posted by iclfan2I'm not the one talking about unifying. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Regardless, the law barely changes anything, and they still have better early voting procedures then NY and NJ (and whoever else). It's much ado about nothing, but Biden spouting off and the media spreading literal lies (somehow twitter only cares about "lies" during an election) made it into this dumb shit show.
Would also like to point out that Lebron and Steve Kerr care more about this fake news then actual genocide.
Then why pass it and subject yourself to blowback if you are Georgia?
It is funny how much the ID stuff is playing on here, when it is not about that at all. The law is about the Republicans in the state taking more control of the voting process from the Secretary of State. Why are they doing that?
Could it be they believe the crazy bullshit theories of voter fraud, against all evidence on the contrary, and they wanted to make the voting as political as possible? The Georgia Secretary of State did a hell of a job in 2020. His reward, he gets his role reduced. The law tries to solve a problem that does not exist.
Republicans have almost zero standing on voting access and voting laws as they pretty much admit all the time that their goal is to limit voting in Democratic areas so they can stay in power. The Arizona Republican committee said that directly during a recent Supreme Court argument. So, if one state wants to direct the power from the Secretary of State to members of the State Assembly, which is more Republican, people get concerned and wonder what other changes may come down the pike that may restrict voting access further.
Again, Georgia and the entire south has a really bad history of voting access.