2011 Wayne County Athletic League Football

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Red Rum's avatar
Red Rum
Posts: 1,006
Sep 28, 2011 8:57am
Listen, I'm not going to argue with you any further than this post.

A. Real Knowledge.
Do you ever comment on the economy? Do you have any Real knowledge on the intricacies of the federal reserve?
Do you ever comment on TV shows? Do you have any Real knowledge on what goes in to the production of a TV show?
Do you see my point?

B. Money.
Try calculating what a typical farmer makes per hour? very low number. They do it because they like farming.
Coaches? They do it because they love the game.

C. Criticism.
Big paycheck, small paycheck, volunteer. Everybody deals with it.
Public figure, Private employee. Everybody deals with it.

I get what you are saying, I just don't agree.

GoFalcs- 50/50!!! You had to go there, didn't ya:laugh:
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Sep 28, 2011 9:05am
Geez, been busy all week and not able to check in. Seems like I missed a lot. Who the hell is this wcalfan and did beast used to date his wife or daughter or something? I have said it before and will say it again, current players should not be allowed to read these message. However, they do, and I am sure none of them are shocked to see people talking about their coach in such a manner. I guess that is part of growing up and being on a team, you will hear things, and even if those things are correct you have to go out and do your job. This isn't a popularity contest, you still have to perform in order to keep your job.

As far as the fight between those two goes (beast and wcal fan), I don't suspect wcalfan will stick around these parts much longer. Guys like him come in, take a few shots, then flame out. I kind of thought that was paul's fate too, but he has surprised me and been very entertaining. Well, entertaining the movie Rainman was entertaining. Same concept.
riders1's avatar
Posts: 2,275
Sep 28, 2011 9:31am
Go to any local eateries on Sat. morning after a game and you will hear alot worse and alot more if your team lost the night before. It's not just on here but anywhere people get together. Maybe he needs to patrol the eateries and tell prople they shouldn't talk that way :laugh:
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Sep 28, 2011 10:03am
Troyer's is about the only eatery left in The Creek.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Sep 28, 2011 10:05am
And be glad there isn't someone on here named "Golden Bear Nation."
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Sep 28, 2011 10:42am
Red Rum;914013 wrote:Otrap-
it's all good with me.
Make sure you try the walking tacos at J-ville on friday. The Hillsdale boosters need money to suit up all those players.:)
Should be a great game.
Where is this Walking Taco? I've only ever been to a game in Jeromesville as a player.
Posts: 527
Sep 28, 2011 10:59am
Red Rum (by the way, The Shining is a great movie)...I DON'T get what you are saying and I obviously STILL don't agree.

You are comparing apples to oranges in your post. The economy and tv shows are the same as local high school football coaches/players? HUH????

Farmers and coaches, huh? OK, then have you EVER called up a farmer or posted on a forum about the farming methods of local farmers? When a farmer has a good crop year but that is followed by a bad year, does that mean he became a bad farmer? No, there are circumstances (i.e. weather) that play a HUGE part in the success of a farmer.

Just like in coaching, there are MANY circumstances that go into having a successful year. When things aren't going well, then people on these forums quickly point the finger at the coaches. I understand that is part of the job, but you need to take everything into account. You need to have KNOWLEDGE of the entire situation and you don't because you aren't a part of the program on a daily basis.

BELIEVE ME...I know that criticism is a part of life. However, many of the things that are said on her are not constructive criticism. Even though people don't mean to, coaches/players take it as personal attacks and they should because they have invested so much time and effort into what they are trying to accomplish.

4RINGZ...just the fact that you say players shouldn't be allowed to read these messages should tell us ALL that something isn't right. And, there is no "flame out" here. I am going to stick around these parts. Every group needs a guy like me, right? If not, it would be boring.
Posts: 87
Sep 28, 2011 11:10am
wcalfan;913975 wrote:I guess I didn't realize you "earn" credibility now by what you say on a forum about local high school football. Doesn't really surprise me though in today's society.

I noticed that Beast deleted the initial post he wrote about the game this past Friday. Hmmmmmm......interesting.

