More terrible cops, so so sad.

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CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 30, 2010 9:20pm
Art Modell;466495 wrote:The female cop should be given a commendation for bravery for risking her life to protect the public. She's a hero.

Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 9:45pm
Talk hard? Uh oh, someone is getting riled up lol. If I "tore them apart" whenever I got the chance I wouldnt have any time to do anything else. Another baseless claim with no evidence from you. Like I said youre full of shit. Stop making shit up to fit your argument, thats really stupid. But expected from you like trash from Capones mouth. No worries there. And yes cops would be called no matter what, its not right, thus the cops are called to make sure things dont escalate, that is with any situation, but thats not the point here. The point is the excessive force used by the fit, young, trained cop against an old lady who had her back turned to the fit, young, trained cop, who obviously isnt confident enough in her training to difuse the situation in the least forceful way possible.

Central, he said "because clowns like you cop haters" only an idiot wouldnt know who hes trying to refer to, lets not be daft, as hard as it may be. And yes, you can try and talk anyone down for more than 15 seconds as she wasnt an immediate threat as no one was near enough to her hardly mobile self. Like I said, most people who see an old lady wandering aimlessly wouldnt think shes there to cause trouble or hurt someone theyd say wtf is wrong? What happened? Like I said, that is not normal behavior for anyone, much less someone that old.

Capone, still dont see you backing up your comments. Still trash, everyone knows. Nothing new.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 30, 2010 9:51pm
Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall I see as you tend to take things beyond literally!! The only one making shit up to fit the argument is you!! How the hell did I make anything up? Your bashing the cops right? I said exactly what was in the video and old lady was yeilding a knife in a parking lot and the cops were called and she was disarmed plain and simple oh by another woman too!! You are on the defensive, not me!
Art Modell's avatar
Art Modell
Posts: 2,338
Aug 30, 2010 9:56pm
WTF do you want me to back up Wiggen? That you're a race baiting idiot like your idol Sharpton. The same idiot that got owned by Beck yesterday in D.C. hahaha
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 10:03pm
Ok Fab1b, what did I make up? PLEASE tell me, ill wait because you have nothing, I havent made anything up or made some baseless claims like you have. Youre making shit up by saying im a cop hater and all that bullshit with absolutely no proof. Thats making shit up my dear boy if you couldnt tell. And you say talking to a brick wall huh? You dont even know the bullshit youre saying yourself now. I see im dealing with a higher level of incompetence than I thought. Nice.

And Capone, ONCE AGAIN, ill ask you where I brought race up at all. Please show me where I mentioned race, this is you being a bitch boy again. Saying shit then running like a little girl when you get called out. How is it race baiting when I DIDNT MENTION RACE A SINGLE TIME.

So ill wait for you 2 clowns to bring up some other baseless bullshit, or in Capones case ill wait for him to NOT back up what he says and make more ignorant statements.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 30, 2010 10:10pm
Do you ever go back and read some of the shit you posted here? I am not the one spouting off here, you are Mr. Internet Badass! If you don't hate or tear them down you sure the hell haven't shown me the other side, oh wait you have "cop friends" like the white guy that tells black jokes but backs it up with don't worry I have black friends??? Again I pointed out all I have said on this thread with contains no made up nothing. I don't think I am the only one that thinks they are dealing with a brick wall here. You obviously can't handle it when people don't agree with you!
Art Modell's avatar
Art Modell
Posts: 2,338
Aug 30, 2010 10:14pm
Never said you mentioned race. Just saying if the female perp was white, you would have never started this thread. Right? If you say yes, you are a fucking liar.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 10:30pm
Nice, now I am MR INTERNET BADASS!! Thanks for anointing me that since I didnt do anything to convey that myself? Really kid? Are you going that route? Did I say I would kick anyones ass or even like threaten anyone? No I didnt. You are an official joke now. Get the fuck outta here with that trash. You made up that I was a cop hater with no base or any evidence, do you not remember that? Do I need to quote where you made those silly baseless and ignorant claims with absolutely nothing to back up why you felt that way? I can handle people disagreeing all the time, I expect it here, no one agrees with everyone all the time. Another baseless assumption you just made by the way. Get in the real world, if anyone thinks they are agreed with all the time they are silly. I sure as hell dont feel that way, but good job saying something else stupid. At least I can add another to the shitlist.

What I dont like dealing with is people who make shit up and say useless irrelevant shit. Like you have done.

Capone, youre still full of it. Dont be a bitch. If you say someone is race baiting and say stupid shit about Al Sharpton back it up. How ignorant are you? Really? lol
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 30, 2010 10:41pm
Ender Wiggin;466580 wrote:Nice, now I am MR INTERNET BADASS!! Thanks for anointing me that since I didnt do anything to convey that myself? Really kid? Are you going that route? Did I say I would kick anyones ass or even like threaten anyone? No I didnt. You are an official joke now. Get the fuck outta here with that trash. You made up that I was a cop hater with no base or any evidence, do you not remember that? Do I need to quote where you made those silly baseless and ignorant claims with absolutely nothing to back up why you felt that way? I can handle people disagreeing all the time, I expect it here, no one agrees with everyone all the time. Another baseless assumption you just made by the way. Get in the real world, if anyone thinks they are agreed with all the time they are silly. I sure as hell dont feel that way, but good job saying something else stupid. At least I can add another to the shitlist.

What I dont like dealing with is people who make shit up and say useless irrelevant shit. Like you have done.

