More terrible cops, so so sad.

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Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:15pm
WTF, I didnt deflect at all, I said in my fucking post the cop grabbed her then slammed, her. Here Ill quote what I said, "The cop grabbed her then slammed her" how am I deflecting when I said it myself she grabbed her first. And youre saying there was some epic struggle when there wasnt as she was on the ground at 45 seconds. and the cop had just gotten on her at 42 seconds.

Why are you making shit up now?
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 8:17pm
Another deflecting job LOL!!
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:19pm
Lol, im digging the grave when YOU ARE THE ONE THAT CLAIMED ALL THE DUMB SHIT.

How does that make any sense? Let me know when i start saying ill kick everyones ass in real life ro threaten anyone or something like that, then you might have a point. As of now you sound like a complete fucking idiot lol.

And frequent use of weed must have an effect on you because you keep saying stupid shit. I would go to a doctor to see how bad your brain is fucked up from chronic.....chronic use.

Your last sentence made no sense. You need help.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 8:19pm
Ender Wiggin;467344 wrote:I watched the video, did you? The cop grabbed her then slammed her, there was no attempt at disarming, what video were you watching?

so, there you have it. You are avoiding the facts to fit your point of view.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:19pm
lol What did I deflect now?

You guys bring the biggest smile to my face.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:21pm
LJ, seriously?

She grabbed her then slammed her, how can she slam her without grabbing her first? With her mind?

She grabbed then slammed, she didnt try and take the knife away, she grabbed then slammed.

Get a fucking clue.

No one is avoiding facts. Stop with the bullshit.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 8:28pm
Ender Wiggin;467437 wrote:LJ, seriously?

She grabbed her then slammed her, how can she slam her without grabbing her first? With her mind?

She grabbed then slammed, she didnt try and take the knife away, she grabbed then slammed.

Get a fucking clue.

No one is avoiding facts. Stop with the bullshit.

No, you get a fucking clue. that is how you disarm someone. Go take some self defense classes at TDI (the same ones cops take) and maybe then you can tell me to get a fucking clue. She grabbed her arm with the weapon in an attempt to get her to drop the weapon and detain her. the old lady fought WITH THE HAND WITH THE KNIFE and ended up going down. The whole time the cop only had a hold of the knife hand. It's a typical, basic disarming move. Search youtube and you will find videos of the technique all over the place. Hell, I may even post some for you
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 8:30pm
Too fucking easy with this dude!!
Art Modell's avatar
Art Modell
Posts: 2,338
Aug 31, 2010 8:33pm
Strapping Young Lad;464574 wrote:Once again, NO ONE agrees with Wiggin.

Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:36pm
She didnt attempt to disarm though, why can you not grasp that, she grabbed her then slammed her. You take the fucking class and then you could possibly see that she grabbed then slammed, not grabbed then tried to disarm, failed, then slammed.

No one is deflecting anything, stop saying that stupid shit.

Get a fucking clue man.

She grabbed the immediately slammed.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 8:36pm
Let me sum you up pal: Calling me a cop hater with no basis, you make shit up, get the fuck outta here, shut that shit up, stop the bullshit, you smoke too much weed, you are stupid, stop making shit up, you made that up, stop putting words in my mouth, stop making shit up, stop making shit up, I'm not a cop hater, stop making shit up, stop saying I'm deflecting I'm not I swear....does that pretty much sum up Ender's posts here?
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:37pm
Lol too easywith these idiots, making shit up that never happened and being stupid. Man I almost feel bad proving these idiots wrong.

Lol that pic is so funny, I cant believe hes totally relevant to the conversation.

How stupid people are lol.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 8:38pm
How did I know you'd post again telling us we are making shit up, hmmmm must be the weed! Clean your record player, it's skipping!
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:42pm
Let me some you up pal, "lol youre wrong and being defensive, i dont care if I made shit up, youre wronf defenseinv e and deflecting, NO WAY will I back up what I claim, I can say what I want because no ur wrong lol, stop deflecting and being defensive, youre spiinning, lol youre spinnning youre spinning. No Still wont back up what I say because im wrong, I didnt call you a cop hater, what? I didnt say that even though you quoted where I called you a cop hater, I didnt say that. youre deflecting, I wont back up why or anything I say lol youre wrong"

Thats about all Fab is saying. Very sad if you ask me and anyone else.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 8:44pm
Ender Wiggin;467462 wrote:She didnt attempt to disarm though, why can you not grasp that, she grabbed her then slammed her. You take the fucking class and then you could possibly see that she grabbed then slammed, not grabbed then tried to disarm, failed, then slammed.

No one is deflecting anything, stop saying that stupid shit.

Get a fucking clue man.

