So i just lost my girlfriend...

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stroups's avatar
Posts: 3,223
Sep 9, 2010 9:43pm
Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Sep 9, 2010 9:43pm
karen lotz;477807 wrote:Whiskey lullaby is a good one for this situation as well.

ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Sep 9, 2010 9:46pm
I will say this, and perhaps add more later ... You may have "missed out on a lot" when you were with her (at your young age), but you will miss out on MUCH more if you sit on your ass and sulk. I'm not referring to "banging bitches." That way you are feeling right now, you can go out and have some pretty good fucking times with friends. You might shed some tears, but since you're so emotional, there is a good chance that you will laugh your fucking ass off a few times and have some pretty memorable moments with friends. Don't make your friends pay for what you are going through. They want to help you get your mind off of her... let them. You will be glad you did a few years down he road, regardless of what happens.
UA5straightin2008's avatar
Posts: 3,246
Sep 9, 2010 9:50pm
ernest_t_bass;477826 wrote:I will say this, and perhaps add more later ... You may have "missed out on a lot" when you were with her (at your young age), but you will miss out on MUCH more if you sit on your ass and sulk. I'm not referring to "banging bitches." That way you are feeling right now, you can go out and have some pretty good fucking times with friends. You might shed some tears, but since you're so emotional, there is a good chance that you will laugh your fucking ass off a few times and have some pretty memorable moments with friends. Don't make your friends pay for what you are going through. They want to help you get your mind off of her... let them. You will be glad you did a few years down he road, regardless of what happens.
thanks ETB, thats great advice
Scarlet_Buckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,264
Sep 9, 2010 9:50pm
UA5straightin2008;476958 wrote:..of 2.5 years. She said she has changed since weve been together and wants to know what she is like when she is single. Basically taking a break for a while so were not together so she can see if she really needs me. She just asked for her space while she figures things out. She says if its meant to be its meant to be and she'll be back once she realizes it... which is true i guess..It just hit me pretty hard because i really didnt see this coming and we have had ZERO problems in the past. I just dont know what to do, its been a really hard past 2 days...any thoughts?

This was pretty much what my ex said. She said she "changed." I think it basically means they want to "get some" elsewhere. Difference between your situation and mine, however, is you mentioned you guys had zero problems. Well, we had problems every week it seemed like.
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 9:51pm
Good point ernest. A group of our friends took our buddy out after it he became aware to the fact that she was a pretty big slut. I personally spent $150 at god damned Brothers in Columbus, buying all kinds of shots and drinks. One week later they were back together. A year and a half later she was sending me pics of herself naked and in lingerie. The moral of this story? If a girl sends you pics, post them in the "boobs" thread on OC.
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 9:52pm
and UA, I'm just being dumb and trying to lighten the mood. There has been some very good advice on this thread. Bottom line is don't sit at home and sulk, go out and live life. If it works out with your girl, it works out.
UA5straightin2008's avatar
Posts: 3,246
Sep 9, 2010 9:57pm
karen lotz;477844 wrote:and UA, I'm just being dumb and trying to lighten the mood. There has been some very good advice on this thread. Bottom line is don't sit at home and sulk, go out and live life. If it works out with your girl, it works out.

thanks man i agree, im hoping it works out but ik it may not, and no offense taken from the songs haha i thought it was funny
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Sep 9, 2010 9:59pm
I just had the girl from freshman year actually start talking to me today again after reading this thread earlier this morning lol...

They always come back..that you can be sure of. Creatures of habit.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Sep 9, 2010 10:17pm
karen lotz;477840 wrote:The moral of this story? If a girl sends you pics, post them in the "boobs" thread on OC.

Direct link? :D
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 10:20pm
ernest_t_bass;477893 wrote:Direct link? :D

Gimme a minute.
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Sep 9, 2010 10:21pm
karen lotz;477840 wrote:Good point ernest. A group of our friends took our buddy out after it he became aware to the fact that she was a pretty big slut. I personally spent $150 at god damned Brothers in Columbus, buying all kinds of shots and drinks. One week later they were back together. A year and a half later she was sending me pics of herself naked and in lingerie. The moral of this story? If a girl sends you pics, post them in the "boobs" thread on OC.

The moral of that story is you are a shitty friend! Those aren't getting just sent randomly to you!

But in reality you deserve the guys mom for spending that much money on him anyway. More power to ya.
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 10:24pm
CinciX12;477901 wrote:The moral of that story is you are a shitty friend! Those aren't getting just sent randomly to you!

But in reality you deserve the guys mom for spending that much money on him anyway. More power to ya.

Easy tiger. Forgot to mention that they had a HUGE falling out before I got the pics. He had already moved on to someone else and I don't believe they have spoken in over a year.
Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Sep 9, 2010 10:24pm
CinciX12;477901 wrote:The moral of that story is you are a shitty friend! Those aren't getting just sent randomly to you!

karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 10:26pm
ernest, I didn't feel like going through all of the boobs thread AGAIN so here you go.

tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Sep 9, 2010 10:27pm
hmm, nice. :D
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 10:27pm
Pick6;477909 wrote:BINGOOOO

Fuck him, he is the biggest douchenozzle I have encountered in my life. We had a sit down with him and told him about the 5 different guys his gf was banging and 2 weeks later he told us he believed her story over ours.
Posts: 2,963
Sep 9, 2010 10:35pm
sleeper;476968 wrote:She'll be back, they always come back.

