Progressives, part 3...

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Senior Member

5,271 posts
Sat, Aug 22, 2020 11:35 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

There are literally 50k+ gatherings in china right now because they shut down their economy for a few months and got rid of the virus. Wuhan hasn’t had a positive Covid test in 3 months. 

PERHAPS, a couple shut down months is better than 6 (and counting) semi-shut down months...but don’t tell our federal and state governments that.

Tells you how bad Chinas COMMUNIST economy is compared to ours.



Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Sat, Aug 22, 2020 11:41 AM
posted by like_that

Or perhaps stop fooling yourself (generally speaking), that the Government is going to fix anything for you.  Biden will win and nothing will change for the disenfranchised people they are pretending to “fight” for, book it.

And before someone comes in with “wHat aBoUt TeH RePuBLiCAns?”  the same applies to them.

It's almost like the system is designed to be broken to keep both sides fighting amongst each other in perpetuity.



Senior Member

7,527 posts
Sat, Aug 22, 2020 12:41 PM
posted by like_that

Or perhaps stop fooling yourself (generally speaking), that the Government is going to fix anything for you.  Biden will win and nothing will change for the disenfranchised people they are pretending to “fight” for, book it.

And before someone comes in with “wHat aBoUt TeH RePuBLiCAns?”  the same applies to them.

100% the current system is broken.

It’s more who will screw my life up the least. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

9,465 posts
Thu, Aug 27, 2020 10:30 PM

I’m old enough to remember when a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask was the worst thing ever.


Senior Member

11,701 posts
Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:24 AM
posted by geeblock

Would you rather live in Mississippi or Alabama? Lol republican states are also trash and last in every cate

I live in Ohio, a diverse but republican state (outside of the largest cities).  All state officeholders are republican.  Their overall leadership over the last decade has been solid - from a taxation standpoint, business friendly standpoint, and definitely from an energy standpoint.  Embracing fracking and other technologies to tap the massive God-gifted resources underlying our lands has been exponentially positive for our economy and all energy users in the eastern half of the country.  We are not controlled by ultra-radical environmental whack jobs, and the result is safe, inexpensive energy to power our homes, factories and transportation.  If you want to pick just one sector where the differences between repubs and dems is massive, pick energy; it is night and day; affordable vs unaffordable; reliable vs unreliable; science vs hysteria.

Good luck.


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Sat, Aug 29, 2020 10:07 AM

Am I the only one who has noted that over 30 people have been killed during these riots but the 17yr old shooter gains the most outrage?


Son of the Sun

20,517 posts
Sat, Aug 29, 2020 10:32 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Am I the only one who has noted that over 30 people have been killed during these riots but the 17yr old shooter gains the most outrage?

I'd say more attention before outrage because that kind of ignores all the people acting like a 17-year-old crossing state lines with a gun he's not legally old enough to use who shot and killed protestors is some sort of hero because he supposedly is a big fan of cops who was there to "help". An attitude that likely ties into the added outrage this guy has received.


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Sat, Aug 29, 2020 12:00 PM

I'm seeing reports now that he didn't travel to Kenosha just to stand guard with a gun.

He was already there working as a lifeguard. Earlier that morning he was also scrubbing off graffiti 

Not saying that makes a difference of outcomes.

People are still dead. We will have to see where the process takes it from here.

But from my limited knowledge about law I would say the defense would have some solid footing to work with and manage at this point in time.

But I learned my lesson with the Covington kids to just wait and see because info never  comes out fast enough. Better to just take some kinds of info at a time.


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 9:09 AM

I'm aging myself with this but, and hear me out...

I finished all of my education before Critical Theory actually became so prevalent in educational systems. I'm leaning into the idea that this is a major factor in the differing worldviews between Gen X and Millennials and GenZ.

@BRF, if you are keeping up in this thread, I'd like to get your thoughts on this.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

1,309 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 11:44 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I'm seeing reports now that he didn't travel to Kenosha just to stand guard with a gun.

He was already there working as a lifeguard. Earlier that morning he was also scrubbing off graffiti 

Not saying that makes a difference of outcomes.

People are still dead. We will have to see where the process takes it from here.

But from my limited knowledge about law I would say the defense would have some solid footing to work with and manage at this point in time.

But I learned my lesson with the Covington kids to just wait and see because info never  comes out fast enough. Better to just take some kinds of info at a time.

This seems to refute all of that. He was furloughed in March. Was living in Illinois.


Senior Member

39,070 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:12 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I'm seeing reports now that he didn't travel to Kenosha just to stand guard with a gun.

He was already there working as a lifeguard. Earlier that morning he was also scrubbing off graffiti 

Not saying that makes a difference of outcomes.

People are still dead. We will have to see where the process takes it from here.

But from my limited knowledge about law I would say the defense would have some solid footing to work with and manage at this point in time.

But I learned my lesson with the Covington kids to just wait and see because info never  comes out fast enough. Better to just take some kinds of info at a time.

White kid travels across state lines with a weapon and kills someone: he was gainfully employed and that very morning he was scrubbing graffiti off buildings!

Black man gets shot 7 times by the police for resisting arrest: here’s his unemployment record, criminal record, and anything else we can find that paints him in a bad light  

Did I about sum up the narrative? 


1st Team All-PWN

29,228 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:34 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

White kid travels across state lines with a weapon and kills someone: he was gainfully employed and that very morning he was scrubbing graffiti off buildings!