Anyways...you guys are right...Beast is the best...my only question to all of you is this...Would you say the things you say on here if you were sitting across the table from these coaches? I think we all know the answer to that one.
Absolutely wcalfan, I have already and I will again. I have had coaches thank me for being honest. They might not have agreed with what I said, but that's ok. Loosen up a little.
Posts: 87
Sep 28, 2011 11:25am
wcalfan;914187 wrote:Red Rum (by the way, The Shining is a great movie)...I DON'T get what you are saying and I obviously STILL don't agree.

You are comparing apples to oranges in your post. The economy and tv shows are the same as local high school football coaches/players? HUH????

Farmers and coaches, huh? OK, then have you EVER called up a farmer or posted on a forum about the farming methods of local farmers? When a farmer has a good crop year but that is followed by a bad year, does that mean he became a bad farmer? No, there are circumstances (i.e. weather) that play a HUGE part in the success of a farmer.

Just like in coaching, there are MANY circumstances that go into having a successful year. When things aren't going well, then people on these forums quickly point the finger at the coaches. I understand that is part of the job, but you need to take everything into account. You need to have KNOWLEDGE of the entire situation and you don't because you aren't a part of the program on a daily basis.

BELIEVE ME...I know that criticism is a part of life. However, many of the things that are said on her are not constructive criticism. Even though people don't mean to, coaches/players take it as personal attacks and they should because they have invested so much time and effort into what they are trying to accomplish.

4RINGZ...just the fact that you say players shouldn't be allowed to read these messages should tell us ALL that something isn't right. And, there is no "flame out" here. I am going to stick around these parts. Every group needs a guy like me, right? If not, it would be boring.
You are wrong on the fact that every group needs a guy like you, well maybe if we were a lynch mob. We would need someone to hang. The part about coaches and players taking comments on here as attacks just furthermore makes you lose credibility. I know a lot of players from multiple schools and many coaches from multiple schools. Some I know look at this site, but I have never known one to be upset by the chatter. Most coaches do what they believe to be in the best interest of their team. Be it good or bad, they make the decisions so they should stand by them and not let loud, obnoxious, but passionate fans affect them.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Sep 28, 2011 11:29am
My son who is currently a student athlete is well aware he is not permitted on any of these forums. Not because what goes on here (adults venting and expressing their opinions) is wrong, rather because it is his responsibility to respect and follow his coaches. And at age 17 he needs the least amount of distractions in that area as possible.
Posts: 25
Sep 28, 2011 11:58am
My son and some of his buddies read these forums once in a while . Not to hurt anyones feelings but they laugh at a lot of these posts. Also they think it's pretty sad that for some of you ,high school football was the peak of your accomplishments in life. They do however appreciate the support on Friday nights when it's raining and cold and you folks are still there in the fourth quarter cheering them on. Oh and they all respect coach Z, a lot.
OQB's avatar
Posts: 6,679
Sep 28, 2011 12:04pm
wcalfan;914187 wrote:4RINGZ...just the fact that you say players shouldn't be allowed to read these messages should tell us ALL that something isn't right. And, there is no "flame out" here. I am going to stick around these parts. Every group needs a guy like me, right? If not, it would be boring.
If you don't like the negative posts after someone loses then don't come on here. Simple as that. It's not just Waynedale fans talking about their coach......EVERYONE talks about their team/coach on here. This is a place to voice our frustrations and vent to other people who love football as much as we do.

As for your last part, I think we were just fine before you chimed in.
OQB's avatar
Posts: 6,679
Sep 28, 2011 12:06pm
THE4RINGZ;914127 wrote:And be glad there isn't someone on here named "Golden Bear Nation."
Isn't that the truth, the guy you are talking about is an idiot lol...why did he have to pick Orrville for his screenname?
Paul's avatar
Posts: 309
Sep 28, 2011 12:17pm
OQB;914230 wrote:If you don't like the negative posts after someone loses then don't come on here. Simple as that. It's not just Waynedale fans talking about their coach......EVERYONE talks about their team/coach on here. This is a place to voice our frustrations and vent to other people who love football as much as we do.

As for your last part, I think we were just fine before you chimed in.
I will talk about my coachs, They are great, Really teach good cow butting.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Sep 28, 2011 12:18pm
Paul;914242 wrote:I will talk about my coachs, They are great, Really teach good cow butting.