Coming from you, this is hilarious.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Sep 9, 2010 10:35pm
My advice (along with what I added above). I've been there a few times. I used to be a guy that would fall hard, be in long relationships, and be crushed when they ended. Not anymore.

- Don't wait for her. Makes weeks seem like months. Think of something you want to do, and DO IT!

- Don't worry about what she is doing. She's doing it regardless of whether or not you worry about it.

- Looking to "bang bitches" isn't necessarily the right thing to do, but I'd be open for random sex, and plenty of it. Don't turn into a male whore for the purpose of filling her void. It then all becomes about her. Have random sex to fill the void of needing random sex.

- When she comes back, be wary. Why is she back? There is a good chance that the reason she is back is because she is comfortable with you. It's not necessarily that she wants to be with you, but she doesn't have those awkward moments with you. There is a difference in wanting comfort and wanting you. When I took my ex-fiance back, it was b/c she didn't want to take the time to go through the relationship crap, but she wanted that comfort that we provided each other. She (nor you) can have your cake and eat it to.

- Like someone else said... Don't quiz her on what she did while you were apart. Does it really matter? If she starts quizzing you, then you know it's because she is insecure, and she did some fooling around. She just wants to compare stories... but then hold it over your head. If she asks you what you did, just explain that it is not important to the advancement of your own relationship.

- Leave her alone. Seriously. Leave her alone. Don't call. Don't text. Don't email. Don't Facebook. Don't MySpace. Don't Xanga. Don't do the Twitter. When you are constantly contacting her, you are sending her the message that you need her. That is exactly what she wants.
... My ex finally came back to me (crawling) when she had heard that I was having parties at my house, living life. When I was contacting her, she wanted nothing to do with me... she didn't care. I was a nuisance. Well, when I was no longer there for her to hold me by a string, she started to worry. Stupid to go back to her, but I got a new golf bag and a set of irons out of it.

- Count your blessings... Truly evaluate the negatives and positives of: Her, her family, you with her, your family with her, her with your family, her with your friends. Evaluate EVERYTHING. I'm serious. When in these relationships, you often can't see the forest for the trees. You say things are great, but they are not. Is it something where you are truly meant to be together, or where you are truly better off without each other? My ex and I are truly better off without each other, but I wouldn't trade a single moment I had with her b/c it made me into the man I am today. I made me learn a lot about my life, etc. If it were not for my ex, I would have moved away and never met my wife and had two girls. I think you get the picture. Just EVALUATE friend.

- As stated above... Don't sulk. DON'T SULK! Most people will be sympathetic. Nearly none can empathize. They care... for about a week. They want you to get over it.

I think that's it. PM me if you want. I've been there. (Just like I'm sure most other chatterers have been as well).

Oh... Fab4Runner... I threw up in my mouth.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Sep 9, 2010 10:36pm
karen lotz;477911 wrote:ernest, I didn't feel like going through all of the boobs thread AGAIN so here you go.

I think I'd rather you PM me the naked ones! :D
Posts: 2,639
Sep 9, 2010 10:43pm
You need to bang chicks and pretend you don't want her.. ask if her if she wants to have a threesome with the chick you are bangin. she will get jealous and want you back.
Posts: 2,963
Sep 9, 2010 10:44pm
Tiernan;477181 wrote:She's already got an iron in the fire somewhere...maybe not banging the dude yet (OK she probably really is...but there is a small chance <very small> she's not) but I can almost guarantee this chick is "talking" to someone already. Chicks don't up and leave a relationship unless they have another one in the making, its simply not in their DNA. You wait a couple weeks UA and tell me if I ain't right, because part of their usual SOP is to "let you know" when they think they have landed the new prey.

Get back on the horse man as soon as you can. Do some really nasty chicks and definitely "let her know" before she drops the same bomb on you.

I agree with all of this except the last sentence.

My girlfriend through high school dumped me four days into college. We were the homecoming queen/football captain stereotypical couple everyone pretty much adored. First week at Bowling Green she bangs three different guys, this was after she told me she had slept around with her ex the last month of our relationship, so that makes it four I guess. She broke up with me because her friends were all sluts and wanted to enjoy college and coerced her into dumped me because I hate sluts and guys who disrespect/use women. Some sick fucks use girls and it makes me sick. But some girls want to be used, and it makes me sicker haha

I would advise you to take the high road, gather yourself, and not fuck everything you see. In an effort to "get over her" I fucked a friend of mine, who was like a 9.2/10 on my scale (hahah)....and scored a 35 on her ACT, is fluent in French, and goes to Loyola, basically the greatest girl imaginable haha and I hated it because I basically used her for the sex to get over my girlfriend. Since then I went cold turkey altogether. While I'm not advised that necessarily, I would just advise you to look at STD rates before you jump into the raging sex circuit.
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Sep 9, 2010 10:46pm
karen lotz;477911 wrote:ernest, I didn't feel like going through all of the boobs thread AGAIN so here you go.

Have you posted these before? I swear I've seen them somewhere.
Posts: 2,963
Sep 9, 2010 10:47pm
ernest_t_bass;477929 wrote:I think I'd rather you PM me the naked ones! :D

porn is one click away man, come on..
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Sep 9, 2010 10:48pm
ernest_t_bass;477929 wrote:I think I'd rather you PM me the naked ones! :D

I will save those for right before justin pulls the plug. I will go out in a blaze of glory.