Black man gets shot 7 times by the police for resisting arrest: here’s his unemployment record, criminal record, and anything else we can find that paints him in a bad light  

Did I about sum up the narrative? 

You forgot the part where media members have called the kid a white supremacist, dug up false information about his past (it was another person), and post a video of him sucker punching a girl (actually bad).  Other than that you are spot on.  It's definitely only black people who have their problematic past brought up. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

1,309 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:49 PM

Yeah I definitely don't think is strictly black or white. People are fixated on being the first to dox everyone. Any times there's a school shooting or something serious happens, you can guarantee someones info gets released who's not it.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a retraction either. That persons life it just made miserable for a few months and they're part of the collateral damage. 


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:56 PM

Kizer: The WaPo article was written two days before my post. I'm sure a lot of things are new/different/found by now, inbetween what they reported and what I said. Also, did you look at the link I gave to the NYTimes investigative findings? I think it shows a much more comprehensive timelines than what the WaPo is describing.

Goofy Ass Attention Whore : I never offered my own narrative about the guy that got shot in the back, seven times, by a group of police who couldn't seem to even stop him from getting to his car door. You're confusing me with somebody else. But I never had high expectations from you, anyway. So there's that.


Senior Member

5,271 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 7:39 PM
posted by iclfan2

Has a press conference... no questions allowed. 

What I just saw in that video is clearly a man with demetia.  My grandmother had that and so does he.



8,788 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:12 PM
posted by jmog


Way to just play that clip. The rest of the speech was perfectly fine. Yet, you think on here Biden is just sheltered and cannot do anything. 

Trump misspoke just as well recently, yet you do not see people claiming he is losing it.



8,788 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:12 PM
posted by Spock

What I just saw in that video is clearly a man with demetia.  My grandmother had that and so does he.

Clearly says the school teacher and not a doctor....


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:35 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


Way to just play that clip. The rest of the speech was perfectly fine. Yet, you think on here Biden is just sheltered and cannot do anything. 

Trump misspoke just as well recently, yet you do not see people claiming he is losing it.

I could have posted the part where he stumbled over calling Trump a liar for saying Biden was going to end fracking.

Yet just a few months ago in the Democratic debates Biden said unequivocally that he would end all fracking and end all fossil fuels.

Would that have been better?



8,788 posts
Tue, Sep 1, 2020 7:28 AM
posted by jmog

I could have posted the part where he stumbled over calling Trump a liar for saying Biden was going to end fracking.

Yet just a few months ago in the Democratic debates Biden said unequivocally that he would end all fracking and end all fossil fuels.

Would that have been better?

See that is a little better. An actual policy debate, not just some bullshit conspiracy that Biden has lost it and is mentally unfit. 

The fracking issue is pretty simple. Biden would allow existing permits for fracking, just not grant new ones.  He just needs to keep stating it, which he should over the next few weeks.


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Tue, Sep 1, 2020 8:20 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

See that is a little better. An actual policy debate, not just some bullshit conspiracy that Biden has lost it and is mentally unfit. 

The fracking issue is pretty simple. Biden would allow existing permits for fracking, just not grant new ones.  He just needs to keep stating it, which he should over the next few weeks.

1. That’s not what he said before and that’s not what he even meant as he clarified it multiple times. He was ending fracking, not just stopping new fracking. He also said he was ending fossil fuels. You can’t deny this one ptown.

2. If you have watched him talk non-scripted over the last few months it is a legitimate concern, not a conspiracy theory.



8,788 posts
Tue, Sep 1, 2020 8:27 AM
posted by jmog

1. That’s not what he said before and that’s not what he even meant as he clarified it multiple times. He was ending fracking, not just stopping new fracking. He also said he was ending fossil fuels. You can’t deny this one ptown.

2. If you have watched him talk non-scripted over the last few months it is a legitimate concern, not a conspiracy theory.

1. No. He said he misspoke at the debate (which happens at debates...Trump has a number of things he has said incorrectly during the 2016 debates) Every other time he has mentioned it he said he would ban new fracking and let existing ones continue. It is not hard to follow. 

2. It is not a legit concern. If it is, then the same applies to Trump, who also has the same off the cuff stupid remarks. It seems like Biden is held to some double standard than Trump. Is that because people just assume oh it is Trump being Trump, and Biden is really old and senile? If you take what they say and do on a daily basis, it is nearly the same. Both are old guys that have trouble speaking. Posters on here are just letting their own bias and personal thoughts to state Biden has mental issues without any medical evidence and let Trump slide as he is just being Trump and the media covers it so no need to bring it up. 


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Tue, Sep 1, 2020 1:11 PM

I think some of it is 

1.) After allllllllllllllll the orange man bad

2.) After allllllllllllllll the Russiagate nonsense (even the far left saw through it)

3.) After allllllllllllllll the impeachment nonsense

4.) After allllllllllllllll the "Trump is a xenophone for shutting down borders for covid!"

5.) After allllllllllllllll the "Trump didn't do enough to try to stop covid!"

6.) After allllllllllllllll the "Trump is a tyrant!" and "Trump needs to be more authoritive!" (usually from the opposite ends of one mouth)

I for one am bored with it. I'll say whatever I want, about whoever I want. Biden just might be the next president and he can take his knocks, just like Trump did.

You're going to be ok, Ptown.