56pm
Ender Wiggin;467249 wrote:I dont smoke, never have, and that fact that you do seems to tell a great deal about why you make things up. I see where you get your imagination and crappy demeanor from now.

Just keep on spinning brother, see right thru you as do others!! Its not very hard either, like arguing with a kid. Same thing over and over. But but but but but but but............
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 5:00pm
Lol, im not sure what you mean spinning, and theres nothing to see through, unlike YOU I never made things up. I never made a baseless claim with no evidence to make myself feel better like you did.

Its an argument sport, some people agreed with me some people didnt agree, thus the nature of an argument.

But its telling when you have to make things up that never happened or are not true like you have done to fit your side of the argument.

Youre a very sad person Fab, I will pray for you in hopes you improve as a person and can stop making things up.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 5:52pm
Pray for me all you want, don't need it. You can think I'm sad all you want no skin off my back.

This is what you are spinning: you are not accountable for yourself. When you are questioned or disagreed with, you put it back onto the other poster asking them to be accountable for what they said when they already know what was said but your lack of comprehension leads you to deflect and become defensive. Then you like to just cuss alot tell them to get the fuck outta here, dah dah dah I don't see any brilliance on your part either. Again your posting more terrible cops, after the other thread really makes you sound like a cop hater as I said earlier and others have too but again to you I'm just making it up. You are like a broken record, same response every time!
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 6:21pm
You obviously do need it since you felt the need to make things up that arent true. You made the baseless claims that I asked you to back up with facts or evidence yet you had nothing. Everytime I was questioned I answered. I have not once deflected or been defensive, see, thats what youre doing, you are making things up again. Why do you do this? Its very sad.

If you came to the conclusion after a thread where I disagreed with how it was handled, then that just reflects on you. Like I said, I guess Central hates all airlines all the time due to his topic right? Or anytime anyone makes a negative post about something that means they hate everything right? I guess the person who made a topic about macs a while ago hates all computers right? Do you see how stupid that sounds? If you think im a cop hater after me saying im not several times then you my not so bright friend are the one that doesnt understand.

Once again, you baselessy and ignorantly claimed I am cop hater because I disagreed with how a cop handled a situation. Ill even give you the benefit of the doubt, 2 topics about cops poorly handling a situation makes someone a cop hater? Or 2 topics about anyone not liking something makes them a hater of that thing? How fucking dumb can you get?

The only one who is unable to comprehend is you my friend.

People agreed with me in this topic as well. Are they all cop haters too?

Dont be stupid, I know its hard, but stop making things up. Use your vivid imagination to think up a way to not be an idiot.
Posts: 4,511
Aug 31, 2010 6:22pm
Ender Wiggin;467248 wrote:Are they all terrible? Come on, thats a stupid question. Where did I say all cops are terrible? I didnt, anyone with a brain knows I said nothing like that, but seeing the trash that came to the topic, thats not saying much. Theres no shortage of topics here about bad cop work. This is nothing different. Thus, more.
I didn't say that is what you said. I asked if that is your opinion. Simple question. In general, what is your opinion of police? To be clear, I'm asking for your opinion, not telling you what I think it is.
Ender Wiggin;467248 wrote:ANd youre saying hes a people hater then? People who throw puppies are people still. Trained cops who cant subdue 87 year old ladys who have their back tured to said trained cops are still cops. Central hates airlines sometimes, does it mean he hates all airlines all the time? No, this is just another case of cops not doing things correctly.
Sorry, man, but you're talking in circles here. All people don't throw puppies, so saying you hate people who do isn't at all like saying you hate people in general. Saying, "more terrible cops" makes it seem like you are saying this is just another example of why cops are terrible. Maybe that isn't how you meant it, but thats how it can be construed. And then you go on to say, "this is just another case of cops not doing things correctly" though cops IN GENERAL do things incorrectly. So to clarify, I'm asking you straight up - is the cop referenced in this thread (in your opinion): a) an isolated incident, b) an example of how a small number of cops act inappropriately, or c) typical behavior for a corrupt group of professionals?
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 6:23pm
And by the way, if I start a discussion, then someone says something thats not true, then I ask the offender to elaborate and prove what they themselves claimed, how is that me being defensive or deflecting? You claimed the stupidness, not me. What you say makes no sense at all fab.

You, Capone, and SYL should start a band.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 6:28pm
My opinion on cops? Some are good some are bad. I respect the ones that wear the badge with pride and uphold the beliefs that they agreed to when taking the oath. The ones that abuse their power and do silly things are complete garbage. More good than bad, but the bad actions stain them all.

And no, im not talking in circles. Im not saying this is another example of why cops are terrible, im saying this is another example of a terrible cop. Theres a big difference. Im not putting this on cops as a whole, im putting on the cops involved, I dont know how you could get that mixed up when I stated SEVERAL times that one cops actions does mean all are like that.

I really dont know how you didnt get that, I said it already.

And thats pretty fucking dumb to think that anyone would mean all cops or all X is negative due to the actions of a single participant of that group.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 6:29pm
And Fab says I have trouble comprehending.

Hilarious idiocy as always on OhioChatter.
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Aug 31, 2010 6:45pm
Ender Wiggin;467230 wrote:Nice Glory days, you find a video fitting your side, I could do the same with finding some videos, but that wouldnt matter since were talking about this issue. Dont be stupid. Thats just silly. And how are any of those stories even comparable to this one? A lady slashing tires, a lady killing somsone who was sleep? Come on, those arent even close. And how do you explain a trained copnot being able to subdue an 87 year old lady who HAD HER BACK TO HER? Give me a break.
yeah that is kinda the point, to find articles that prove old ladies can hurt people. since you seem to think they cant. but i guess you missed the last article where an old lady bashed her husband's head in.

oh and the cop did subdue the old lady, THE WAY SHE WAS TRAINED TO!
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 6:48pm
Ender Wiggin;467311 wrote:
And no, im not talking in circles. Im not saying this is another example of why cops are terrible, im saying this is another example of a terrible cop. Theres a big difference. Im not putting this on cops as a whole, im putting on the cops involved, I dont know how you could get that mixed up when I stated SEVERAL times that one cops actions does mean all are like that.

But that doesn't make sense, seeing as how this cop handled the situation is how many if not most cops are trained to handle the situation.

And the reason the cop took her out with her back turned is because that is one of the first things you learn in any training, is that you don't go after the armed person from the front, you go from the back which is safer for all parties involved. If you watch the video, he is CLEARLY going for the knife (after she waves it at him and turns away in a defensive stance) and after she is down is STILL refusing to drop the knife. The cop handled the situation exactly like they are trained to. But now you are just going to go in circles and say "but that isn't what I am saying". You either agree with the way cops are trained to handle situations like that, or you don't.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 6:51pm
Glory Days;467325 wrote:yeah that is kinda the point, to find articles that prove old ladies can hurt people. since you seem to think they cant. but i guess you missed the last article where an old lady bashed her husband's head in.

oh and the cop did subdue the old lady, THE WAY SHE WAS TRAINED TO!

LOL, not having sound i didn't realize the cop was a 'she" until just now, lol.