She grabbed the immediately slammed.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Continue on your rant, I don't want any part of it, you made up your mind long ago, it doesn't matter what the facts are to you, all you care about is your opinion, that's ok, but I don't care for people like that.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:45pm
Fab, once you all back up what you made up with facts and evidence ill stop saying it. Until then, shut the hell up lol. And stop smoking weed, its a terrible habit for trash. Unless prescribed of course.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 8:47pm
Ender Wiggin;467481 wrote:Let me some you up pal, "lol youre wrong and being defensive, i dont care if I made shit up, youre wronf defenseinv e and deflecting, NO WAY will I back up what I claim, I can say what I want because no ur wrong lol, stop deflecting and being defensive, youre spiinning, lol youre spinnning youre spinning. No Still wont back up what I say because im wrong, I didnt call you a cop hater, what? I didnt say that even though you quoted where I called you a cop hater, I didnt say that. youre deflecting, I wont back up why or anything I say lol youre wrong"

Thats about all Fab is saying. Very sad if you ask me and anyone else.
See the problem here is I didn't say I made shit up, I don't care I made shit up, still wont back up what I say because im wrong, never called Ender a cop hater directly...the words are all here pal, god you can't even play this game right! See everything I said in my summary of you you actually said! You also help me to pass the time away while at work so I thank you. Oh its ok to smoke weed if prescribed by a doctor huh, thats not trashy at all because its not like its hard to get it prescribed if you live in a state that does it. Again sometimes you make my point for me! Let's see have a well paying job, don't get into any trouble, got a nice place to live, car thats paid for, nationally recognized HS athletic official, not a bad life for an old pot smoker I guess.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:48pm
Nice Copout LJ, youre the one that doesnt know wtf youre talking about. Youre the one that tried to say there was some struggle when the video shows she grabbed her and slammed her within a few seconds. There was no struggle. The video shows her grab then slam.

Facts are in the video. Theres no ranting here. Its people who disagree. You made up your mind long ago if I made up mind long ago now youre trying to make in negative unto me. Thats bullshit.

If I only cared about my opinion I wouldnt even bother responding to yours.

Youre full of complete and utter shit.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 8:53pm
Ender Wiggin;467493 wrote:Nice Copout LJ, youre the one that doesnt know wtf youre talking about. Youre the one that tried to say there was some struggle when the video shows she grabbed her and slammed her within a few seconds. There was no struggle. The video shows her grab then slam.

Facts are in the video. Theres no ranting here. Its people who disagree. You made up your mind long ago if I made up mind long ago now youre trying to make in negative unto me. Thats bullshit.

If I only cared about my opinion I wouldnt even bother responding to yours.

Youre full of complete and utter shit.

No, I just know what I am talking about and have used the technique that the cop used (not in real life, just in krav maga sparring). You, on the other hand, are only seeing what you want to see. If she just wanted to slam an old lady to the ground, she would have used a different method and she wouldn't have LUNGED directly for the hand holding the knife. Refer to the other video I posted of the woman falling on the knife, in that video they just took her out, made no move for the knife etc. In this case, the officer went DIRECTLY for the knife, wrestled her arm for a few seconds and ended up taking her down. The officer is CLEARLY trying to disarm, not take down the suspect. You refuse to see that because you don't want to.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:53pm
lol Fab, if you want to play that sad game cool. I quoted what you said now youre tucking tail to try and find a way out.

Everything I said in my summary you have said, to a T. lol you are predictable, let me know when I make up some bullshit of you all since you all already did that to me lol

Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 8:58pm
Wtf, im seeing whats on the video, thats hard fact. Theres no refusing to see anything, its there. The grabbed then slammed, wheres the struggle? There was none, its in the video. She was still approaching the lady at 42 seconds, and by 45 seconds shes on her back. And ive done MMA grappling as well, she did not try and disarm from a wrist lock, she grabbed the wrist for positional control and moved to the hip toss.

No one is refusing to see anything, its in the fucking video.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 31, 2010 8:59pm
Ender Wiggin;467512 wrote:Wtf, im seeing whats on the video, thats hard fact. Theres no refusing to see anything, its there. The grabbed then slammed, wheres the struggle? There was none, its in the video. She was still approaching the lady at 42 seconds, and by 45 seconds shes on her back. And ive done MMA grappling as well, she did not try and disarm from a wrist lock, she grabbed the wrist for positional control and moved to the hip toss.

No one is refusing to see anything, its in the fucking video.

You are completely wrong. She moved to control the knife. plain and simple.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 9:01pm
You are a jackass, half of your posts were your own responses to me! Not in any of my posts will you see me say this: see the problem here is I didn't say I made shit up, I don't care I made shit up, still wont back up what I say because im wrong...those are your words in your own writing and I never did say Ender was a cop hater but I think you hate most now I did say that just recently today!! Good job though, really thourough work there!
Posts: 4,929
Aug 31, 2010 9:03pm
Does anyone know the criminal and/or civil outcome of this matter (if there was one)?
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 9:07pm
Ender would have the cops hung, there I said that and you can quote it brother!!