Elementary School Children Killed By Gunman in Connecticut

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KR1245's avatar
Posts: 4,317
Dec 15, 2012 12:53pm
WebFire;1343688 wrote:I know this stuff doesn't usually bother me. But this one got to me. I think a lot people are in that boat.
Yep. I work with kids in grades K-5, it's crazy to think that somebody could hurt them like that.

Once some photos of the victims start to get released this will be damn near unwatchable. CNN just posted the picture of a teacher that is believed to be one of the victims, she couldnt have been a day over 30.
KR1245's avatar
Posts: 4,317
Dec 15, 2012 12:56pm
sleeper;1343739 wrote:This will be forgotten in 2 months. I mean, does anyone remember the last time you thought about the Colorado theater shootings?

9/11 is already in history books and changed America forever. The only way I see this becoming a national memory is if the white house throws the 2nd amendment under the bus because of it.
It depends on who you ask.

I understand what you're trying to say though. Sadly, it seems that we have become desensitized to this stuff.
Posts: 14,779
Dec 15, 2012 1:00pm
sleeper;1343739 wrote:This will be forgotten in 2 months. I mean, does anyone remember the last time you thought about the Colorado theater shootings?

9/11 is already in history books and changed America forever. The only way I see this becoming a national memory is if the white house throws the 2nd amendment under the bus because of it.
Agree with this as well. I don't remember any names from any of the mass shootings.
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Dec 15, 2012 1:03pm
KR1245;1343750 wrote:It depends on who you ask.

I understand what you're trying to say though. Sadly, it seems that we have become desensitized to this stuff.
Well good point. I mean the city will always remember it and the parents/friends/families, etc.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Dec 15, 2012 1:26pm
Seriously, how often does stuff like this happen? I know it seems like we have a problem, but violent crime has steadily been falling for years. We are a safer country than we were 10 years ago. The only reason people think guns are such a big issue is because the media jumps on every case involving one so you hear about it constantly. How many school shootings have there been since Columbine? Compare that to how many car accidents, or just how many regular murders in this country. It's an extremely rare occurence.
Midstate01's avatar
Posts: 14,766
Dec 15, 2012 1:28pm
You're right. No way I'll ever remember names. I'm terrible with names. But this shooting will stick with all of us because it involved little kids. I know when my daughter starts school, we will be looking at safety of schools more now.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Dec 15, 2012 2:45pm
sherm03;1343677 wrote:Your line of thinking doesn't make sense. By your logic, Lanza will only be remembered as that for a time, and then will be replaced by a newer mass murderer because at some point, this event will have happened a long time ago, and won't have the impact that the newer modern day events have.
I think it makes perfect sense. When the Lima Bath shooting happened -- or wherever it was, I know it wasn't actually Lima before somebody points that out -- they were still using ponies to deliver the mail. It was a completely different period of time. Today is so much different. The Connecticut shooting is the deadliest school shooting of the modern era, in which everyone heard about it immediately and it will be ingrained in all of our minds for the next several weeks everywhere we look on the news through countless television stories, documentary shows, internet coverage, etc. And being that it was children, it will go down as a more notorious act of evil than Cho. And nobody has forgotten Cho. We may not think about it every day, but Cho is an infamous villain.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Dec 15, 2012 2:49pm
LOL at the media. CBS now reporting that nobody at the elementary school had ever even heard of the Lanza mother. So she wasn't a teacher there. Was everybody at CNN on PCP when this story broke? Because they got every f------ detail wrong.
Mulva's avatar
Posts: 13,650
Dec 15, 2012 2:54pm
I didn't even remember that the Va Tech shooter's name was Cho. I think most people will remember the event (9/11, Columbine, Aurora) and the location but not the individual.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Dec 15, 2012 2:59pm
Mulva;1343850 wrote:I didn't even remember that the Va Tech shooter's name was Cho. I think most people will remember the event (9/11, Columbine, Aurora) and the location but not the individual.

