Please attempt logging in and posting on the dev site. Would suck to flip the switch and no one is able to login or post.
posted by justincrediblePlease attempt logging in and posting on the dev site. Would suck to flip the switch and no one is able to login or post.
I tried to do a reply to this post but there's no quote/reply/submit box or anywhere to type.
You sure you're logged in? Do you see your name and avatar in the top right corner and/or do you see your username when you click the mobile menu in the top right corner?
posted by justincredibleYou sure you're logged in? Do you see your name and avatar in the top right corner and/or do you see your username when you click the mobile menu in the top right corner?
I'm able to post now. I still don't see my name/avatar in the top right corner of the main board though.
Current board:
New board:
And I know you haven't done the reply/quote fix yet.
Yeah, that makes sense for now. On desktop you'll see something like this:
On mobile you'll see the hamburger menu (three lines) and if you click you'll see your username with a log out link.
Ok polls are all sorts of messed up on the new site. *fart noises*
I added quoting and you can now quote multiple posts just by clicking the quote button on multiple posts. Instead of replacing the quoted post it adds each new post at the bottom.
posted by justincredibleI added quoting and you can now quote multiple posts just by clicking the quote button on multiple posts. Instead of replacing the quoted post it adds each new post at the bottom.
Nice, thank you!
That’s huge!