Progressives, part 3...

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8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:30 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I have never understood the difference between the Q and + in the LGBTQ+.  Apparently the new thing is this non-binary title.  Again, I'm not sure how is different than queer, genderqueer, gender fluid, etc.  But anyway, singer Demi Lovato is now non-binary and wishes to be addressed with the pronoun they/them.  I don't know how the multiple personality community will feel about their pronouns being appropriated, but they'll (pun intended) have to work that out.

Good for them. I honestly do not care. I think people should be called whatever the hell they want to be called. Who am I to judge? 

I take the treat them as I want to be treated approach. 



Senior Member

8,068 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:34 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Your response shows the exact problem as you see the conflict in Israel=good and Palestine=Hamas=bad. 

He doesn't equate them, he says one is less bad than the other. And he is correct.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

3,345 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:36 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Good for them. I honestly do not care. I think people should be called whatever the hell they want to be called. Who am I to judge? 

I take the treat them as I want to be treated approach. 

I don't care either except I think it is very difficult to keep track of all these new categories that continually come online.  



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:36 AM
posted by gut

I'd be really interested to see if anyone has bothered to do a study on career success/advancement among the super woke butterflies.

I can't imagine people who put that much energy into being offended have the focus and dedication to succeed in the workplace.  Not to mention all that drama and hysteria doesn't play nice with leadership and rational decisions.

You would think someone who is offended by being called a "freshman" is going to quickly establish themselves in the workplace as someone to be avoided at all costs.

I have sat in on some interviews and work with some younger folks. They are fine, and actually pretty damn smart and tech savvy. I've also seen some of the pronoun stuff on Linked-In. Does not seem to harm anyone. 

I was on a conference webinar where the speakers each had them on their profiles, and they were VPs of engineering firms. 

I think you are being a little too broad and sound old man like saying this generation is doomed to fail kind of thing. As the saying goes, the kids are alright. 



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:41 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

He doesn't equate them, he says one is less bad than the other. And he is correct.

Nope. Israel is just as guilty of not finding a solution as the Palestinians. That is my point. They are just as guilty on the violence being used, the lack of rights for Arab Israelis, and the expanding settlements as the Palestinians are about their tactics and violence. 

Stop thinking of Israel as this great shining democracy on a hill. It is not. 



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:41 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I don't care either except I think it is very difficult to keep track of all these new categories that continually come online.  

Yeah, agreed. I usually just go with what they want to be called and go from there. It is just a sign of respect and dignity I have found in my business and professional setting. 


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 11:55 AM

It's no one's pronouns - it's the English language's pronouns.  If people have a problem with the English language, then maybe they should move to France.

Al Bundy

Senior Member

4,526 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 12:01 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I think you are being a little too broad 

Are you assuming that gut identifies as a broad?


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 12:24 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Does not seem to harm anyone.

Correct.  Words do not hurt anyone.

If someone is going to accuse someone of harassment for the high crime of correctly using the English language, that's a problem.

Also, while you're trying to look so woke, saying I sound like an old man is offensive.  Like many people, which is in itself a significant contrast to the subject here, I will never self-identify as "old".



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 12:40 PM
posted by gut

Correct.  Words do not hurt anyone.

If someone is going to accuse someone of harassment for the high crime of correctly using the English language, that's a problem.

Also, while you're trying to look so woke, saying I sound like an old man is offensive.  Like many people, which is in itself a significant contrast to the subject here, I will never self-identify as "old".

I have not come across that level of hostility with it, as I just try and be respectful of others. As I said, no one seems to care in my industry or professional setting. 

Woke lol. No, you are just sounding like every other previous generation complaining about the younger ones. 



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 12:41 PM
posted by Al Bundy
Are you assuming that gut identifies as a broad?

LOL. Nope. Good one 



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 12:41 PM
posted by gut

It's no one's pronouns - it's the English language's pronouns.  If people have a problem with the English language, then maybe they should move to France.

Sounding very get off my lawn right there....


The Navy Guy

1,688 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 12:44 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Sounding very get off my lawn right there....



Senior Member

5,271 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 1:00 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I have not come across that level of hostility with it, as I just try and be respectful of others. As I said, no one seems to care in my industry or professional setting. 

Woke lol. No, you are just sounding like every other previous generation complaining about the younger ones. 

Here is where you are completely an idiot.  Woke culture cannot be taken serious because EVERYTHING comes off as hostile except for the WOKE people when they want to label people.  If you cant see that then you need to take a seat in the back of the room


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 2:54 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I doubt the Palestinian civilians being killed by Israeli weapons (which we have largely paid for) agree with your assessment who the terrorists are.  

The Palestinians have repeatedly “voted” in terrorists as their government leaders fully knowing they were terrorists.

If you don’t want attacked, don’t elect terrorists as your government who you KNOW will attack your neighbor country.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 2:56 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Your response shows the exact problem as you see the conflict in Israel=good and Palestine=Hamas=bad. 

