Progressives, part 3...

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Senior Member

7,878 posts
Fri, Sep 4, 2020 5:14 AM
posted by gut
I, for one, am excited that someone else on the other side of the aisle is calling people hypcocritical cunts....

Every person on this planet is a hypocritical cunt. Some more than others. Some WAY more than others. 

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

4,899 posts
Fri, Sep 4, 2020 10:49 AM
posted by gut
I, for one, am excited that someone else on the other side of the aisle is calling people hypcocritical cunts....

What side of the aisle do you think I’m on? I am calling out the potus for not being on the path, let alone the reservation. 

This is why I’m miffed at the Republican Party. They refuse to call out Trump for what he is and are now doubling  down on his self serving, lying, ass.  


Senior Member

15,737 posts
Fri, Sep 4, 2020 11:03 AM

If you're not with them they're against you. No place for moderates these days and that's unfortunate.


Son of the Sun

20,517 posts
Fri, Sep 4, 2020 2:12 PM
posted by Automatik

If you're not with them they're against you. No place for moderates these days and that's unfortunate.

On one hand, it is bad. On the other...all you have to do is listen to the nuts on both sides (with Quaker being a prime example of one side's version of a whack-job) and, personally, I'd rather not have anything to do with any of them and would prefer moderates to simply say "fuck the parties" and band together to shut down all those stupid, obsessive fucks.


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Fri, Sep 4, 2020 2:54 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

What side of the aisle do you think I’m on? I am calling out the potus for not being on the path, let alone the reservation. 

This is why I’m miffed at the Republican Party. They refuse to call out Trump for what he is and are now doubling  down on his self serving, lying, ass. 

That's typical.  In today's hyperpartisan atmosphere, they can work with Trump.  They can't work with Democrats. 

Given a choice between Trump and the hard left turn the Dems are taking, it's really not a tough choice.  Fortunately my vote doesn't matter and I can vote for JJ with a clean conscience.



1st Team All-PWN

29,228 posts
Sat, Sep 5, 2020 4:19 AM
posted by Heretic

On one hand, it is bad. On the other...all you have to do is listen to the nuts on both sides (with Quaker being a prime example of one side's version of a whack-job) and, personally, I'd rather not have anything to do with any of them and would prefer moderates to simply say "fuck the parties" and band together to shut down all those stupid, obsessive fucks.

Naw it’s all bad. They cater to the full retard sector of both sides. It leaves a lot of people (even if they don’t know it yet), politically homeless.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

9,465 posts
Mon, Sep 7, 2020 9:05 AM


Senior Member

5,459 posts
Mon, Sep 7, 2020 9:53 AM

None of which the Mayor will be doing himself.



333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Mon, Sep 7, 2020 4:55 PM

California is what happens when "good intentions" does not meet with the restraint of logic.


Senior Member

11,701 posts
Tue, Sep 8, 2020 11:11 AM
posted by iclfan2

'Submit to me'

....and millions of brain dead liberals do it


Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Tue, Sep 8, 2020 11:23 AM
posted by iclfan2

Seems like rolling back ridiculous energy policies would be a better option...



Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Tue, Sep 8, 2020 12:31 PM



Reppin' the 330/216/843

9,465 posts
Fri, Sep 11, 2020 10:25 PM


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Sat, Sep 12, 2020 8:32 AM

People being outraged by Netflix's Cuties piece.

For those who are too young to remember, or weren't even born yet, this has all happened before:

You always wonder what the fuck parents were thinking.


Senior Member

5,271 posts
Sat, Sep 12, 2020 9:03 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

People being outraged by Netflix's Cuties piece.

For those who are too young to remember, or weren't even born yet, this has all happened before:

You always wonder what the fuck parents were thinking.

A little different environment in regards to access.  That movie, likely straight to VHS wasnt seen by that many people


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Sat, Sep 12, 2020 10:09 AM
posted by Spock

A little different environment in regards to access.  That movie, likely straight to VHS wasnt seen by that many people

It was several years old when I saw a part it. I can't remember if it was satellite or cable, though, and I certainly didn't understand everything going on. I don't remember the nude scene or perhaps I missed it since I didn't see the whole thing. But I remember it making waves in some magazines.


1st Team All-PWN

29,228 posts
Sat, Sep 12, 2020 11:55 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

People being outraged by Netflix's Cuties piece.

For those who are too young to remember, or weren't even born yet, this has all happened before:

You always wonder what the fuck parents were thinking.

I recall we had a thread back in the early OC days discussing the most fucked up movies. Did this one make the cut?

Regardless, that cuties clip is disgusting.



Senior Member

11,621 posts
Sat, Sep 12, 2020 8:22 PM

So, I said I would make a post about critical theory and my life experiences.  I haven’t forgotten. I am making notes and working on it. My problem is that I’m going to have to chop this into segments because when I start thinking about one thing, I start remembering more and it would be such a long ass post that it would make O-Trap proud. 



Reppin' the 330/216/843

9,465 posts
Fri, Sep 18, 2020 3:06 PM

Lol someone in the front office of the Steelers put a criminals name on their helmets, the players did no research on the guy, and now they have no idea why they put his name on it. 2020 is so lit.


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Thu, Sep 24, 2020 4:49 PM

When you take Critical Race Theory + Mass Hysteria with a dash of Virtue Signalling, you come up with this sort of bullfuckery:

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

3,345 posts
Thu, Sep 24, 2020 5:16 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

When you take Critical Race Theory + Mass Hysteria with a dash of Virtue Signalling, you come up with this sort of bullfuckery:

Yet another highly privileged individual trying to claim victim status and making sad, tragic stories all about them.  Hey Mark, thanks for risking your life by putting up with the risk that your protective police detail suddenly turns and shoots your because of your black skin.  It's all about you man.  Your suffering is my loss.  Hope you sleep better tonight.  Thanks for risking your live so that the rest of us may live.  



Senior Member

18,369 posts
Thu, Sep 24, 2020 5:20 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Yet another highly privileged individual trying to claim victim status and making sad, tragic stories all about them.  .  

Well, they're going to get their wish because police departments are voluntarily "defunding".

Maybe when you can't find a cop a good gang banger with a gun will save you from a bad gang banger with a gun.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

3,345 posts
Thu, Sep 24, 2020 5:54 PM
posted by gut

Well, they're going to get their wish because police departments are voluntarily "defunding".

Maybe when you can't find a cop a good gang banger with a gun will save you from a bad gang banger with a gun.

The guy is "ME! ME! ME!".  Does anyone really want to hear from some fuck who is giving up his private security detail in order to make a stand.  On top of that, suggesting that he's risked his life all this time by even having them around?  While we're at it, let's hear what Kris Jenner has to say.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

9,465 posts
Sat, Sep 26, 2020 1:24 PM