That's interesting. Maybe it's just because I really like horror movies and find documentaries about evil people fascinating, but I remember the name of pretty much every serial killer and school shooter of significant. Of the top of my head, Kip Kinkle, Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris (nobody forgets the last two guys), Anthony Sowell (The Cleveland Strangler), John Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo (the Beltway Snipers), Cho, John Holmes and the Lanza guy. Maybe that's not such a great feat, though. Haha.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Dec 15, 2012 3:01pm
But my larger point is that this specific massacre in Connecticut will be more famous than the Bath murders.
James Gatz
Posts: 137
Dec 15, 2012 3:48pm
lol at the 9/11 comparisons. 9/11 fundamentally changed the course of American history. I doubt this will even change any significant Connecticut laws. We'll still be shitty at diagnosing and treating mental illness, and mentally ill people will still be able to easily attain guns and kill people. And every time a mass killing happens we'll act "shocked" and "numb" for a few weeks then move on.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Dec 15, 2012 4:13pm
Time and time again we see the same series of events. Political figures on national media hinting of their political anti gun agenda on the heel of a community devastation. It was difficult to determine real concern from the poor acting of distress of those politically jousting. Deployable to watch as they grumble for air time at the expense of young lives and stricken families. Media spewing their Liberal attach on the rights of good law biding citizen and the 2[SUP]nd</SPAN>[/SUP] Amendment and the blaming of weapons for crimes and horrific acts against innocent men, women, children, like the magical weapon calls them to their precious insanity. Even more repulsive is that the Professional Media reporting, skewed facts and when the real drama, strengths and perseverance are lost in networks bias. </SPAN>

The problem is not with weapons. Now more than ever the utilization of responsible men and women with legal weapons, proficiency skill training and a past history of honored service should be implemented in those high affected of crazed individual. Where the focus should be directed is a closer look at the failure of the medical professional and teaching / counseling community that harbor many of those derange individual. If that means profiling so be it. Government regulation restricting vital information to law enforcement has not proven to be beneficial those 20 or 30 murder by one. Time for a closer evaluation of the Medical / Counseling g process of handling mentally and socially sick individual with our communities. Off with the gloves and political correctness time is now to be active in the prevention derange not the prevention of their action. Parents it time you also step up and face reality that your kid is a loser and potential damager to himself, you and innocent others. Difficult as it is to turn your kid in or call the authorities you have to. I&#8217;ve done it, difficult but in the end a blessing for the family. </SPAN>

What to blame &#8230; blame a culture where morals, values, commitment, respect, family, faith and dedication has been replaced by &#8230;&#8230; what? </SPAN>
IggyPride00's avatar
Posts: 6,482
Dec 15, 2012 4:19pm
Medical examiner just had a press conference and said each of the kids he autopsied had between 3 and 11 wounds each.

Reports about the assault rifle being in the car must have been wrong, because the medical examiner said the primary weapon used was a rifle, not the hand guns that had been reported.

People were talking about hearing a hundred shots, that makes more sense now if he had M4 rifle.

NY Times reports that a federal law enforcement official said there were three guns recovered at the school &#8212; Glock and Sig Sauer pistols and an M4 .223-caliber Carbine.

It is literally beyond comprehension to imagine what a monster this guy was. How in the world can anyone, even a psycho, open fire on a group of 20 first graders with an assault weapon and just keep pouring round after round into them.

Hell might be too good for that guy.
Midstate01's avatar
Posts: 14,766
Dec 15, 2012 4:25pm
He basically shot them then made sure they were dead by continuing to shoot them. This will sound bad but I hope it was like him spray shooting and not a kid at a time or a couple at a time. Because I can't imagine a little kid airing there knowing his turn is coming.

