posted by HereticThe original Friday the 13th for the first time in ages, where Kevin Bacon plays a horny kid who gets an arrow through his throat!
While the series is famous for Jason hacking his way through a bunch of annoying dipshits before the least annoying and dipshitty of them kills him until the next sequel is ready, the original was framed as a murder mystery with a killer stalking kids trying to renovate Camp Crystal Lake. Overall, it's a really fun film that kind of gets marred a bit by the ending.
1. It kind of hurts the whole mystery aspect of it when the culprit winds up being a woman who wasn't in the movie until the final 15 minutes or so who was only alluded to in the most vague way possible (a couple characters mention how a child drowned in the lake and then other bad shit happened; the killer is said child's mom).
2. Said killer is obviously pretty strong, able to move corpses from place to place in order to keep anyone from knowing what is going on until it's just the killer and Alice (final girl), as well as being able to throw a dead body through a window. Said killer is also a 55-60 year old woman who might come off as in good shape for her age, but probably not "Jason-strong" to the "pick dude up and stash him in the top bunk of a bed so he's not immediately found" level.
3. Or definitely not "Jason-strong", being what that Alice isn't exactly a powerhouse and she essentially owns her all four times they face off, turning it into something that feels like a running joke when she knocks her out AGAIN and, instead of doing anything to restrain her, just runs off AGAIN. The first three times were Mrs. V charging with a weapon, missing and then getting knocked out by Alice. The fourth time was her missing with her weapon, engaging in a wrestling match, getting shoved off Alice and then getting decapitated with said weapon.
Still a 7/10 and better than virtually all the sequels for about anything other than hilarity.
Friend's dad took us to see like part 4 or 5 in the theatre. Totally inappropriate but hey as kids ya gotta see some hooters!!!
On the way home he was driving down a back road and the car stopped by a woods. He says he is gonna walk to the nearby house and get help. He starts walking, doubles back and jumps on the hood and scares the crap outta us!
Will never forget that!