Dr Winston O'Boogie

On Sep 7, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 NFL Season Thread" at 09:24 pm
posted by Ironman92

I have strong doubts of the Browns finishing last

To his point though, it’s all to do with how Watson does.  He gets hurt or he is mediocre and they have no chance.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 NCAA Football Thread" at 09:23 pm

Buckeyes look the part tonight.  No strong non-league game makes me really nervous though.  There’s only so much a game like Western Michigan can show you.

Still enjoying the beat down Michigan received.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:21 pm
posted by iclfan2

Your arguments are Gblock level right now. You can hate Trump and his family all you want, Ivanka and Jared are undisputedly intelligent. It’s very telling how you raise a child and Biden and Kamala both failed. 

I don’t hate Trump and his family.  Simply asked how nepotism reconciles with his merit argument.  Never mentioned, and don’t care about Kamala’s or Biden’s kids. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:00 pm
posted by iclfan2

At least his kids are intelligent. Kamala’s step kid has no idea of their gender, Biden’s kid is a crack head, and Walz daughter helped protestors escape the national guard after they torched that city. Good argument though. 

I never mentioned those other kids.  Would hope they weren’t employed in key roles either.  Trump’s merit, and drain the swamp seem contrary to Jared and Ivanka.  

However, if you say the two of them are smart, it’s got to be true.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:45 pm
posted by iclfan2

Jesus, you’ve fallen down the shit lib rabbit hole. 

How’s that?  Always wondered how he reconciled “drain the swamp” and employing his daughter and son-in-law, neither of whom had any relevant experience, in key administration posts, and thus making them filthy rich post-presidency.  Seems kind of contrary to the merit thing and stopping the swamp of DC  

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 07:03 pm
posted by geeblock


He said return with a straight face lol 

Work hard like Jared and Ivanka, and you will be rewarded.


Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 NCAA Football Thread" at 03:40 pm

Hate to say I’m happy to see Texas win - because of their fans.  But they are good.  So glad to see Michigan get woodshedded at home in front of their douche bag fans (more losers per capita than any stadium).  

Booger Eater left a fart in the elevator as he stepped out.  Going to be fun watching them get stomped this year.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 NCAA Football Thread" at 11:32 am

Is it possible for both Michigan and Texas to lose today?  I was hoping for that kind of outcome in the Georgia/Clemson game last weekend, but it didn’t work.  I’ll try again today.

On Sep 6, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Guns and Mass Shootings" at 12:26 pm
posted by iclfan2

I haven’t read everything yet, but how did he get an AR into the school? It’s not like you can conceal it. Also fuck that Dad. What a moron.

Very glad to see the dad charged with murder.  

On Sep 5, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:46 pm
posted by iclfan2

Yea I get that. And? Difference is I’m not a tard. Have advanced economic degree. Hence why I hate them, bc they’re stupid. Like I said earlier, single white women are the worst people on the planet. Which is why I kinda don’t hate abortion and the new trend of never kids. Please do. 

Man, you need to take it easy.  It’ll all be okay.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:58 pm
posted by iclfan2

I don’t like Trump. I vote party. Will never vote for a democrat. Ever. 

The people you loathe are the democrat versions of you - will never vote GOP no matter what.  You both cancel each other out.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Guns and Mass Shootings" at 08:02 pm
posted by jmog

I read online that there were complaints he threatened to shoot up the school last year and while it was investigated nothing was done…..not a good look.

When my middle son was suicidal for a year or so in HS we got told by the hospital we had to lock up all knives even butter knives in our safe….how did a kid get ahold of a gun when he was known to have threaten this before.  

My sons all good and thriving in life now at 21, just was a rough couple years. 

Your son had proper care and family support it sounds like.  Seems like a lot of these school shooters (admittedly I don’t know anything about this current one) show signs of problems for years and often get no help.  

On Sep 3, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 NCAA Football Thread" at 09:04 pm

Connor Stalions Netflix show seems kind of pathetic.  While I admire the guy’s lifelong dedication to UM football, it seems shallow and sad.  The guy went to the USNA for fuck’s sake.  So many amazing opportunities in the other side of that, and he found himself sucking ass to get a scoundrel job just so he could be “part of it” at UM.

