posted by supermanShow me the post where you answered the question. How do you feel about the fact that white liberals think you're incapable of obtaining proper ID?
I said I don’t believe they think that. That is a conservative talking point.
posted by supermanShow me the post where you answered the question. How do you feel about the fact that white liberals think you're incapable of obtaining proper ID?
I said I don’t believe they think that. That is a conservative talking point.
posted by geeblockI said I don’t believe they think that. That is a conservative talking point.
Thank you for finally answering.
posted by geeblockI said I don’t believe they think that. That is a conservative talking point.
I don't think they believe that either. Worse than Jim Crow, suppression of black votes, etc. are leftist talking points.
What is the primary purpose we present a photo ID when making important transactions? Why can't we just mail in a signed buyer/seller agreement to the BMV to get a title? We have all waited in lines at the BMV, been inconvenienced, slightly irritated, etc. So why do we not make these processes easier? To suppress black people from owning property?
No its to suppress fraud.
posted by supermanThank you for finally answering.
Lol I said it 3 times
posted by majorsparkI don't think they believe that either. Worse than Jim Crow, suppression of black votes, etc. are leftist talking points.
What is the primary purpose we present a photo ID when making important transactions? Why can't we just mail in a signed buyer/seller agreement to the BMV to get a title? We have all waited in lines at the BMV, been inconvenienced, slightly irritated, etc. So why do we not make these processes easier? To suppress black people from owning property?
No its to suppress fraud.
Not sure why we are arguing voter ID. It’s not the major issue
posted by supermanThank you for finally answering.
It’s not about having an ID. There are many reasons u may not have access to your ID on Election Day. Unpaid traffic fines, dui, reckless operating a vehicle, being in physical control of a vehicle while under the influence, not paying parking tickets or fines,not having insurance. guess which group is targeted by police, most likely to have their car searched. Missed child support payments, and the list goes on. It takes thousands to get reinstated most poor can’t do it. Should you lose your right to vote?
It has nothing to do with obtaining an ID. Which groups do u think face these issues. They wouldn’t pass these laws if they weren’t sure they would benefit. To say otherwise is just living in denial
posted by geeblockIt’s not about having an ID. There are many reasons u may not have access to your ID on Election Day. Unpaid traffic fines, dui, reckless operating a vehicle, being in physical control of a vehicle while under the influence, not paying parking tickets or fines,not having insurance. guess which group is targeted by police, most likely to have their car searched. Missed child support payments, and the list goes on. It takes thousands to get reinstated most poor can’t do it. Should you lose your right to vote?
It has nothing to do with obtaining an ID. Which groups do u think face these issues. They wouldn’t pass these laws if they weren’t sure they would benefit. To say otherwise is just living in denial
They don't physically take your license in those situations so you're just full of shit. Of course, we already knew that.
posted by supermanThey don't physically take your license in those situations so you're just full of shit. Of course, we already knew that.
Yea they actually do
posted by geeblockNot sure why we are arguing voter ID. It’s not the major issue
What is the major issue?
If your license gets suspended they take your physical ID. And I know from experience in my younger days
posted by majorsparkWhat is the major issue?
I think it’s been discussed or posted in other news stoei
posted by geeblockIf your license gets suspended they take your physical ID. And I know from experience in my younger days
Get a state ID the next time the BMV is open.
posted by geeblockI think it’s been discussed or posted in other news stoei
I don't read every post but you seem concerned about ID's.
posted by majorsparkGet a state ID the next time the BMV is open.
If u do that u have to take your driving test all over when u get reinstated FYI
posted by majorsparkI don't read every post but you seem concerned about ID's.
U Should read then
posted by geeblockIf u do that u have to take your driving test all over when u get reinstated FYI
Sounds difficult.
posted by majorsparkSounds difficult.
posted by geeblockIf your license gets suspended they take your physical ID. And I know from experience in my younger days
So do I. They don't take it unless you willingly hand it over to them like a bitch.
posted by supermanSo do I. They don't take it unless you willingly hand it over to them like a bitch.
Oh lol
posted by geeblockIf it makes you feel any better I don’t think this idea is why mlb moved the game. Not sure what he’s talking about with ending hours early unless I missed that part.
On a side note I’m glad I can go back to using the Washington post as a good source. Got slammed for that a bunch. I guess when people agree with what it says it’s a good source lol
MLB absolutely moved it because people in the media and politics are claiming the law is racist which is bullshit.
Not allowing politics groups to pass out food and water to voters in line is not racist. The media and politicians lied and said that NO ONE can get food or water given t them in line and this is obviously racist since blacks wait in line longer to vote When in reality any non-political group or person can give out food and water.
Expanding early voting overall while msm and politicians lied saying it was restricting early voting which is also apparently racist
Requiring ID to vote is apparently racist. I guess POCs can’t figure out where the DMV is? What’s more racist, requiring an ID or assuming a POC can’t figure out the DMV?
posted by geeblockThat is a right wing narr
No, the liberals are the ones that claim voter ID laws are racist because POCs have a hard time getting IDs.
posted by geeblockWhat does the gop believe on that subject?
They believe everyone knows how to get an ID and they are required to do about anything else in the US without being labeled as racist, so why not prove who you are to vote?
posted by geeblockNot sure why we are arguing voter ID. It’s not the major issue
It is to democrats, they say it is racist to require IDs to vote.
posted by geeblockIt’s not about having an ID. There are many reasons u may not have access to your ID on Election Day. Unpaid traffic fines, dui, reckless operating a vehicle, being in physical control of a vehicle while under the influence, not paying parking tickets or fines,not having insurance. guess which group is targeted by police, most likely to have their car searched. Missed child support payments, and the list goes on. It takes thousands to get reinstated most poor can’t do it. Should you lose your right to vote?
It has nothing to do with obtaining an ID. Which groups do u think face these issues. They wouldn’t pass these laws if they weren’t sure they would benefit. To say otherwise is just living in denial
In all those cases you can immediately get an ID that is not a license and in modern times they don’t actually confiscate your license they suspend it electronically. So you still have the physical ID yet can’t drive and the police would know immediately when they pull you over if yours is suspended.
That was an asinine or ignorant response and you know it.
God, I can’t believe you are arguing voter ID laws are racist in a round a bout way.
Don’t be that dumb.
posted by jmogIn all those cases you can immediately get an ID that is not a license and in modern times they don’t actually confiscate your license they suspend it electronically. So you still have the physical ID yet can’t drive and the police would know immediately when they pull you over if yours is suspended.
That was an asinine or ignorant response and you know it.
God, I can’t believe you are arguing voter ID laws are racist in a round a bout way.
Don’t be that dumb.
Like I stated before. He never has to feign ignorance.