Lot of misunderstanding of history and facts here, which is not a surprise.
The Palestinians have not had a legit election since 2006, and the PA has been a total failure to them. The people have been let down by their own government, and in the vacuum, Hamas, has filled the void.
The most recent spate of violence has actually nothing to do with Gaza, but more Jerusalem and the rights of Arab Israelis. People were getting thrown out of their homes in East Jerusalem for more settlements over the past few weeks. This boiled over as people were kicked out of the al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan. This is what led to violence in the streets.
Israeli settlers and pretty far right nationalists in Israelis have been targeting Arab-Israeli the last few months without any recourse.
This bubbled up and led to the first round of violence. That spiraled into the traditional tit for tat we see now.
Adding to the fact is Israel is in the middle of a mutli year long election process to try and form a government. So, the candidates have been favoring more and more to the ultra national orthodox Israeli citizens who want to reclaim the entire area, thus setting the stage for the current spate of violence.
Israel is hitting an inflection point in their history right now. The two state solution is dead, and more and more of its population is Arab/ Israeli not Jewish. Yet, they claim to be a democratic Jewish state. They are currently going through the pains of a segment of the population that has not had their rights heard or voiced going against another segment that is ultra religious. Throw in Hamas throwing rockets, and you get the current situation.
It is not the typical Israel v. Palestinian issue we think of.
This has all been going for years under the surface, but the "Abraham Accords" glossed over it.
Going forward, the questions are now how to we get to a 2 state solution, it is how to we get to a 1 state solution where both sides have equal rights and boundaries. Yet, no one wants to even entertain that question. You cannot have an Israel that is Jewish and Democratic. It has to be one or the other now given the demographics.