Atta boy
OQB's avatar
Posts: 6,679
Sep 28, 2011 12:22pm
Bobcats stalk!
Sep 28, 2011 12:23pm
Ok, I'm going to put the Number for the Norwayne/Waynedale game at 7 and a half......any takers?....come on, this could be fun....:thumbup::thumbup:
Posts: 527
Sep 28, 2011 12:31pm
Falcon...A lynch mob? That is EXACTLY what some of you do on these forums. THAT IS MY POINT!!!

I know many coaches and players as well, I am telling you right now SOME of the things that are said on here are not "healthy". I give Beast a lot of credit for deleting his post about the Smithville game because that was not an appropriate post. Maybe that isn't the reason why he deleted it but I can at least hope that was the reason. You REALLY believe that things that are said on here don't upset people? Maybe I am giving you guys too much credit but I know that things said on here spread like wildfire throughout the coaching ranks.

4Ringz...you are just validating my thoughts about these forums. If you consider this a distraction then why would you continue to be a source for that? Like I keep saying on here...even if coaches/players don't get on these forums there are still people that do and word spreads quickly.
Go Falcons's avatar
Go Falcons
Posts: 802
Sep 28, 2011 12:32pm
Bobcat3;914247 wrote:Ok, I'm going to put the Number for the Norwayne/Waynedale game at 7 and a half......any takers?....come on, this could be fun....:thumbup::thumbup:
Is that scores or points?
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Sep 28, 2011 12:32pm
You can't handicap HS games on this site.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Sep 28, 2011 12:37pm
wcalfan;914260 wrote:Falcon...A lynch mob? That is EXACTLY what some of you do on these forums. THAT IS MY POINT!!!

I know many coaches and players as well, I am telling you right now SOME of the things that are said on here are not "healthy". I give Beast a lot of credit for deleting his post about the Smithville game because that was not an appropriate post. Maybe that isn't the reason why he deleted it but I can at least hope that was the reason. You REALLY believe that things that are said on here don't upset people? Maybe I am giving you guys too much credit but I know that things said on here spread like wildfire throughout the coaching ranks.

4Ringz...you are just validating my thoughts about these forums. If you consider this a distraction then why would you continue to be a source for that? Like I keep saying on here...even if coaches/players don't get on these forums there are still people that do and word spreads quickly.
I haven't really been involved in this, but I think the point is that while people recognize that this CAN be a distraction (it's been that way for a loooooong time), it is the responsibility of the coaches, players, and players' parents to not let it. It's not the responsibility of the respective communities to have to censor themselves regarding their thoughts, feelings, and reflections on the players and teams out of a felt need to coddle those who may or may not read here.

That's just my takeaway, though. Again, I haven't really been paying attention to that whole part of this.
Posts: 527
Sep 28, 2011 12:37pm
OQB;914230 wrote:If you don't like the negative posts after someone loses then don't come on here. Simple as that. It's not just Waynedale fans talking about their coach......EVERYONE talks about their team/coach on here. This is a place to voice our frustrations and vent to other people who love football as much as we do.

As for your last part, I think we were just fine before you chimed in.
So the whole idea behind this site is voice your frustrations? Really?
Go Falcons's avatar
Go Falcons
Posts: 802
Sep 28, 2011 12:42pm
riders1's avatar
Posts: 2,275
Sep 28, 2011 12:55pm
If you think these sites are bad , you better get all the player and coaches, fans and parents off facebook. The kids say more on there than anyone on these sites!

Posts: 99
Sep 28, 2011 12:56pm
Anything I have said on here, I have said to the coach. You make way too many assumptions wcalfan without knowing the backgrounds of the people here. I am involved in my son's life 24/7. I talk to the coaches several times a week in most cases when not traveling for work, and I go to many practices and never miss a game. I am also a coach in a different sport so I understand what it is like to be on the other end.

The problem is that anytime someone mentions a coach on these boards, his cousin or wife or kid or asst. coach or relative gets on here on rants about it is ONLY the players fault. We can agree to disagree about this all day. I have made boneheaded decisions that cost my teams and took each smack down by a parent like a champ because I knew I was wrong.

Maybe just stop with the assumptions and try to have some good dialogue with many knowledgeable people on this board....it will reduce your risk for a heart attack and help with your high blood-pressure.