Kindergarten kids are so full of life. This shits just eating me up.
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Dec 15, 2012 4:36pm
Yeah that's just awful..jesus
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Dec 15, 2012 4:45pm
I was raised in newtown from aged 8 until my graduation from N.H.S. I walked the hallways of Sandy Hook Elementary school and have nothing but positive memories of the place. I remember Mrs. Chard in the library, always smiling and never having a bad thing to say about us. I remember when, in 4th grade, the teachers decided to let us have a bit of fun during lunch and they brought in a karaoke machine for anyone to use. I remember seeing the same sign you've seen on tv every morning before I entered a school full of love, happiness and innocence. Like you, I always considered my hometown a bit special, a bit above the violence and carelessness of the world; a safe haven for my development into the young man I am today.I was torn apart, as was the rest of the world, when I awoke Friday morning to the news. My best friends mother was freaking out, I knew I had to be with them, and I stayed with them all day.Bit by bit our neighbors and friends chimed in, letting us know their children were safe. Some stayed quiet, and we knew why.
We all gathered, at Saint Rose to mourn the death of children so young, and the teachers who saved them. If you can imagine what it's like mourning the death of the little neighbor you used to babysit, or the kids you watched hop up on the bus every morning, you can understand that it's a solitary moment. As a community we gathered, forgoing the feuds (and trust me, we're human, we aren't perfect to one another at all times in this town, just like in yours) all the bitterness and anger, and we came together in love.
You can comprehend my anger at hearing cameras go off as I watched my best friends father break down. You can relate you wanting some alone time to be able to talk about how to get over this as a community without the intrusion of public opinion, reporters, and all the like. To the reporters hoping to get a Pulitzer prize for their efforts yesterday I ask: Is your soul worth it?
Are you happy, 24 hours news media? You've got what you wanted, right? You've got something to talk about for days, and every December 14th you can remind us of a day that will haunt Newtown until the earth shatters into the emptiness of space (although for us that happened yesterday). Now you can have 25 pieces of fodder to discuss mental illness, gun control, safety regulations, and what ever else you need. You have a list of 20 children and 5 heroes and you can call up every one of their names, hardcore atheists and Christians, when trying to convert people. Wonderful!
Come on, let's keep talking about Adam, a kid who I went to school with. Let's give more psychopaths a folk hero to rally to when this happens again in another state. Good job media, people who can't shut down their opinions for 5 fucking seconds, and camera man looking for prizes. Don't patronize us, you don't care about the deaths, you just want ratings. And everyone will keep watching. As if you deserve to toss out your opinions.
I'm glad we can become another Columbine, (to you residents there, I never understood until now, and we are in a morbid club, inexplicably intertwined by violence) another cold useless fact. You can do all of this and be happy, because you wanted it.
For the record, no one in Newtown was talking about gun control laws, mental health issues, or anything. We were just holding each other, trying to make sense of the senseless. We are ok with you grieving with us, but put down the camera and help us try to piece back together our lives. We need that more than media coverage of this sad day in our history.
I'm putting this is /r politics because I have no idea where to put it. You can repost it I don't know where it goes and it doesn't matter. Thanks for reading.
Before anyone begins to question my Newtown-ness:
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Dec 15, 2012 4:48pm

Messages left for Ryan, the brother.
Midstate01's avatar
Posts: 14,766
Dec 15, 2012 4:54pm
I don't see anything
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Dec 15, 2012 4:56pm
Midstate01;1343966 wrote:I don't see anything

Im seeing it..bunch of fbook posts
se-alum's avatar
Posts: 13,948
Dec 15, 2012 5:02pm
The reason this will be remembered much more than Va. Tech, Aurora, or the mall shootings is because it involved children. Like someone on Twitter said yesterday, the death of a child is a different kind of hurt. This will be remembered the way Columbine is.
GOONx19's avatar
Posts: 7,147
Dec 15, 2012 5:02pm
SportsAndLady;1343960 wrote:http://i.imgur.com/YscAd.png

Messages left for Ryan, the brother.
Why are they all about video games?
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Dec 15, 2012 5:08pm
GOONx19;1343974 wrote:Why are they all about video games?
He 'liked' Mass Effect's facebook page..those are comments to his like
End of Line's avatar
End of Line
Posts: 6,867
Dec 15, 2012 5:08pm
The media is the biggest problem when it comes to situations like this.
