Dr Winston O'Boogie

On Jul 26, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "What was the last movie you watched?" at 11:18 am

Longlegs  5/10

Very promising premise.  Nicholas Cage is a good bad guy, although he hardly got screen time.  The film goes along very well for the first 3/4, then it's like the writer couldn't figure out how to conclude it.  The last 1/4 sucked.

On Jul 22, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 04:58 pm
posted by jmog

Thats a lot of words to hide the only important part.

You just agreed with me. I literally said it was out there but didn’t go viral and they weren’t talking about it constantly until the debate debacle. They needed a new “boogeyman”.

You could have come up with a shorter post that said “you’re right, it didn’t go viral until after the debate”.

Maybe a doctor could sum it up shorter?

You're insufferable in a special kind of way.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 04:56 pm
posted by jmog

Well, I will stop when ptown admits it was a stupid mistake and that Biden has been cognitively impaired this whole time.  

Everyone knows the point you've made - trust me.  I doubt you and ptown will ever see eye to eye.  Best to move on.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:29 pm
posted by gut

Vance is clearly also a sociopath, like many politicians.  It's especially repugnant when someone pretends to be humble and moral but does a complete 180 on Trump when it becomes politically expedient.

Also not a ton of respect for someone that runs for Senate and then leaves after just 2 years for higher office.  When you see someone rising that fast, and clearly orchestrated, they are not in it to serve the people but in it for themselves.

I agree with your assessment.  I've been reading a lot about Nixon lately.  He told a close advisor that he "lusted for power" - and that was after he was already president.  I'm not sure any other personality type would be attracted to this kind of stuff (i.e., non-narcissist or sociopathic).  Like the corporate c-suite, high-level politics so favors self serving people with no conscience.  I think you have to vote for what you judge to be the less harmful narcissist/sociopath, and that's really it.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:24 pm
posted by gut

I know who Vance is, just don't know much about his policies.

Let's just say they changed DRAMATICALLY when he ran for Senate.  

On Jul 20, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 02:05 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Earlier I watched some of Trump's speech at the RNC. I couldn't listen to the who meandering thing. Maybe he was on pain meds or something, but for me, he just wasn't interesting.

It’s like the Sermon on the Mount for the MAGAs and brutal stream of consciousness for everyone else.  

On Jul 19, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 08:06 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

So there is some reporting that amidst all the pressure being put on Biden to step down that he asked one of his advisors "can Kamala win?"

If that is true, I respect the hell out of it. That is something that should be on his mind. It would also negate all of the accusations of him being a complete self-centered egomaniac that all of the hard-line Dems have thrown at him.

I wouldn’t be sure ego doesn’t have a lot to do with it.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:22 pm
posted by Trueblue23

Had they not covered for his obvious mental decline, that would not have happened IMO.  


Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 10:02 am
posted by Trueblue23

So the Democratic Party is going to pressure the sitting President to exit the race, simply because he cannot win.

They will ignore the will of their people in the name of "protecting" democracy.  What a crock.

From what I read, the will of democratic voters is for him to drop out.

On Jul 18, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Will Biden be the Democrat candidate?" at 06:35 am

My vote is no, but I’m 50/50.  Pretty sad to see someone put their ego ahead of the good of the country.  His family and aides are responsible too.  But I don’t think he’s far enough gone to not fully understand the stakes and the reality.  

On Jul 16, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Cleveland Guardians Thread" at 08:10 pm
posted by Laley23

Make some damn moves. The pipeline was majorly restocked, trade your top prospects for some proven talent!

Agreed.  Need to move hard.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "MLB Season Thread 2024" at 08:07 pm
posted by Ironman92

Bet that wasn’t a fun “wake, piece together and recollect” this morning.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 08:04 pm
posted by Ironman92

If the biggest Trump guy in the world was also a big fan of say the Bengals and the best 5 lineman for the job of protecting Joe Burrow were 5 lesbian, transgendered women…they’d be all for those 5 women at the job 

Why can’t lesbians play defense?  Are you saying because they’re lesbians, they HAVE to play offense…even if their dream is to play defense?

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 12:31 pm
posted by iclfan2

Bc you keep repeating it, I assume you know when he referred to Hitler it was in a private Facebook message and he wasn’t calling him a literal dictator and anyone who voted for him fascists (I had to look it up). 

Besides thinking he was a hypocrite for his earlier views, his pick seems to make the right people mad on the left. Nice to see someone under 50. His book was decent.

There's a whole bevy of stuff he's said about Trump that is not of the "I disagree with his politics" variety and more of the "I hate him" variety.  Forgive me for being cynical of a politician dramatically changing his stripes when it so happens to considerably help his desire to get elected.  

I wasn't expecting Trump to pick anyone inspiring.  But Vance is about as swamp as it gets - willing to whore himself out to whoever is the influencer.  

I read Hillbilly Elegy.  I thought it was pretty good.  I remember him catching flack back then from the MAGA crowd for writing about white trash from an elitist perspective.  Now I'm preparing to hear the MAGA crowd praise the book as an eye-opening insight into the disaffected foundation of our country.+

On Jul 15, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 09:44 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Putting aside for a moment all the social media influencers and focussing on politicians - the people who have political power - hands down, the Dems own the violent rhetoric. From people In Congress telling their constituents to hunt down, confront and fight any opposition, to Hillary Clinton calling half the country deplorable, to Joe Biden calling Trump voters "MAGAts" , to almost every Dem in Congress and Senate calling Trump a fascist and/or Hitler, to vice president Harris parroting all of the above, to the same people saying that Trump was a threat to democracy. This has been going on for 8 years. All of it is verifiable.

You are a fraud.

Ok, you got it.  

By the way, add Trump’s VP to the list of people who’ve called him Hitler.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Cleveland Guardians Thread" at 07:45 pm

Crept into All-Star break on offensive fumes. Get the mojo back boys!

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 06:22 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

The violent rhetoric isn't even close to being equal. Not even a little bit. Did it happen from the right and left? Yes.

But it was never equal and we all know it. And anybody who tries presenting it as an equal thing is a fraud.

This is pretty much the exact thing I hear from every right winger AND every left winger in my life.  Both think the other is evil incarnate with many, many examples.  Alone, I disagree.  Together, I couldn’t agree more.

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "2024 Presidential Election Thread" at 05:08 pm
posted by iclfan2

Looks like Trump has picked Vance for VP. Was a “never trump” guy in 2016.

Called Trump and American Hitler I think.  That kinds of flies in the face of blaming the "other side" for angry rhetoric.

On Jul 14, 2024:

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 02:10 pm
posted by CenterBHSFan

Excuse me, but are you new here?

We are all dicks.

I know.  But jmog is so literal and is like a dog with a bone about p-town.  He thinks p-town is wrong for calling himself a moderate and he disagrees with his take on Biden’s senility.  WE GET IT. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie replied to "Shots fired at Trump rally" at 01:50 pm
posted by jmog

You sure? Are you a PhD in American Political Science? How could you possibly know? 

Kind of like we were all wrong about Biden bc we weren’t medical doctors right? Your take on that didn’t age well at all.

He’s making an opinion.  Don’t be a dick.



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