Capone, youre still full of it. Dont be a bitch. If you say someone is race baiting and say stupid shit about Al Sharpton back it up. How ignorant are you? Really? lol
I didn't make up shit, you damn sure talk like your a cop hater I think it is easy for one to come to that conclusion after reading some of your posts on the subject! Your get the fuck outta heres, your full of shits, etc.... yeah look who talks like the idiot!! If it makes you feel better at night my man do and think what you have to I guess. It doesn't take a genius to read through this and see who looks like an ass!
Art Modell's avatar
Art Modell
Posts: 2,338
Aug 30, 2010 10:43pm
"Reverand" Al Sharpton got owned in D.C. yesterday. Beck outnumbered him 3-1. That is according to the police dept. The park police doesn't estimate crowds anymore since Sharpton threatened to sue them after the million man march a few years ago. Sharpton said they had a million, the park police said 100,000. hahaha
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 11:01pm
Fab, you made up that I was a cop hater, you called me a cop hater for some reason. You baseless and ignorantly called me a cop hater because I didnt agree with they way a cop handled a situation. Thats like me calling you an old person hater. Now dont be stupid. And no, its not easy at all. Only an idiot would think that, which is why you do. You baselessly called me a cop hater. Thats making things up. I cant dumb it down any further than that. You look like the ass. I havent made anything up or claimed anyone was something they werent like you did here. You are the one making shit up. Well Capone too but hes always like that.

Capone, what does that have to do with anything? Why are you so hung up on Al Shartpon?

I honestly dont know what any of that means, I dont get involved in anything political, I never have, I dont vote, I dont know the diffence from Democrat or Republic or who Glen Beck is or what he does.

Why do you keep bringing that up?

Explain yourself.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 30, 2010 11:08pm
Crack me up just post the same thing over and over! Did you read my posts? I said it is very easy for one to come to the conclusion you hate cops based on your posts of said subject! Also it was pointed out to you as well I didn't call anyone directly a cop hater but you jumped and I wonder why???? Seriously dude give it a rest!
Darkon's avatar
Posts: 3,476
Aug 30, 2010 11:11pm
Yoy guys need to get a room and Art a camara so he can film it. HAHAHA
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 11:17pm
Lol, so now that you said something stupid and baseless and got called out and now youre trying to put it on me? Im a cop hater because I disagreed with how a cop handled a situation? How does that make sense? Rationalize your ignorance or shut the fuck up. Simple. I didnt say anything stupid like calling you a old people hater.

Im posting the same thing because like the other immature kids you you havent backed up what you said. Its really not that hard?

You called me a cop hater for no reason and didnt back it up. Thats what you did. You made some shit up about me hating cops. Which you had no evidence of.

Are you really that stupid?
Art Modell's avatar
Art Modell
Posts: 2,338
Aug 30, 2010 11:18pm
You're a cop hater Wiggen because they represent authority. You being a thug dont recognize authority. You, like Sharpton blame everything on racial issues. You, like Sharpton are the reason racial relations are worse than ever. Why did you start this thread? You never did answer that. You sir are a racist.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 30, 2010 11:24pm
Ender Wiggin;466625 wrote:Lol, so now that you said something stupid and baseless and got called out and now youre trying to put it on me? Im a cop hater because I disagreed with how a cop handled a situation? How does that make sense? Rationalize your ignorance or shut the fuck up. Simple. I didnt say anything stupid like calling you a old people hater.

Im posting the same thing because like the other immature kids you you havent backed up what you said. Its really not that hard?

You called me a cop hater for no reason and didnt back it up. Thats what you did. You made some shit up about me hating cops. Which you had no evidence of.

Are you really that stupid?

If you can find where I said Ender Wiggin is a cop hater please show it. It was only after you accussed me of calling you a cop hater when my post said "some of you cop haters" not you cop hater Ender Wiggin!! You jumped on to defend yourself from being a cop hater but why did you have to defend yourself? You damn right its back on you, you called yourself out and got all defensive!
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 11:36pm
Lol, thats actually a good one Capone. But Ill ask you a few questions that I know you wont answer.

1. How am I a thug and where have I shown thug behavior?
2. What have I even blamed race and when have I ever even brought up race?

I started this thread because I didnt agree with the way a cop handled a situation. Some agreed with me some disagreed with me, why did you feel the need to bring race into this when no one did?

Why do you bring up race in topics? I sure didnt yet youre trying to insinuate I did.

So ill ask you again to point out where I said anything having to do with race. If you do that, then I will gladly leave the site forever.

Fab, I guess you didnt say......""because clowns like you cop haters"'....right? My bad, mustve been one of the other idiots that make shit up then tuck tail when they get called out lol.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 30, 2010 11:37pm
And how am I defensive when ive responded to everything and never made shit up or hid like a little girl?

Seriously, I knew people were stupid, but this is a new level.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 30, 2010 11:47pm
I didn't go back and read my exact post. Clowns like you cop haters, as in all cop haters are clowns not you Ender specifically but anyways you jumped to defend yourself I wonder why? You don't comprehend very well do you?
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 12:04am
Lol, ok, now were trying to split hairs with your semantics BS. You are done. You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. At least Capone has the sense to stfu when hes proven stupid. Well for a bit until he changes the topic then comes back lol.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 12:07am
See right through your spin!!
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 12:23am
Just be quiet now please.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 31, 2010 12:26am
Sure sure
dwccrew's avatar
Posts: 7,817
Aug 31, 2010 12:34am
The idiot in this situation is the daughter of the elderly woman. Why would she leave her mother in the car alone if she was in later stages of Alzheimer's?

I don't think the cops did anything wrong in this situation (and I often feel cops are in the wrong when it comes to contraversial situations like this). How could the female officer know how quick the lady could thrust the knife? I think she handled it well. And listening to the ignorant people all around was enraging.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 31, 2010 1:22am
She could see by how slow the lady was moving or when the old lady had completely turned her back to the trained cop. Maybe.