You also lump all Palestinian together, when in reality there are Israeli Arabs, Gaza Palestinians, and West Bank Palestinians that all have different points of view. Folks in the West Bank largely dislike Hamas and think the rockets are doing more harm than good, yet have zero power to do anything about it. 

Same goes for Israel as there are numerous factions that have different points of view, and the fact the government is in dissray right now so has a vested interest to try and look tough. 

I didn’t lump anyone together.

Yes, Hamas and the PA are bad, period.  If you don’t believe so then this conversation needs to be over. That’s like saying Isis, AQ, the KKK aren’t bad.


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 2:58 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

He doesn't equate them, he says one is less bad than the other. And he is correct.

Exactly what I said and what I meant right there.

The fact that Dr and ptown want to keep defending/equating Hamas with Israel is rather telling and amusing at the lack of historical accuracy.


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:02 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Nope. Israel is just as guilty of not finding a solution as the Palestinians. That is my point. They are just as guilty on the violence being used, the lack of rights for Arab Israelis, and the expanding settlements as the Palestinians are about their tactics and violence. 

Stop thinking of Israel as this great shining democracy on a hill. It is not. 

Couldn’t be more historically incorrect if you tried.

You are equating expanding settlements with rockets fired at civilians from “hospitals” and “schools” to make it hard to fire back since Hamas is using children and the sick as shields.

Expanding settlements into land, while morally wrong, is not the same as randomly shooting 1000s of rockets at civilians.

Be better ptown.

And you can honestly never use the “moderate” schtick anymore now that we know you believe Israel and Hamas are on equal moral grounds.



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:06 PM
posted by jmog

The Palestinians have repeatedly “voted” in terrorists as their government leaders fully knowing they were terrorists.

If you don’t want attacked, don’t elect terrorists as your government who you KNOW will attack your neighbor country.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

Last real election was in 2006. 



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:09 PM
posted by jmog

Couldn’t be more historically incorrect if you tried.

You are equating expanding settlements with rockets fired at civilians from “hospitals” and “schools” to make it hard to fire back since Hamas is using children and the sick as shields.

Expanding settlements into land, while morally wrong, is not the same as randomly shooting 1000s of rockets at civilians.

Be better ptown.

And you can honestly never use the “moderate” schtick anymore now that we know you believe Israel and Hamas are on equal moral grounds.

There lies your problem with this whole thing. 

Hamas does not equal all of Palestinians. 

Hamas is only Gaza and not the West Bank. Nor does not represent any Israeli Arabs. You keep trying to focus on Hamas, but I am talking about the broader problem and the numerous groups. 

As I said at the start, this is not the same Israeli/ Palestine problem of the past. Also, I have not defended Hamas once.  


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:10 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1
Last real election was in 2006. 

I understand, which is part of the reason I put “voted” in quotes.

They repeatedly voted in terrorists and eventually the terrorists decided no more voting. 

Imagine that...



Senior Member

7,737 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:13 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

There lies your problem with this whole thing. 

Hamas does not equal all of Palestinians. 

Hamas is only Gaza and not the West Bank. Nor does not represent any Israeli Arabs. You keep trying to focus on Hamas, but I am talking about the broader problem and the numerous groups. 

As I said at the start, this is not the same Israeli/ Palestine problem of the past. 

Is Hamas the leading party in the Palestinian government?

Simple question, yes or no?

They are running the government and the “state” of Palestine.

Like it or not right now it is comparing Israel to Hamas.

The fact that you are still equating them is morally repugnant.



8,788 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:16 PM
posted by jmog

Is Hamas the leading party in the Palestinian government?

Simple question, yes or no?

They are running the government and the “state” of Palestine.

Like it or not right now it is comparing Israel to Hamas.

The fact that you are still equating them is morally repugnant.

No. Hamas is not leading the government. Not in the West Bank. 

Hamas also does not have any jurisdiction over Israeli Arabs, that do not have full rights in Israel. 

Quit giving talking points like it is 2006. The dynamics have shifted. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

3,345 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:17 PM
posted by jmog

The Palestinians have repeatedly “voted” in terrorists as their government leaders fully knowing they were terrorists.

If you don’t want attacked, don’t elect terrorists as your government who you KNOW will attack your neighbor country.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

It's a matter of perspective. Perhaps if you were a Palestinian, you'd see these entities as your only line of defense. You don't have a huge advanced military provided by the US. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

3,345 posts
Thu, May 20, 2021 3:22 PM
posted by jmog

Exactly what I said and what I meant right there.

The fact that Dr and ptown want to keep defending/equating Hamas with Israel is rather telling and amusing at the lack of historical accuracy.

I don't defend or equate the two. I'm sick of us funding one side of a multi-centuries conflict and paying for our support heavily in many other ways besides money. Neither side wants the other there, so they will always continue to fight. I want no part of it and am tired of our country putting itself in the middle of it. As such, I'm not going to be "outraged" Everytime the Israelis get attacked anymore than I'm going to support the destruction brought on by the Israelis with their US supplied weapons.