The fact that he still feels loyalty toward UM after they completely threw him under the bus and made him the fall guy for an obvious scheme Booger Eatin’ Jim authorized is really sad.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 NCAA Football Thread" at 12:49 pm
posted by friendfromlowry

Brutal game. 

I thought DJ might get benched but the tight end had a couple of drops that killed their drives. Seems like the offensive line was constantly getting pushed back into his lap. 

Re: the offensive lineman who pushed the player (who flopped) on the 4th and 5 and turned it into 4th and 20….you can’t kick him off the team, but whatever is below that is fair game. 

Maybe he two hottest seats so far this year are in the state of Florida.  The only people that hated FSU losing to BC was the Georgia Tech fanbase.

On Sep 2, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Israel-Palestine" at 09:25 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Good correction. In 73, Kissinger was de facto President during that time as Nixin was consumed by Watergate. He arranged those support as Israel was caught off guard. 

I was more thinking 47 and 67. 

Nixon absolutely was involved as he saw it as a way to earn political goodwill during Watergate.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Israel-Palestine" at 08:36 pm
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Israel doesn't need the US to survive or thrive.  They did just fine without our weapons in 47, 67, and 73. 

That is false. Taking just 1973 as an example, read about Operation Nickel Grass.  Israel was out of ammo and ready to capitulate to the Arabs.  The US sent 150 fighter aircraft and hundreds of plane loads of military equipment, flown by US personnel at great risk and literally handed over to the Israelis thereby saving their nation from imminent defeat (likely only days away).  The resulting OPEC embargo led to our oil/gas crisis.

Israel would most certainly not exist without American subsistence.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Israel-Palestine" at 04:36 pm
posted by gut

I don't think that is 100% accurate.  But knowing that Hamas/Palestine don't want peace, wouldn't Israel be stupid to agree to the 2-state solution?

Why would Israel agree to any "peace" they can be 100% certain Hamas and Palestine won't abide by?

If you want to point a finger, point it at the side that's actually aiding and abetting TERRORISTS.

Also, to say "Israel does not want peace" is a bullshit and ignorant left wing talking point.  Why wouldn't they want peace, if it was a real offer?  They have their homes, and I'm sure would be more than happy to keep their homes and live in safety.  That's not acceptable to Palestine and Hamas.  So what you're claiming "Israel doesn't want" isn't actually an offer on the table for them to reject, anyway.

If you’re opposed by a military funded and supplied by the world’s sole superpower, fielding a traditional military opposition isn’t much of an option.  

I don’t say this about Israeli citizens on an individual basis, but I agree that Israel the country doesn’t want peace.  Fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, Syrians, Egyptians, and maybe someday Iranians is what gives the country its cause and reason for being.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 01:42 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

I didn't find anything other than rumors about the Eagles endorsing her. 

I can’t imagine an NFL team endorsing a political candidate under any circumstances  

On Sep 1, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Israel-Palestine" at 09:12 pm
posted by majorspark

People get forced from their homes and thrive.  The Jews being one of them.  Promotes a lot of jealousy around the world.  How about Taiwan?  They are happy if China just pisses off and leaves them be.  And without US funding Taiwan would not survive.   

Look at Singapore.  Occupied by many foreign powers.  A lot of people crammed into a small what was at times a shithole.  Tens of thousands of innocents died.  Yet today a great place.  Gaza could have been as well.  Difference is the government.

Most bad things have happened at one time in the history of mankind.  It doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t mean we have to be aparty to it.  We pay a steep, steep price for our unconditionally support of Israel.  There is no other ally that gets the amount of money and arms with virtually no scrutiny.  We pay for it over and over again.  And for what?

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Israel-Palestine" at 06:12 pm
posted by majorspark

What should be done with the Jewish problem?  Shall we pack our bags as well?  It’s the reality on the ground today.

Jews are thriving in the world - primarily in the USA where they are a huge and important part of our society.  There was no justification in forcing Israel onto the map.  And no, without US funding and support, Israel would never have survived.

Force people from their homes into a confined shithole…guys like Hamas happen.  There’s no mystery to it.  Sad for the hostages and sad for the TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent Gazans revenge murdered.



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